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Everything posted by Marcust99

  1. Apparently this whole board is going. Cool! I've never been to the venue. Can anyone who's local to the area recommend a good joint for some pre-show chow?
  2. Trey guitar rig geek stuff. This vid has both parts 1 and 2 together. Love how he creates that layered loop in part 2 beginning around the 7 min mark.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsVZzgdklpM
  3. My tickets from treytickets arrived yesterday. Too bad they're just generic LiveNation ticket stock :-0(
  4. (((Dick))) http://www.relix.com/features/2013/01/03/dick-latvala-and-the-story-of-the-grateful-dead-vault?1
  5. Marcust99


    Here's links for the webcasts... http://pastebin.com/EmRsWcSh
  6. Live stream of the show now.. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/dampkring01
  7. Webcast Torrent's and Youtube links: http://pastebin.com/EmRsWcSh
  8. For any of you audiophile types out there: Just ordered this. Only available in the UK and Germany. Great price though at < $20 delivered. Cheaper then the 3 CD set.. http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Rolling-Stones-Blu-Ray-Audio/dp/B009X1SZFO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1355934905&sr=8-1
  9. Second show baby! Bring it on! Maybe such a fast sellout will Make Coran Capshaw take notice and finally book a Molson Amp date for The Phish this summer...
  10. I knew this would sell out. And there were a couple of guys on here LOL'd me for posting about thinking it would sell out..
  11. Got 2 GA's. Looks like the pre-sale was done by like 10:04. Crazy!
  12. Now that Trey's going to finally cross the border, I'd say this makes for Toronto to have a pretty good shot at a Phish summer tour date(s) finally!
  13. Man Mick Taylor still shreds. Ronnie who? This is amazing:
  14. OK I was going to order this yesterday when I saw it was $104 instead of the usual $260. I looked this morning and it's $81 for some reason (not a Black Friday sale). This is a STEAL for this set, especially considering it's $184 on the US site... http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B002BSHXJA/ref=s9_simh_gw_p15_d0_i3?pf_rd_m=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1ZNC4NBWR0WN8PA3NCTW&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1375923922&pf_rd_i=915398
  15. Here's a video I shot at the Neil show last night: Apologies for the abrupt ending but the only security guy I saw all night saw me, and told me to stop since "videotaping is illegal". Ugh.
  16. Horse tore it UP last night in Kitchener. Los Lobos was excellent as usual. Bertha rocked! David Hidalgo is truly an unsung guitar hero. The guy is amazing. LL also came out for Neil's encore of Farmer John. It was rough and loose to say the least, but a lot of fun. Love the Kitchener AUD. Chillest venue around! We pulled right up to the rink's parking lot at 6:30 and parked right beside the buses. You'd be hard pressed to see there was a Neil show going on. The room is very small and the security was chill. Great night.
  17. And there's more... http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/culture/2012/11/nicks-picks-paumgarten-picks-his-thirteen-favorite-live-grateful-dead-recordings.html
  18. http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/music/article/1290251--neil-young-and-crazy-horse-put-on-a-raw-and-rancorous-throwdown-at
  19. Have had the Zep BR on this morning as I'm working from home today. Surprised at how good it is. Band sounds REALLY tight and confident. Especially Page. Doesn't seem like a one off at all. Man these guys would clean up if Plant finally relented and agreed to tour. Definitely a worthy addition to any Zep fans collection.
  20. Nice videos Kev. REALLY stoked for tonight now..
  21. What were the set times last night at the ACC? http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/neil-young/2012/air-canada-centre-toronto-on-canada-6bdaeac6.html Lookling good for a Cortez tonight!
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