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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Vesa Toskala walks into an ice cream parlor. With some discomfort, he slides onto a stool and orders a sundae. The waitress asks, "Crushed nuts?" He replies, "No, bad knees."
  2. For the record Health Canada announced the vaccine was ready on October 21st. Gotta admit, this level of preparedness is rather impressive for something of such a scale. Hats off to you sirs.
  3. I'm getting the flu shot because I aint wasting my hard-earned sick days on the flu. I save them for Whiskey Weekdays. In fact, I am getting both shots this year. The H1N1 and the seasonal flu shot. Fuckyouflu's. Cheers.
  4. Even though he sat for a good chunk of the third because it was his first game back, I really hope The Mtl Metro gets the number one star tonight. Great stuff tonight, although Jaro should have had a shutout if not for that total brain fart.
  5. Liltits back with Hamilton, Halak with the start against the Islanders. Everything's coming up Milhouse.
  6. Forgive my ignorance but Derek Trucks is coming to Ottawa??? And for the record, the Kruger Bros is totally worth 30 bucks if any of you are wondering. Highly entertaining.
  7. ::waits for inevitable scalper topic to arise::
  8. Suspect how? And I'ld sooner see Les Brahs capitalize on the powerplay. That's getting fuckingfrustrating.
  9. Jaro, you played a fantastic game and enabled those points tonight but holy fack......Ondrej Pavelec.
  10. I cant believe some of the penalties I have seen called against Gill this season. Just brutal jobs to these eyes. That last one was a joke.
  11. What is this? Les Brahs wit ha lead?? By the way, who in thefuck is we you dweebs?
  12. ::falls off chair:: I certainly didnt expect to read that from you when I clicked on this thread.
  13. Ask Hal Gill how he feels about that. Anyways, there is a light at the end of the tunnel: The 2009-2010 Habs Drinking Game! How you play is simple. Have a glass with a mixed drink or a beer ready [with spares on the way when you run out] as well as a shot glass with hard liquor for the "Take a shot" category" Prior to the game you need to choose whether you're Optimistic or Pessimistic. This will matter later, in the "Take a Shot" section Feel free to come up with your own! I'll add them if you comment. Sip: - Neutral zone turnover - Commentators mention the size of Gionta, Cammelleri, Gomez or Gill, or the speed (or lack thereof) of those players. - Bad pun involving Carey Price's last name - Commentators make some form of sentiment towards Markov's absence - Fans boo a player on the habs - OLEEE! (with Montreal leading) - Failed Montreal powerplay attempt - Spacek shoots wide - Laraque fight - Bob Cole makes an obvious error - Mispronounced names by commentators. Bonus sip if it's an obviously english-rooted name (or Gomez). -Offensive zone faceoff win for either team. - Former habs legend involved in puck-drop - Gorges Laraque on the ice with five minutes left in the game with Montreal trailing by one. Sip for every separate shift he takes. Two sips - Carey Price beaten glove-side. Take a bonus sip if it's off of a complete failure of defensive coverage - Ceremonial faceoff taken by someone on Montreal who's last name doesn't begin with a G and isn't Michael Cammalleri. - Commentators mention the size of Ryan Obyrne - Kovalev or Koivu mentioned - OLEEE! (with Montreal trailing) - Any fight not featuring Laraque - A potential goal for either side is sent upstairs to be reviewed (This is added to any additional drinking the goal or non-goal induces, see below) Pour and down a shot - Montreal scores on the powerplay -If you chose Optimism at the beginning of the game, an even strength or shorthanded Montreal goal. If pessimistic, any goal scored by the opponent. Apply the Carey Price gloveside two or three sips if necessary. - Any predominantly third or fourth line player scores (Metropolit, Moen, D'ags, Chipchura, Moen,Laraque [see also 'chug beverage'], Paciorretti, Stewart, Latendresse, Lapierre) - Hal Gill scores - Montreal Loss Chug your beverage - Latendresse directly in front of the net - Gorges Laraque getting a point - Montreal Win - Montreal Loss if you're not drinking a Molson beverage. - A goal for either side is disallowed BONUS DIVISIONAL RIVAL DRINKS These are to be used when we face our divisional rivals Leafs Sip - Komisarek penalty - Commentators mention "1967", Grabovski or Komisarek's leaving the habs, - You can read something on Ron Wilson's cheat sheet - Orr or Rosehill fight Two Sips - Any mention of the Courtnall / Kordic trade - Jim Hughston acts condescending towards a fight Boston Sip: - Any time you wish you could see Komisarek get punched by Lucic one more time Two Sips: - Marc Savard chooses to shoot instead of pass Ottawa: Sip: - Any Montreal fan reaction to Kovalev Buffalo - Sip for every Leafs jersey you see in the stands.
  14. Cinci GB Balt NO Pitt Car Wash Jack Sea Phi NE Jets Atl Den 39 Edit to add: I have no idea why I am surprised to see so many of us taking Denver.
  15. Someone on PT had me howling yesterday when he/she suggested the balloon was heading to California to take it off the map.
  16. I have no real complaints. You can see things coming together which is fantastic. Obviously these last 2 games are the type you dont want to let points slip away but things are looking up even though their record wouldnt indicate that. Then again, the last time I said the same thing about one of my favorite teams they completely fell apart and seemingly hit rock bottom again.
  17. ........HO HO HO HO HO............. Bigtits with a WICKED play behind Anderson to set up Pleks and tie the game. Awesome stuff.
  18. ......and he's come out playing great...... Why cant he always play this smart/hard?
  19. French media starts blasting Bigtits thanks to the 'Je suis' introductions in 3.........2.......1.......
  20. That bone was in my mouth before it was in my hand.
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