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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. I do private change consulting. Reasonable rates, both day and half-day. Able to extend hours to whatever necessary to actualize the change you are looking for. Only work with one client at a time... to make sure that your change is the most important!
  2. http://www.archive.org/details/thedead2009-04-14 Link to the archive site, in case anyone wants to download the show. Just finished the cassidy... it's tight!
  3. I got a camp site at a place called Sleepy Hollow... might still be spots available. I've been warned to stay away from the parks camping, as well as national parks
  4. No Dice on tickets for me... probably for the best.
  5. I somewhat enjoy the setlist... unfortunately the thing I enjoy about it the most is that it isn't buffalo's set list :S
  6. Finally got to watching the video... what a useless shmoe...
  7. Does she say "Peace motherfuckers" after don't smoke weed?
  8. I just can't bring myself to type in those words anymore... sigh
  9. I completely stopped reading aint it cool news. Instead I frequent www.slashfilm.com I find it is the most fair film blog out their right now. use to frequent cinematical, until they were bought out by AOL and got that shitty design change
  10. I had wood a while ago... but I wouldn't take That fat bastard harry's word for it... I gave up on his reviews YEARS ago
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