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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I hope your dad just rants about the Habs and doesnt even mention the wedding. "La maudit Koivu, hasti........" Just for you Roller because I know you will get some entertainment out of this: Getting back to Fischer, the Habs have been fucking horrible at drafting in the first round in the 2000's. No wonder they cleaned house of their scouts. Have any emerged as a front line talent? Komisarek has been the best. Granted, gotta give at least a couple of more years for a few of them (I am looking directly at you Carey Price) but that is pathetic. Fucking pathetic. I know I am a believer in the entire 'the draft is a crapshoot' mentality but come on!
  2. Meet you in Rockport to celebrate?
  3. He was probably swearing about having a useless son.
  4. Some fantastic hits throughout this game.
  5. I would slap your ass on this day. Many, many times.
  6. Any answer other than Priceline is a big fat fucking fail. Choose your stars Brad. Choose your stars.
  8. I heard Jaimoe was taken for quite the ride when someone told him to sign up for a hotmail account.
  9. Yes Jaimoe. Thats one BIG fucking revelation you have come up with. Mainstream tv sucks for the most part because its middle of the road. Wooooo. Love seeing how you are the only one who constantly goes on about watching great tv. Is there a thread where you havent mentioned Rome or Deadwood? Why dont you join the rest of us in present time and check out the best shows tele has to offer like Mad Men and Breaking Bad? And isnt this thread about Lost? And wtf am I doing in it? Fuckme. My Friday gears are starting to grind........
  10. There arent any. The Rangers held his rights but failed to sign him to a contract in the specified time. What more do you want?
  11. Roller disqualified himself by being a no-show. Game.Set.Match. Sloth Sloth's record against Roller has gotta be better than the Globetrotters record against Washington. Come to think of it, at least the Generals have won a game.
  12. Because fluffers for male porn keep their bottoms on. Way to go get'im.
  13. I bet he quits smoking, becomes a judgementally whiney pussyassed non-smoker and then takes up smoking again whenever he is on "vacation".
  14. With all due respect can-o-phish, I think Mendes is a complete hack. He's probably my most disrespected 'journalist'. His level of knowledge and understanding seems to be well below where it needs to be for a person to be in the spotlight as much as he is. The only lowering of the bar here are his articles.
  15. Umm, thanks for offering your opinion?
  16. I wont deny the quality of those 2 Red Rocks shows but come on. Join reality. If you were on that SAAB tour, Trey was definitely gay after 2 shows. "OH MY GOD, THEY ARE PLAYING LAST TUBE IN THE SECOND SET!" That's about as heady as it got.
  17. In 2001 the PLQ were taking names and kicking ass. I would have left Trey tour, caught a plane to the east coast and jumped on Phil tour.
  18. Duuuuuuuuh, obviously. I am just trying (in my own way) to tell people to shutthefuckup before they even start because I dont want to hear it. Not even from you. ::ignores users, especially Ollie::
  19. I better not hear that happens.
  20. Vinny to MTL for Price, Pleks, Bigtits and 2 first round draft picks (2010 and 2011) (B1)
  21. And I shouldnt have picked them last round. Boo to me. Here's my pick: Chicago in 6.
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