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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I wish we could go back in a crystal ball 24 hrs and see how Deuce would have reacted if it were Price traded for the same return.
  2. A hypothetical bet if you could read between the lines because it cant be validated. Stay with the program please. I aint sidestepping shit, I simply cant answer but if you think that's the best deal Gauthier could have done then good on you but please dont fucking call Jaro a 271st pick being traded for a 13th and a 3rd. That just shows how little you actually understand about the situation at hand when you try and qualify it like that.
  3. Red Fisher, who has been covering the Habs since 1954, has this to say
  4. I dont know what they should have gotten but I bet it is more than that had they timed it better. I also am willing to bet there are a couple of GM's out there who looked at this deal and thought afterwards "I would have given Gauthier more than that!" You can like the return on this deal all you want Deuce, I really dont fucking care.
  5. Maybe that is why some people are pissed off because the Habs should have waited rather than rush this deal. July 1st is right around the corner. Hmmmmmmmmmm, eh? Price now has leverage he didnt have before. The entire deal is retarded.
  6. If only you would pull your tongue out of Carey Price's ass for a moment, you might actually have noticed that Halak was the team's MVP last season. Do you think they would have made the playoffs without him? Hell no. You keep telling yourself this was a good trade but I'll tell you what. Gauthier may have not just traded away 1 goalie. He may have inadvertently traded away 2.
  7. Hmmmm, go with the guy who is friends with the Muller family or go with the guy who had this to say about both Hab goalies back in April: Tough call. Tough, tough call.
  8. Hahha, check this out Ollie. Gawain is facking PISSED at the trade. He's losing it on his Facebook page. "The Habs keep the that bag of shit Price and trade Halak. Unbelievable. Time to boycott all Molson products and find Gauthier/Gainey and hang them for treason or least burn their homes to the ground." "Somewhere Bob Gainey feels vindicated. His little Princess Price now becomes the number one. You thought this kind of stuff only happened in Atom hockey. Guess not. " "The GM Gauthier had a phone press conference. PHONE Press conference. That's how bad it is. You trade your star and hero to 8 million locals and you're too worried about being killed right there and then, that you call it in."
  9. Seriously, they just ripped the guts out of this team for nothing. And ya think the fans might turn on Carey quickly if his game doesnt dramatically improve? Unbelievable. I am stunned.
  10. I ordered a Kilkenny during the opening match.
  11. I stopped reading once I hit "Rickard's Red".
  12. Fair enough bud. My mistake. All apologies.
  13. WOW! Outstanding for the Swiss. That was a fun second half to watch.
  14. Ooooooooh I am totally a prick and it gets more when you are my friend but dont get yourself wrong here because I do know one thing. I've figured out your problem with Rio as captain. As a supporter of the English squad I would prefer they could start their best lineup possible, no matter what, and whoever they feel is the best choice for captain I would accept it. ::coughJohnTerrycough::
  15. They certainly did for Darien last year. I was pulling insanely good seats but couldnt find any takers. I keep checking a few times a day anyways, just to see if I can get an upgrade on my current seats.
  16. You're one of the best c-untztowns.
  17. I heard that those were also the last words of Andres Escobar.
  18. It is very telling Sloth. You are talking about the same fuckingidiot who is happy Rio was ruled out. Shiiiiiiiit. I gotta get off the nets before the next game starts. No mistakes!
  19. Did you watch the Germany game yesterday? Standing applause for that ref. You know what I would love to see? Some red cards for the blatant "You werent even touched" dives.
  20. Sure, it was only Australia but they have put on the most impressive display thus far. Never count out the Germans. MattyC doesnt have them getting out of the qualifying rounds. But even more importantly? The wife has had a consistent headache for the past two days. During the German game she finally figured it has to be those vuvuzelas. Maybe so. Maybe not.
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