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Everything posted by NewRider

  1. PHISH! JOY!!! WHAT AN INCREDIBLE ALBUM... how do I do the purple font?
  2. Who gets married twice in one year?!? You go girl!
  3. Starting to sound like prescription meds are more dangerous than others. I'm firing the team of doctors keeping me alive.
  4. I'm filing for spousal support CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  5. Some Great Reward, Music For The Masses and Violator for sure.
  6. Man, that guy was on stage for a while before they finally caught him! Classic!
  7. She used to be vegan... BWAA HAHAHAHAHAAA... This was taken before she rolled down a hill outside a strip bar in Guelph. Good times.
  8. I thought she was turning 31? Happy Birthday regardless ex-wife xo
  9. Greg from Blue Rodeo will probably show up. He usually does I think.
  10. NewRider

    Fruit Bats

    Good call on the Megafaun!
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