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Everything posted by Booche

  1. What? You're fucking making shit up because this year and every year I see full houses in the 'supposed' big markets. They may not stay in their seats but those fuckers were there at some point. I'm not saying I am an expert because the only pre-season game I ever went to was an LA Raiders-Rams game in 94 but that house was psychotically packed even though it was a terrible market for both teams. Pre-season schedules are well thought out by the NFL. If you dont think Toronto was a marquee setup and SHOULD have sold-out than I have nothing else to say, not that I am putting words in your mouth......................
  2. DaveO and I are going to be scrapping come September 21st. Realistically we should go to Buffalo while the wives babysit. Isnt that what the NFL is all about?
  3. If I were comfortable calling you by your real name in a sully tone right now, I would. So instead I ask a question thing because I need some clarification. Pre-Ok Computer or Ok Computer or post-Ok Computer. Which do you miss? ::still waiting for skanky TO opinions about tonights show::
  4. NorthernWish you made my summer 2008. Words will never, and I repeat never, express my gratitude but hopefully I can fall across some avenue whereby you will understand. And thanks to Douglas as well for facilitating the final process. You both rock, babies. Jerry 'motherfuckin' Douglas. Youch.
  5. Then you should become a junkie because you are missing out on one of the best live concerts one can ever see.
  6. There aint nothing wrong with Round Room. And getting back to "GodBlessBob", I am a FULL supporter of that technology. My favorite Bobism goes something like this:
  7. I cant believe ANYONE likes the idea of that segue.
  8. Set 1 Festival (Bobby and the Midnites cover) Spread It Round Jennifer Dances Meatstick> Meat Meatstick Sanity Set 2 Prep School Hippie Walfredo Esther Hold Your Head Up Bike Hold Your Head Up Lawn Boy Encore: Carolina Friday
  9. Check out this fan-made poster for the next installment.
  10. With Vernon Wells in the lineup, the Jays are eight games under .500 (32-40). Without him, they are a sobering 10 games over .500 (30-20).
  11. The scariest thing about this thread is the implication that Bouche knows the Olympics are going on.
  12. Looks like McCabe is heading to Florida for Mike Van Ryn.
  13. What was the proposed capacity for these fake games? Of course you were. It's the fucking NFL. Welcome!
  14. Daft Punk at Vegoose 10-27-07 Ever since I unintentionally reformatted my IPOD, this set has been getting some major airplay when no one is around.
  15. Count me amongst those that absolutely love Prince's version of Creep at Coachella. Sinister solo. Sadly, its the only song I have heard from said set and I only heard/Youtubed it three times before she was pulled. (I was hooked on it one night) C+ shakey-audience quality at best but his performance made it a B+. That's fucking hard to do as far as I am concerned.
  16. Things that are obvious to me in this thread: I shouldnt have been flapping my gums.
  17. Things that are obvious to me in this thread. Basher likes watersports. Basher doesnt wash his arse via conventional methods. Seems to me based on these observations that if you need to buy Basher a gift, you wont go wrong by getting one of these:
  18. What instrument did you play onstage with Tweedy?
  19. That's because you were drunk!
  20. Tell me I am wrong in seeing that tickets are 50$ at the gate for Friday night. Holy moly. We are busted in the wallet from our trip to MTL. This blows.
  21. Its only effective if people who see this thread starts buying the ScamWow.
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