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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Sadly, a part of me is glad the Habs are out because I have a dangerous amount of booze in my house. It really was an entertaining year though but there is alot of work to be done. Gauthier is either going to look like a champ or a chump pretty facking quickly. I think for the players they have, the D will be too old next season. There are a couple of holes on the top two lines that have to be dealt with if they want to have any success and then the entire Carey/Jaro thing combined with the salary cap situation. Not an easy summer for any GM. No time for looking back!
  2. Nice lasting memory there as a Hab Bergeron, you piece of fuckingshit. Worst.Icing.Of.The.Season. At the worst possible time. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. I'll have more to say tomorrow, that much I am sure. Lots of ups and downs this season, way more important ups but.......
  3. I gotta do this because I was doing it in the third. Props to Peter Laviolette.
  4. Les Brahs: Making Leighton look like a hall-of-famer since 2009-2010.
  5. Aaaaaaaaah. I had the boy going through bedtime routines and didnt even question what I had seen. I am assuming the call on the ice was a goal, so was there indisputable evidence in your mind?
  6. Woozle wAzzle? That SJ goal was called back? I saw it live, saw one replay......figured it was 1-0 but its still zeros.
  7. You mean Pretentiousfork. Fuckthat site. It's worse than the Foodeze Forum.
  8. Here's my answer NW, in lyrics that I just wrote (and I dont even have to fuckingsing): Pfft. This game is easy. There's just one thing left to be said. Say hello to heaven.
  9. So someone who wants to write some lyrics can steal lines from all kinds of other songs and mix them into a hodge podge of one I can call my own and you fucks will lap it up? Duly noted. ::heads to Google::
  10. My love for you is like truck, Berserker
  11. Do you think you are giving excuses on the Dominic Moore goal last night?
  12. Clearly, you dont know me at all. I wouldnt write that term paper during a post-season run like this if it was for a course I was taking, let alone for someone else. At most I would have done a RIGHT CLICK - SAVE on this page and handed it in. Whatever mark I would get would be the one I deserved.
  13. If you stopped writing term papers about the removal of foot calluses for your fiance, maybe you would get to watch more than 1 game a round.
  14. Your implication was all too clear. # 3 it is!
  15. First Star (I wouldnt have got this right last night had I guessed before they were announced):
  16. Wait wait wait wait wait? Does this mean I can get drunk tonight? Awesome. Happy bday to you and thanks!
  17. 1 - that video is blocked here at work 2 - i am willing to bet its from game 6 against Pittsburgh 3 - if 2 = right, it further shows Roller is a fuckingidiot and needs to join the rest of us in the Conference Final 4 - if 2 = right, the fistpump is FUCKING AWESOME!
  18. You are gonna shityerpants in there. Get inside early enough to enjoy the pre-game showcase. I think it starts 15 minutesish before the anthems.
  19. I dont recall having a Habbier bday than that one.
  20. Thanks bitches! Had a couple of pints at lunch. We never should have left. Bad mistake. This afternoon has stopped dead in its tracks. Boooooooooo. Beer goes in here ::points at gaping mouthhole::
  21. Those should be the greatest nickname jerseys of all-time. Should be The Fucking Tits and not fucking titsbros. Thanks for the entertainment earlier. Perfect bday afternoon stuff for me to read. You guys are awesome even when you dont mean to be.
  22. Les Brahs forced some serious pressure for an extended period of time and that's what you try to do. The Habs did it for their longest stretch these playoffs. Applause..... "Dont look at the scoreboard" The game was over when Jaro lost the third goal over his left shoulder but these Habs have guts abd if they arent dog-tired yet, which I dont believe they are, the East still has a way to go from what I can see. That's why I dont know what to do........
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