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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I hate Leaf fans almost as much as I hate post-2000 Phish fans.
  2. Solid victory. Carey is looking good Sloth.
  3. Order in the next 10 minutes and get "Bury this meatstick ::points at crotch::" as a bonus.
  4. Benevento Friday > Rogers Waters Sunday > Steve Earle Tuesday. I could totally get used to this stay-at-home dad thing.
  5. If you like Meatstick you suck at Phish and that's all there is to it.
  6. Get off the drugs for more reasons than the fact they did not open the 2nd set with Meatstick in Rochester 99.
  7. That just tells me how little you have watched of the Jacques Martin era.
  8. You must be fucking joking buddy. The energy in that room was completely snuffed out. It was horrible and ruined the second set. A little less salt in the gravy that night.
  9. Whothefuck would call for a Meatstick? Seriously. That song blows. I hated the Meatstick sign in Rochester 99 that brought it out in the middle of Mike's. Auuuuugh......terrible.
  10. Woulnd't you be? In his position? The premise was cool while terribly excuted.
  11. I fuckinglove Carini and I know Harpua. Fire it to me.
  12. Badams deserves a week-long ban for that topic header.
  13. My ad has had plenty of action today. You people are fuckingsick.
  14. Fans of Les Brahs are going to be voting for the three stars each game. Idiots.
  15. Martin on Markov: No date for return but by end of October.
  16. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Seem to know an awful lot about your team 5 days in for some league you dont give a flying fuck about.
  17. Booche

    NFL 2010

    Yes Punk, you are correct. I am pleased, almost as pleased as seeing this: Vandelay Industries - 21.95 pts
  18. That's how I saw it as well Hal.
  19. Your first mistake was smoking that bong right after you awoke from your nap.
  20. That Scotiabank ad on the glass is brooootal.
  21. I'll tell you who I wish was on Les Brahs. Jeff Skinner. Really impressed with his play that past 2 games.
  22. You're right, I should have provided a picture but to answer your questions...........no.
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