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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Why would anyone admit to knowing Canadian Idol has more variety than American Idol? and then in public, on the internets?
  2. I wonder what would have happened if he didnt freak out and played the part like a stoner who forgot to clean up after himself.
  3. You are going to have to elaborate.
  4. I'll take a wastedly drunk DogAtTheStation performing that song any day of the week.
  5. Arent you a teacher? Seriously. I can smell your hippie from here.
  6. Canadiens defenceman Ryan O'Byrne has been cleared of all charges related to an incident at a Tampa Bay bar, RDS is reporting. He has recently completed a five-month transition period where he apologized to the woman involved in the incident, completed community service and was on his best behaviour. It's good news for the blue-liner as a criminal record would have hurt his NHL career as travel to the U.S. would be extremely difficult.
  7. Next up? These idiots are going to tell us how Torres won the Euro. And just a reminder. Liverpool won nothing last season. No reason to celebrate.
  8. And by the way boys, winning nothing is still winning nothing. "Oooh, look how far we went in the Champs league." How embarrassing. That's worse than a Sens fan.
  9. Then why did you use to proudly display that poster in your home? Self'd
  10. :confused: I didnt know Velvet had kids. :confused:
  11. Did you get to see Akron Family? Mark, they are right up your cult. And Bourbon Tabernacle hadnt played in 13 years? Holy shit, me and DaveyBoy are way older than I thought.
  12. Favre is acting like an idiot and ruining his reputation. As favre as I am concerned, it should be Rodgers or bust. Enough of these shenanigans.
  13. Do you have a form letter that you use for your festival reviews and simply -insert band here- when it is time to talk about the music?
  14. Booche

    Frank Sinatra

    Aww..Star Wars, Nothing But Star Wars Give Me those Star Wars Don't let them end Oh Star Wars If they should bar wars Please let these Star wars stay
  15. That dude has performed with everybody.
  16. TGOR is doing a good tribute right now. www.team1200.com
  17. Hahahahhahaa, awesome avatar FBN. "I'll trade you my shirt for a grilled cheese."
  18. Booche

    Cheap Jerseys

    What team are you planning on buying Ollie?
  19. They aren't yet, Brendan was sighted on a longboard on Gilmour St today at about 7pm by Northern Wish......
  20. Mooney's Bay in the 70's it is not.
  21. Based on your avatar it looks like he already has you fucking twat.
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