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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Its so out of control in Toronto. Dion Of A New Era
  2. That Bill paxton one is awesome, well done. I've got a double one. Eric Stoltz (currently in Caprica but you might recall him as Lance in Pulp Fiction) and Anthony Edwards (currently on ER but you probably remember him as Goose in Top Gun) in Fast Times At Ridgemont High. And of course Sean Penn.......if you didnt know that, never talk to me again.
  3. I've had plenty of success with letting them 'cry it out'. That's how I have been able to maintain a relationship with Hux while you havent.
  4. From time to time, you have a unique way of making me hate Leaf fans a little bit less.
  5. Just gotta go to the Go Habs Go thread for that. It's pretty easy to find my displeasure with the Gionta contract.
  6. I'm fucking awesome and Leaf fans are idiots.
  7. And Schwa, my being a Raiders fan has helped me recognize when a GM (actually, an owner in the Raiders case) is making questionable moves that can tear a team to shreds.
  8. If you havent figured it out by now DATS, then there is no hope for you because its been spelled out. Have fun!
  9. If he doesnt trade Kaberle, then it's already built.
  10. Dont let that whole 'youngest team in the league' shit confuse you. MTL was right there not long ago but if you dont have blue chip prospects or if your prospects dont pan out it doesnt do you a whole lot of good, does it? I mean, what do the Leafs really have to build around? Kessel and Phaneuf? Please. Its not like they have their next 2 first round draft picks. If Phaneuf and Kessel dont pan out the Leafs are going to have major pains for years to come.
  11. Well, you didnt want to listen to me Whitey so I gave you a couple of other opinions. Speaking of which, Dion has a no trade clause that kicks in July 1st. This keeps getting better all the time!
  12. Maybe you dumbassLeafcunts will listen to Bob McKenzie.
  13. Dags was sent down as a conditioning stint so he was coming back no matter what and did you see Cammy's leg go into the baords? He's gotta be out at least 3-4 weeks with that thing but dont be surprised if its the rest of the year. That didnt look good.
  14. Jaimoe, you gotta get Quinlan to join Rich Stadium.
  15. Leaf fans are fuckingidiots. They thought the Komisarek signing was great.
  16. I vigorously shake mine for most ailments or I get drunk and turn my amp up to 11......sometimes both but you have to be careful shaking your baby when you are drunk or else you might drop him/her. I learned that one the hard way.
  17. Typical Leaf fan, cant think this one through. ::edit for poor skills on my part:: And with their next 2 first round picks going to the Bruins? Wow. Good luck with all of that.
  18. Here I was making fun of Burke but God love him.
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