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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. you know who's to blame for that... that's right! Frank Stallone!
  2. holy crap! It's like a nufunk show or something!
  3. A friend of mine told me it was incredibly good.
  4. Just show up. That's what I'm doing. There's no way they're not going to let the poster boy for DBT and JD in!
  5. I think the only way to get in is to sign up at www.jdstudiono7.com
  6. Gonna try to get for the F'n Hamilton show.
  7. Too rich for my blood but I wish I was going.
  8. Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one.
  9. I was at the 8pm show too.. definitely a great sounding venue. I think Corb Lund is playing there in the next few weeks.. shit could get ugly at that one if I get let in. Great crowd, great sets.. I was really impressed.
  10. WOW! Incredible show. Went down with no tickets to a sold out show. Ended up front row getting to witness an intimate show with Joel Plaskett and Peter Elkas. 2 great sets of music. I was deeply moved. haha..
  11. Found that one out the hard way after taking a cab ride across Hamilton to the bar. Thank god I was drunk.
  12. My friend gets that next week. Definitely not an easy process! WAY TO GO!
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