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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. Well hopefully the music will be less angry
  2. if you've never caught Ms. Jones and the Dap Kings I suggest you prioritize this show. they are awesome. Prioritized!
  3. I've personally only been to the guv once and enjoyed it. This was when my friends all had the VIP booth next to the DJ. I'm pretty cool like that. But I can easily see why Jay could be deterred enough by a venue to co0mpletely ignore a show, I was in the exact same boat. This was even further perpetuated by the other weeks cut-copy show at Circa. Unfortunately even the best acts can be destroyed by a venue with shitty patrons. To the guvs defense though, and despite it's sketchyness, you do not get the elbow throwing assholes that ruined the cut-copy show. Truth be told the biggest thing stopping me from going was the cost, but I've sent jay's buddy an email to inquire what the reduced cover was... perhaps it will be low enough for me to get my post sedar groove on!
  4. Rumor is that phish is playing...
  5. Stop reading emails from moe and enjoy asia you bum!
  6. I fell asleep and slept through the show... FACK
  7. To tell you the truth I wasn't blown away... Almost found like they were dragging the joke out a few beats too many.
  8. I can't believe ANYONE likes cully... watch a sketch bag!
  9. I stopped watching it after the musical... officially jumped the shark for me then
  10. Thanks for all the advice guys! If it all works out well, my girlfriend will get the job in texas, and I'll have a free place to crash there for 6 month's!
  11. Damn these mountain jam guys.. here I was perfectly content not going, and then they make it better... they tempt me.
  12. Dear Penthouse... I never thought it would happen to me but...
  13. I highly highly highly highly recommend Shout Out Out Out Out Their last show absolutely blew me away.
  14. Some more resources http://iv.cs.uni-bonn.de/wg/cs/applications/containing-conficker/ Has info on checking your registry to find it, and some nifty tools!
  15. Beastie Boys / Girl Talk would be alot of fun!
  16. Wow... I am a tool I opened this window, took a phone call, then bought the ticket from tickets.com prior to reading the potential extra Go Team ME!
  17. Hahah... I like the way you think
  18. I'm hopping on my private leer right now!
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