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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Stats? This cat doesnt need stats to prove he was the best athelete. Ever. Prime Time can go fuckhimself.
  2. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/arts/daniel-lanois-in-hospital-after-serious-accident/article1596368/
  3. That's just another retarded cut and paste Kev. If he was that, would Bettman really do these types of interviews with Ron? Would he really call up the Team 1200 (and others around the country) radio shows for interviews/lambast sessions? He wouldnt. He faces his critics and more often than not, schools them. A bunch of fucking uninformed folks who think they actually know the ins and outs of how the league operates try to trip up Bettman (he's a lawyer) on a weekly basis. They are becoming an embarrassment if you ask me because they arent really paying attention and obviously are working on the I Hate Gary Bettman agenda. What do people really think he is going to say about returning to southern Ontario? Its obvious what the owners want (and dont want in this scenario). The only thing that these interviewers have done is made it easy for Gary to appease the fans who want to see a return to Winnipeg and Quebec City. And lets remember a great point that Bettman brought up with Ron. We are coming out of the worst recession we have seen in our lives and the cap is going up this year. And just look at the television numbers in the US. Great job Gary. I applaud.
  4. I know he said he is not getting sucked into a debate but this reply, I gotta see.
  5. I know what I will be 'trying' to do on Saturday night.
  6. I know I have made fun of a few moves Burke has made since coming to Toronto but I gotta give him credit. There is no GM more entertaining than he is. Anyone else see him on OTR yesterday? Outstanding. He's certainly a man of his convictions.
  7. "The fans booed me, wah wah wah" What a fucking gongshow this team is. Fire Bryan Murray.
  8. One of my all-time favorites too and was at his best when I actually still cared about baseball.
  9. I'm with MrBigTime on this. It would be fuckingretarded if the Team B goal counted. What would be the point of instant replay?
  10. You are internet magic Hal!
  11. By the way, someone remind me to start growing a stache in September so I can go out at Bill McCreary for Halloween next year.
  12. The house horn wont work out for them this time and Hal doesnt get to go to bed......yet.
  13. Lesson # 34 in sports Never let an ump or a coach hear you say that you want to take his daughter (or granddaughter) to Poundtown.
  14. Oh yeah, and I loooooooved Bettmans veiled shot at that RIM dude. The whole "signing disclosure agreements" regarding the purchase of an NHL franchise.
  15. Ron framed a couple of his questions poorly and Bettman pummelled him for it. I love their tete-a-tetes but Ron. Ron, Ron, Ron, Ron. You did not bring your A-game to that one. The end said it all when McLean sheepishly apologized for the conversation being "confrontational" and Bettman replied "This wasnt confrontational" Ron. Ron, Ron, Ron, Ron............you could see the look of frustration on his lips for being so pwned on national tv.
  16. Even I watched that ugliness unravel. I blame Buck. I think it was at 5-nil he basically said that no lead is safe against Tampa. Well, either him or Pat said it.
  17. Booche


    I figured it reminded you of a girl you used to know.
  18. Game 2 of the NHL Stanley Cup Finals between the Chicago Blackhawks and Philadelphia Flyers earned record ratings for NBC Sports, officials said Tuesday. The league said the Monday night contest, which Chicago won 2-1 to take a 2-games-to-none lead in the championship series, earned the best overnight rating (4.1 rating and 7 share) for a Game 2 in records stretching back to 1975, NHL.com reported. That figure was a 21 percent improvement over the 3.4 rating garnered for Game 2 of last year's series between Detroit and Pittsburgh. NHL Chief Operating Officer John Collins said viewership peaked at a 4.7 rating and 8 share from 10:30-11 p.m., adding that the Chicago market delivered a 25.1/39 while Philadelphia earned an 18.5/29. "These historic viewership numbers are the result of compelling stories and great play on the ice, two markets on fire for their teams, terrific coverage by our North American television partners, and a season's worth of unprecedented fan engagement on multiple platforms across North America," Collins said.
  19. Awesome. Come on Roy jersey! Thanks Kev.
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