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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I really dont know what they should do. But I know what I am going to do! ::heads to get blazed::
  2. MrBigTime can get you those as well and I am willing to bet you will throw in a couple of brooms from China for cheap.
  3. Your diversionary attempts wont fool anyone Dingbat.
  4. A couple of folks here, see that? Someone who actually backs their word when they lose a bet. You know who you are. Way to go C-towns. Way.To.Go. A guy you can actually trust.
  5. Similar thing happened against Pitt last series. Whatever though, I totally blame the Punk's last post. He ruined Cunt-towns reverse jinx and thanks to that, PK Subban had his worst game as a Hab. He was blooming awful out there.....MA Bergeron bad.
  6. Feel free to name a better one that doesnt involve Glenn Anderson and Wendel Clark but this is incredibly awesome. I might have to become an NBA fan again.
  7. Should be a good one tonight with a couple of Irish boys taking care of the penalties. Bill McCreary, Dan O'Rourke I reallyfucking wish the NHL would leave one officiating crew to do an entire series. That way the players learn quickly what they can and cant get away with.
  8. I dont drink coffee but my kid apparently enjoys it from time to time.
  9. ::shakes head for the second time this week:: I guess on the bright side you have finally heard it and yes, I am fuckingold. But how does Exile get through the cracks for a fan of music? Roller trust me. You gotta grab the other Mick Taylor Stones albums from that period. I'm not going to tell you what they are. Do some research first (admit it, it's always more fun that way). In my opinion it was their greatest era. Actually, I am quite confident a strong majority on this board would agree with that statement.
  10. If my wife starts calling some of you folks in August and is asking where I am, tell her I am on Burtter.
  12. That was a great game and one monumental collapse. Before the game I was hoping for a Flyers matchup for Les Brahs but after that I wish it was the Meltdown Bruins they were facing.
  13. Really? Lots? I see one jerseyed guy standing there, watching. Whatever though. I am still shakingly mad at Roller's idiocy.
  14. Send fucking Roller back to whatever bullshit country his fuckingracistfamily came from.
  15. That is easily the most ridiculous thing I have ever read on this board. Way to go Champ.
  16. hahaha comment from cbc.ca: Dear Gary Bettman, We have arranged for the Crosby-Ovechkin rematch you wanted with a slightly revised format. Tee-off time is Friday at 11AM. Sincerely, The Montreal Canadiens
  17. He's a semi-regular poster on here who happens to play keys with the Trews right now. If you have ever seen Burt Neilson Band then you have seen him play. Great voice for harmonies and lead, fantastic fingers and a wicked arsenal of sound. He's the player you are looking when you consider his background (loves his Phish too) but he is a pretty pretty pretty pretty busy guy I believe. Someone PM him this thread!
  18. Hahaa. I was just coming in to say that for me the TSN Turning Point was Halak's left pad on Malkin. If that goes in, it's a waaaaay different finish. Way to go Philly! Les Brahs were desperate for that one to go 7. They need a big breather so this means Sunday at the earliest?
  19. Hopefully this provides some good luck, but here are some pics I took in MTL on Monday night. Should have sprung the 20 he was asking for: Gonna be tough for MrBigTime to win the Molson Cup tonight when Booche is in his house: Torch kid plus flags (love this pic, dont know how great it comes out small though): Flag waving madness during the tv timeout. It was fucking ROCKING in there. GO HABS GO!!!!
  20. Wow, I dont know how I missed this news. Just seen'er. This kind of shit needs to stay out of the courts and off the ice. It sets a bad precedent as far as I am concerned.
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