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Everything posted by edger

  1. I personally just feel like there's FAR MORE important, pressing, issues that warrent federal attention, rhetoric and resources in regards to enhancing our collective well-being, safety, and sustainability.
  2. I knew the cat would come back!! We've missed you Timmy! So glad you showed up on Friday... what a blast. Talk to you soon!
  3. This bitch's arm might be up for some twistin...
  4. The vote is tomorrow people!
  5. Wow... Just resurfacing now. Definitely one of the best nights I've had in a long, long time. Who says the "jamband scene" is stagnating?? I think not!! What a wicked little community we have... priceless. Thanks to burt and all of their guests for putting on such a great show. Couldn't stop dancing. So many highlights it really is difficult to narrow them down. The collective result was epic indeed. It had been a real long time since I've heard Serena sing... If you closed your eyes you would almost think you were listening to Stevie herself!! Waves, Whipping post... my oh my the axes were swinging full force!! Acadian Driftwood was such a fitting closer (pre-encore). Made me all warm and fuzzy... Jeff, way to hit those high notes! I know Todd was really feeling the love that night... He felt so fortunate and grateful for a chance to be up on stage with the Burt boys and participate in their special night. Thanks again guys on behalf of both of us!! And the after-party was the cherry of the night. Thanks to our awesome hosts. I just loved being in one home with all of you fine skanks... Rage on you lovely people! I wish we could've stayed longer, but come 6:00am the old boy was ready to hit the hay. Anyhow, it probably did my body some good to get "some" sleep (however marginal)... So when's the next big night? Do I hear a jambands FUNdraiser?
  6. Oh good call on both of those dirtybird
  7. That's just the way I like em baby...
  8. Yeah Willy, are you coming or not? I mean shit or get off the pot already..
  9. Yes. You've got a long day/night/day ahead of you...
  10. Looks like I'm hooked up with a Dingo too...
  11. I just realized... what a fitting moment to dedicate my 700th post!! (above)
  12. Today's the day folks... today is the dayyyyeah! Nice to know you're waging in on this Tonin. I was starting to wonder when I hadn't seen a post from you in a while. That just wouldn't have been right. I've been dancing in my sleep waiting for this one...
  13. Too bad Fat Cats and Jackfruit, and Jomomma weren't all on the same bill...
  14. livingstoned, I'll be getting a hold of you by PM or phone in the very near future (it takes me a while to get my act together)... now the Holiday Inn on Lombard is booked solid so I'm devising a plan B...
  15. South of Simcoe it just gets pertier and pertier... check it out! Many of our hometowns could learn a thing or two about community driven pursuits of sustainable land use/management. Check out the Backus Woods, Long Point, Big Creek Marsh, etc., etc (if you're into that sort of thing)
  16. Tomorrow indeed!! Willy check your PM... you should come! Maybe you could shack up with me and Todd?... now there's an incentive eh?
  17. In comparison to what??? Celebs have been getting their freak on for quite some time now... not to mention the rest of the split and runnin, alimony huntin, child "supporting", mistress seeking, litigating hungry rest of the north american population (with notable exceptions of course)...
  18. Nothing against republicans in general, but I have no guilt in saying that I personally do find Rumsfeld's demise extreme cause for celebration... Regardless of your politics I can't see too many reasonable people honestly wanting to be represented by, or affiliated with this man. Although I celebrate with extreme caution...
  19. Hey MarcO, by the way, you should market that "Fed-ex" idea... you could probably make a killing!
  20. Is it just me, or has the name of their second son changed? I thought it was Sutton Pierce or something like that. I could have sworn I heard the "entertainment news" media ranting about how both of her kids has the same initials.... Come on now, if I can't have faith that those sources are credible, what can I have faith in?
  21. I was really hoping to catch this, but with Burt on the Friday, and then a team baseball party on the Saturday, I think Sunday is going to have to be reserved for a day of rest. Will be a great show I"m sure. I saw them for my first and only time at Bonnaroo a couple of years ago, and they were great! Enjoy!
  22. Three more sleeps... better rest up, something tells me we won't be getting much rest come Friday and into Saturday. Small price to pay though...
  23. Thanks for a window into what sounds like a totally amazing (albeit crazy) sounding time. Sounds tempting for sure.... Glad to know you've returned to us in good hands. Way to represent!!
  24. Gary!! Big holler to the Yukon! Nice to hear from you... it gives me strange comfort to know that you're luking around this board... Hope all is well on your end of things. Any trips to the south in your midst any time soon? Love ya!
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