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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I think TissueMan just clinched a playoff spot.
  2. Come on guys. Play nice. Ollie only makes love to men when there are no women around.
  3. Only if NewRider lets me pitch.......in his tent.
  4. You might be onto something. I should start keeping a bottle of scotch in my desk. You so smrt.
  5. As far as I am concerned, Cully and BWM have the only opinions that matter in this thread.
  6. Speaking of "gay" Dinghy, I dont know which is more gay. The dude in the picture or the dude for posting it.
  7. Thanks for proving me right. Again.
  8. SmoothShredder breaks free from the shackles that have been holding his ass back.
  9. I am 95% sure we are driving down and back the day of the show.
  10. The Team mentioned that Ed went home to be with his wife who had taken ill. In that span, the Rapidz went 5-1. He came back and they canned him.
  11. I had Row G for Syracuse but I was trying to by the tickets on my old mastercard. I couldnt edit from there so I had to release the tickets and jump back in and ended up in Row O. Whatever, its still Ryan Adams. Better than anything else I could go see this fall. WOOTHEFUCKHOO!
  12. Hahahaha, another awesome post Ollie.
  13. Way to go Will. I can see us playing Jenga Dave while Davey Boy is passed out.
  14. You got me. I was watching Canadian Idol and checking out the internet to see how amateur slo-pitch tournaments were progressing.
  15. Booche


    Doesnt he live in the Sault and didnt he quit drinking?
  16. And who could forget: Congratulations Brooke and Matt.
  17. First you post about watching Canadian Idol and now this? No life. Confirmed.
  18. I totally agree Badams because the longer this plays out, the less confidence the Pack is empowering Aaron Rodgers with.
  19. You need me to explain to you about Wookie Culture? Fuck that.
  20. Hahaha, totally ironic and hilarious. One of the reasons I skipped Lemonwheel is because I wanted to go on a murderous rampage at the Went.
  21. Exactly Barrett, and it aint no 15 discs neither.
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