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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Leaf fans are idiots. Look at POG. I mean, honestly. Just look at him.
  2. Does anyone in the league have a collection of worse masks than Carey Price? Hooooooly fuuuuuck
  3. #4 - Basher would have you believe that he acted through highschool but anyone paying attention can see he is still acting today.
  4. Let the record show it was from a terrible Chinese food place, which is why I strayed from the 'traditional' menu and ended up with the Captain Highliner special.....which was likely better than the Chinese food you and the Wackamole ate.
  5. Looks like we got ourselves a winner. That was, obviously, one of my favorite Days Of You shows.
  6. I liked you better when you lived on Mooney's Bay beach in a tent.
  7. Oh yeah, they are also playing a Halloween gig the day before Halloween. Saturday, October 30 at 9:00pm - October 31 at 1:00am Location: T.S.T's Launch Pad 46 Hyde av Toronto please bring your own refreshments / treats (there's a private smoking lounge out back) this is an all ages event T.S.T's Launch Pad is not a club or bar this is a recording studio and our home please feel free to come on out kick off your shoes and have a great time! just remember that we live here see ya'll soon Peace and Love Katie & T.S.T.
  8. It's definitely real. So Patchoulia, you going out tonight? You are dressed for it so you might as well get two birds stoned at one.
  9. The rids are outstanding? My work here is done. Thank you.
  10. Dont feel bad for the Punk guys:
  11. Fact: Foolish Chicken = overrated by bouche
  12. LATENDRESSE SCORES!!!! Oh. Wait a minute...........
  13. That.Was.Fucking.Awesome!
  14. Aside from Guigs, how can any of you not be cheering for Halladay right now?
  15. I hope they start Price, flu or not. Is this really what it's come down to? Wow.
  16. Are you also hearing them in Tampa? Or am I a noob?
  17. Schwa is better than both of them.
  18. Your guilt trip will not work on me. It's your fault you are going there, not mine. This little spreadsheet of yours will not save you from the wraths that await.
  19. This is what you fucking have been doing instead of paying up? FYL pal.
  20. Question: Can I wear the Scream mask while I do her from behind?
  21. Yes. I agree. There is also a different issue at play here because it is pre-season. Up to this hit, it was free-wheeling hockey. No one was touching no one because it was the Islanders 'we probably couldnt beat the Peterborough Petes' squad. The difference in skating alone was mindboggling. But I digress. Cammy should never have reacted that way. Thank God he didnt Bobby Clarke the guy and tear his ankle to shreds. Good ole skates today.
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