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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Whatever you say Jaydawg. I'll keep calling it if I keep seeing it. Hype machine'd.
  2. Umm, no you dont which is why I gave you the "phony balony". Plenty of times you simply say you heard something and that its going to be big or something along those lines. Phish or no Phish. Factual? Nope. Pretentious? Guaranteed.
  3. Nope. If they decide to blow-it-up and go younger to build around the premise of Price's impending greatness I am all for it because lets be realistic. This team is not going to win the Stanley Cup as things stand, not without a heckuvalotof luck and sans injuries. But maybe they have their eyes focused on a couple of free agents? We'll soon see.
  4. [hippie joke]Dont you mean 4:20?[/hippie joke] Get ready to dance/throw down, spark a fattie instead, end up loving one another.............. it's a vicious circle I just threw away all my integrity.
  5. Just like your phony balony "I know something none of you do, its legendary and I cant tell you" schtick you continually play? Take it to the other side of the school yard. How's that for constructive criticism?
  6. Aside from your integrity.
  7. Whatever it was made sense to me at 3am on Saturday morning because I no longer get it either.
  8. Great memory Basher. Wicked bumpski. ::applauds::
  9. Maybe, just maybe, if I ignore them they might go away. One has to start somewhere. I mean, the last thing I would want to do is fuel their fire and laugh at their 'performances'.
  10. Did you just try and imply that the Westboro Baptist Mutherfuggers are performing artists? Wow. Oh wait, maybe you are a performing artist right now. Yes. [color:purple]I am bellying over in laughter.
  11. I have to agree, which is probably why Division Street hoagies are better. They've hired their fair share of ex-cons.
  12. If you are still breathing then Happy Belated.
  13. Sorry that you have fallen for the TSN hype machine. Think for yourself because you only get one shot at life son. NFL teams can draft ready-made players who can step in right away. After the first few picks, the NHL drafts a bunch offucks who may never dress. Me, Jaimoe and Daveyboy went to school with a first round pick who never played. That's what happens. Always has, always will. You can believe whatever you want but let's keep focus. The important thing here is to make fun of me for having watched so much of the NHL Draft, on a Friday night no less.
  14. Wait a second. I just remembered something. I watched the first 10 picks and then MTL's. I am way more of afuckingidiot.
  15. The Right Spot! YES! You win Skelter. Daveyboy and I went through public school with one of the owners kids. I totally forgot about that place. We sometimes got rid of our hangovers in there. Learning to order a shake with breakfast was the bomb and changed my life. For the record, I never was that much of a fan of the Healthy Habit. Since it's now closed I probably wasnt the only one. And Morrison's sucked. I never ever enjoyed breakfast in there. I used to whine if our party decided that was the place. I mean, come on. The Right Spot is right around the corner or even the Toucan for that matter.
  16. Good thing the NFL doesnt draft babies. It'ld be a lot worse taking kids who probably will never play a game. Blowing smoke. You're a fuckingidiot guy.
  17. As Rahmer said the other day, that dude is going to become the next Eklund if he isnt careful.
  18. You really need someone to explain it to you? FYL. Yup. FYL, confirmed. Head down to Ribfest for some "atmosphere".
  19. Oh shit, I forgot about that Billie Jean bouche (two posts up for the rest of you). That's killer stuff. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just got teenage'd again. Huge serve. I shed a tear. Garcia'd. Thank you.
  20. I wasnt there either. I really liked the eclecticness of the 2nd day 1st set having listened to it tonight. A great mix of old and new. Not my favorite songs by a long shot but they were certainly well played and that's all I ever want in the end. ::standing ovation::
  21. Were you hoping Ottawa was going to take him? I have to admit seeing the Louis Leblancblueetrouge pick live. ::trademarks nickname:: Seriously though, the NFL draft destroys this shit. I know I say that every year so dont bother but a fact is a fact. The only redeeming thing about wathing this draft was having Burke mic'd tonight. But yes, definitely FYL Rahmer. Remembering you set me up with Magnus and wanting to see where he went is geekyasfuck. Start scouring now because March is going to be here in no time and I will need to feed my farm again. Hey, who was the Russian you got me to grab last year? I am still getting offers for him. He's at least 1 draft away from the NHL.
  22. Everyone rates the Hoagie House by the cheesesteak and as for one being better than the other, it's all about the love that goes into each hoagies creation. Some employ it, others dont. I'm hoping the front road location gets it after time. Really eh? We'll have to talk next time I come to town. We are usually in your neighbourhood.
  23. Yeah, I quit after Magnus got picked (have him on my farm team in my Fantasy league and needed to see where he went because we dont use every team in the league).
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