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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. But still lenses and video/film lenses are much much different... You will not get the same quality shooting with still lenses... a combination of the lack of full frame, the parallax shift, and general quality...
  2. Boiler-rat... check out the panasonic HPX... you won't be dissapointed!
  3. Umm... I don't think it's done yet...
  4. I shoot on the D300 and love it. My biggest suggestion to you though would be to not blow your wad on the body... your body is not going to make your pictures look better or not, as it does not matter how many mega-pixels you have if you are shooting through a pint glass. Make sure you get a good lens, the nikor 18-200 VR is a great lens (it was my first lens), but you are slightly limited by the fstop, as you can only go to 5.4 at a focal length of 200. The easiest way to pick your camera in my opinion is to decide what camp you want to belong to, Nikon, Canon, or other. If you seriously get into the photography you will more than likely be dropping lots of money over the years on accessories and lenses, and you'll want to keep everything interchangeable. Also you can find lenses that will be just a tad bit more expensive, but will work with both a 1/8 inch chip and a full frame camera. Henreys downtown store in Toronto has a very large selection of used bodies and lenses, so that might be a great place to look as well. At the end of the day what makes your photo's great is your eye as an artist... if you can see as a photographer your stuff will look great no matter what you shoot on... just might not be as "crisp". If you have any other questions send me a pm in regards to the d90 and the other still camera's offering video recording options, keep in mind that there are many issues in regards to filming with a dslr, I won't get into that whole arguement, but just view the video mode as an added bonus, not a reason to buy a specific camera. Great review of the D90 for you http://www.wired.com/reviews/product/nikon_d90
  5. NewRider... all about the bro's today eh?
  6. Well I meant Emotional as in "Emo" wah wah wah
  7. Shouldn't that read...need cash for a ticket?! I miss you bro... LOL! I miss you too! I love you man forum please...
  8. Avette brothers are great... emotional bluegrass... Hopefully will have time (and coin) to make it out to this one, thanks for reminding me!
  9. The article discusses the western musical aesthetic... our notion of good music... is derived from harmony and melody... and how electronic music goes beyond this.. experimenting with rhythm and timbre instead Also compares the use of glitch to the use of the record scratch... macro / micro cosm
  10. The chord on the ttc will only ring once... unfortunately
  11. Velvet... still some tickets available if you really want to go!
  12. Hmm... I'll have to call the venue then.. did not receive my tickets
  13. Has anyone received their tickets for this show yet? Excited???
  14. I always love to pull the chord and hear the bell go DING
  15. Fuck 'em. I started reading the article until it got all 2nd year communications class on me. If you got just a little bit further it gets really good I promise... starts talking about Disco!
  16. "We want to show the opposing and 'Correct' view" AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
  17. Is she expecting you to go to hell while she is still on the bus??? Where would she end up?
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