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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Pfffffffffft. No problem there. EE is a little too quick on the draw with that article. I am so over Komi. His contract is stupid. Word on the nets has it he wanted 5 million per from Les Brahs because of the "taxes". If any fan honestly thinks he deserved that kind of money to stay in MTL.........
  2. And to further what Badams is saying, the media creaming over his moves yesterday is completely out of touch with reality. But you Leaf fans can lap up the bullshit all you want. Lord knows it's how the team is marketed. At the draft? Burke did nothing but blow a ton of hot-air in the weeks leading up to it. Yesterday? All he did was overpay for a defenceman who needs a quality linemate for him to look decent. This is a player who cannot clear the zone, cant shoot from the point, gives zero offensive production and puts himself out of position when constantly worrying about taking the body.
  3. Again, where is this skill going to come from?
  4. TurtlePleks is getting traded, Koivu is signing for 2.5 million. Bet on it B(1).
  5. They have at least 4 more RFA's. Call me unrealistic but I still havent resigned myself to the loss of Koivu. I cant do it, I love the little bastard. Until its official I am going to believe he will still end up with them. Heck, even if he does end up somewhere else I am going to wishfully pray that Gainey trades for him.
  6. I'm still blown away by all of Gainey's moves. That really says alot about the dressing room last year. We better hope he signed the right core because that's 5 years Hab fans are now dialed in with. This team was completely reinvented in 24 hours. I'm pretty nervous but also hopelessly optimistic. One has to wonder where the Price money is going to come from after this season if he is indeed their man. I'm none too thrilled about these contracts. Is it October yet?
  7. Dont get me wrong, I am not excited. I am simply trying to say Leaf Nation is going to crucify Komi unless he somehow has a massive resurgence but after what I witnessed last year I cant see it. Gill only got a 2 year deal. I can deal wit hit quite easily. And no skill but I look forward to the impending Laraque-Komi fight.
  8. He was solid enough in Pittsburgh for them to win a cup you twat. No one is expecting him on the top pairing. Burke overpayed for Komi. Chew on it. I cant wait to see Jeff Finger and Komi on the ice together!
  9. 5 years, 4.5 per. Sweet........We get to listen to Leaf fans bitch about his zone clearances for the next half-decade. Should be plenty of highlights on the Toronto Sports Network. No Markov to cover up his mistakes. This is going to be great fun in Rich Stadium. Gainey's best move of the day.
  10. Yup, that pretty much seals the deal with Koivu leaving. I've got no opinion on these moves, aside from the questionable contracts + lengths, because I dont have a clue how these players are going to gel but I am somewhat surprised. Obviously there were far more serious problems in that dressing room than any of us realized. With the amount of money Gainey had at his disposal he would have signed at least couple of his UFA's. In other news, Les Brahs got even smaller.
  11. Well, after that Hossa deal you can throw my theory out the window. Jeepers does that ever make the Vancouver signing look all the more brilliant.
  12. Sloan - Money City Maniac I fuckin'still love that song. Always will.
  13. Wade Redden called and wants to know if you still cheer for the Sens. ::not defending Gomez's contract:: And Heatley is a prickshow. Confirmed. I am shocked at how he is behaving. Is he an NFL player? The Sedin contract is a great one. I think it's going to set the bar for this year, which is making Gomez's deal that much harder to swallow. Gainey must have his hands tied though, its the only thing that makes sense. History has shown it in the past and he must be onto something this year. FML.
  14. What? Ohfuck. There goes the youth-movement/save-cap-space theory.
  15. Now THIS is a prime example of an athelete going for the money Roller. Gainey offered him a perfectly ample contract (if those rumblings are true). FuckKomi if he wasnt going to take it. His asking price is going to be ridiculous.
  16. Ok, I lied but I just had to post this. Is Nik Antropov onfuckingcrack??? I wanted the Habs to trade for him at the deadline last year and even thought he might help them out at center with his size should he sign as a free agent but jesushfuckingchrist, dig this: Two sources told ESPN.com that Gandler asked the Rangers for five years at $5.25 million a year.
  17. Hmmmm, maybe it's Daveyboy who is going to be plowing the 15 Pabst Blue Ribbons into Catphish instead........
  18. It's not what you think it is buddy. Catphish plows him with 15 Pabst Blue Ribbons and then spends the next 1-2 hours trying to mount him. Unless that is what you thought it was.
  19. Thanks AD, I really enjoyed the theme.
  20. Makes a mental note to never open this thread again.
  21. Happy Bday Schwa you beautiful hunk of manlove.
  22. Holysheepshit. Thanks for that link Kev.
  23. Crotchety'd Actually, I am not angre at all if you can believe that. I have been in a great mood all day you fuggin'yuppie child.
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