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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Says the guy who didnt watch the game.
  2. Hahhaa, cunt-towns is a whiney little bitch! "shitty game winning goal" "I didnt watch the game" "wah wah wah" Put in a fresh tampon buddy because you have obviously gotten a case of toxic shock.
  3. Dave Grohl aint singing. That's how you know this is a different breed to get used to.
  4. I called a couple of friends during intermission to discuss the speed of the period and the shite non-calls. Didnt realize SJ-DET were on in my 4 Grolsch state. I called you but you were out running errands, unless you had your wife lie to me. So you missed it too I'm guessing (because you would never get her to lie to me, right?). Way to be a champ, champ. Oh fucking lay.
  5. But that actually is a penalty Roller and one I hate (they gotta fix it this summer, it's total shit in hockey). The refs have to wait to see the broken stick before they make the call. I would have done the same thing if I were Cindy. That's just being smart.
  6. You know its really fucking bad when Don Cherry is on the side of Les Brahs regarding the non-calls.
  7. I just came in to post about the bullshit. That non-call on PK was ridiculous. How does Gill get a holding after that and then ANOTHER noncall on the Crosby trip? I usually keep refs thoughts out of the equation but that was a fucking joke.
  8. Holy shit, that's awesome Punk. I couldnt watch it earlier because worked blocked the video. Guessing that happened to more than just a couple of Hab Gov't workers in this thread. Check it out. Love that stick. My buddy has a game used Yvan Cournoyer. It amazes me how small it is, how straight it is and how tree-y it is.
  9. Maybe you'll actually see the Habs win a cup some day. Carry on as your were.
  10. Who said there werent stars before him? I'm the first guy who will admit that I am a product of marketing. Hell, I recall that Coke commercial (arguably the most famous one) featuring Mean Joe when I was around that kid's age and I figure those NFL bastards got their mitts into me right then and there. But Lawrence Taylor was a different beast. He was such a beast that I figure his last game before retirement was in On Any Given Sunday.
  11. And I am sure it goes double for Tungsten and Basher.
  12. Fuck, I loved that golden age of sports. Some of the greatest atheletes and game changers that we will ever see. Wayne and Mario in hockey Maradona in soccer LT in the NFL Jordan in the NBA It was such a wonderful time. I am sofucking old.
  13. Actually DaveO, I was thinking more along the lines of schemes and strategies that came into the game specifically because teams had to figure out a way to defend Lawrence Taylor. Haha, defend. Its so true though. Since Sloth brought up the Blind Side, I believe it's widely accepted that Lawrence Taylor was responsible for the rise in prominence of the left guard position (right handed qb protector) via Bill Walsh. He was murdering quarterbacks. I would also venture to guess that Lawrence Taylor also influenced the rise in the 3 or 5 step QB drops, the shotgun formation and probably linebacker blocking schemes on running plays. Fuck. All of it. Defenses changed because of him as well as offence. Never in my life of watching football has there been a single player who influenced the game as much. Like I said, you would need a historian as well as someone who really understood the x's and o's of the games to explain in the terms it deserves to be explained. Anyone got Bill Walsh's phone number? Hell, I will even accept Bill Parcell's.
  14. The best part of that album is that each member of the band could kick the shit out of any douchebag hipster loser they wanted to.
  15. To me, Taylor was the first defensive player who was so dominant that he was a star as much as players like Walter Payton were. He made defense as sexy as offense. Everything changed for me thanks to Lawrence but how much he changed the game was cataclysmic. I couldnt tell back then but it's all out there. Any historian of the game would be far more capable of explaining his influence than I am. When he was on the field, you couldnt take your eyes off him if you tried. He was everywhere. For those of you late-comers, think Ray Lewis in his prime but multiply it a hundred fold. A feeble comparison for hockey fans of this board would be Patrick Roy and how much he changed goaltending forever.
  16. I wish he would stay out of the news because he is ruining himself for me. I always have hated the Giants but couldnt help but watch them when he played. I know, I know. Innocent until proven guilty but none the less. Its hard to wipe the blackboard clean once headlines like this are written.
  17. This happened to me once. I peed on it and let that shit soak it up overnight. Came right off in the morning with a little soapy water and no smell because the pungency of the molasses masked it.
  18. Jesusfuck. If you are going to send out a PEI related story, at least make it topical.
  19. Roller, you should provide better context. Roy was saying he didnt know if he could bounce back from being benched in a game like Halak did in the Washington series. I think any Hab fan who (actually) watched his firey style would agree with him, no question.
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