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Everything posted by Booche

  1. It was Idol that wouldnt enable me to consistently watch the earlier portions but obviously those of us who were able to watch the end of the game know how to pick their battles better than others.
  2. Jebas, those goalies put it together at Madison Square Garden tonight. I only caught bitsandpieces throughout until near the end of the third and then watched the rest but that seemed liked the game on the year for combined tending.
  3. That's how the cookie crumbles. Burrows now has a bullseye on his chest from all other refs in the league. A 50-50 wil go against Burrows. Its the same thing in basketball. Michael Jordan got away with murder.
  4. This thread/movie should be used as a method for testing whether or not someone is on drugs.
  5. Wow, this Burrows thing could go nuclear.
  6. If somehow McGwire gets into the Hall and Pete Rose doesnt, I will push aside the MLB for good and be done with it.
  7. Joe: So, what can I do for you Peter? Peter: Well Joe, I need to talk to you about something kind of personal. Joe: Shoot. Peter: Well, you know, I took this test and, uh, it sorta turns out that I'm technically mentally retarded. And, um, i just wanted to ask, ya know, how do you deal with it? Joe: Deal with what? Peter: You know, with being retarded. Joe: Peter, I'm not retarded, I'm handicapped. Peter: Oh, well now your just splitting hairs.
  8. You only tank a pool when its already been compromised.
  9. God bless you Sean. You're the best!
  10. Happy bday! If I had available cash, I would buy you a guitar pedal. Which one dont you have?
  11. What talent did you see? I saw shit for the past couple of years. A guy who skated like he was on sand, stone hands that couldnt receive a pass nor have any sort of accuracy with his shot. The only thing he had in the offensive end was his once-a-game wrap around attempt. And he never could see the angles to hit players, let alone catch them to hit them. He was maddening in MTL. I suspect this is an anomaly but we'll see what the future holds because he is still young. ::prays this doesnt turn into another John Leclaire situation::
  12. It's so much more than that. Open your eyes.
  13. That game was insane, even Douglas was getting into it at the end. I think there were only 2 punts?
  14. Booche

    dog farts

    Barrett, you shut your mouth. And that goes for the rest of you. I think Myrna is trying to give me a heart attack.
  15. Ryan Miller on playing the Leafs last night:
  16. I love a good Basher beatdown as much as the next guy but in this case I commend him because he has been a part of a season-ticket holder group since the Raptors were formed.
  17. Clearly you havent listen to the Soft Machine. That sounds like a drunken karoake butcherfest.
  18. Welcome back Pascal! I'm telling you Dinghy, the price for Brian Elliott just keeps going up and up and up.........
  19. Jaro, Jaro Jaro Jaro.................Jaro, Jaro........
  20. Pour the rest of your beer down the sink and go to bed.
  21. Perhaps you should have read this thread before you stared shooting bullshit offers to me. I already have a Vanek.
  22. I still have no idea what comments you are talking about but I have said my peace/pieces.
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