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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. Anyone going? I am interested by rideless...
  2. Do to popular demand the title of this thread has been changed... heathens...
  3. I once told the lead singer of Nickleback I was not fond of his music but thought he was amazing at marketing it at a bar in toronto once.
  4. It's actually for my Girlfriend... who doesn't smoke all that much... but does once in a while (unfortunate side effect of hanging out with me. For a chemical plant in texas. I think she's just going to swear off the juice. I think she has long enough until the test to not worry.
  5. Promotion video for The Subliminal Kid. Photographer: Ruben Broman / Music: The Subliminal Kid. Live jam with Macbeth M5N, Roland tr-909, Roland System 100 Seq, Roland RE-301 & Boss DC-2 Shot with Panasonic HVX200, Sgpro 35 adapter and Zuiko 55mm f1.2@1.2
  6. Where are these stats from? I checked erowid and got much different results
  7. If one were to partake in the active consumption of cannabis... what would be the best way to prep for a drug test. Interested in advice from those whom have been tested and passed. EDIT: Also interested in the dangers of second hand smoke, in regards to testing positive.
  8. Ok I'm going jeeze... am I cool now?
  9. Hey... don't miss quote me missy... who do you think you are?
  10. Just found out about this show... and it's sold out! Oh No! Anyone have an extra?
  11. I already have my lawns from the lottery, was just trying to upgrade. HAHA Was just intense what happened. Did it all perfectly, at one second after 12 (on an atomic clock). Got an error message, and then forwarded to some waiting room screen. Couldn't access the on sale page for a couple minutes, long enough for everything but lawn to be gone.
  12. Same campground as JarR as well... buddy booked there too. Price was right
  13. I'm going... it's official... well, as official as I can make it in march!
  14. Followed your lead... booked as well!
  15. Wow... this is horrid. Kev, my thoughts are with you, and I'm hoping for the best.
  16. 2 Lawns... Now to find a place to stay...
  17. I think he meant two for one the other way around
  18. Two of my buddies have 3 of the nights... and might be looking to get rid of the Fridays to help make it happen... What were you saying about pancakes and gummers?
  19. Just got the confirmation... 2 Darien Lake Lawns Where do I camp?
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