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Everything posted by Booche

  1. MarcO's a fucking twat who doesnt like anything. Plain and simple. ::sweats profusely, mouth waters::
  2. Dont your feet get cold in the winter time? The sky wont snow and the sun wont shine. Its hard to tell the night time from the day. You're losing all your highs and lows, aint it funny how the feeling goes away? Faaaaaaaack........
  3. I hope that means you are saying you tipped him 33%
  4. This should be good, unfortuanately I will probably drunkasfuck when it is airing. Count me among those who will forget about it. Hopefully Paisley gives us the lowdown.
  5. I know I am getting off-track but I am craving a stiff bitch-of-a-drink and NewRider is pissing me off because of it. The point isnt whether you like them or not when discussing a bands influence over others, or whether you like the bands they influenced. Its bland chick rock for these ears for the most part but The Eagles will remain a legacy for years to come and probably influence other bands along the way. Fuck I'm thirsty. I am going to put on Poco's Crazy Eyes when I get home. Ya buncha dicks.
  6. I totally hear ya Ollie. After all these years of listening you get this sense that you know these boys even though you only know their on-air personalities. Just his co-hosts like Steve Warne and ex-hosts like Jim Jerome. There was great camaraderie in that booth thanks to Buzz's good nature and his ability to laugh at himself. They must all be completely devasted. Yes.
  7. Hahhahahaha, something has gone badly wrong.
  8. Welcome to me when I leave the house on a weekend.
  9. Whooooooooa.......... That is really sad.
  10. Then your career is as dead as this guys: Actually, I do see a physical resemblance.
  11. That is a very pedestrian joke for someone who intimated a desire to get into stand-up comedy.
  12. Duuuuuuuuuuude. That's Basher you are talking to. All he is going to get from me is the unwelcome wagon.
  13. I totally agree. While I am certainly no fan, I am aware of their huge influence and they command my respect. In fact I wouldnt be surprised if they were the most influential US band. Their record speaks for itself by owning the 70's.
  14. Maybe it's time to change your avatar?
  15. My book, The Difference Between A Five Hundred Dollar Hooker And A Ten Thousand Dollar Hooker, will tell you everything you need to know.
  16. One thing I don't like about Jaimoe (other than his love of Dexter) is that he's an enabler. Case in point the trainwreck that is Tom Tom Tummy Rub.
  17. .......on your dollars...............
  18. We are talking about your finances?
  19. .......or when you bought those Gold Circle tickets?
  20. ..........and still have enough money for that sex change........... "If you cant beat'em, join'em."
  21. What's the lowdown bagochips? Or did any other Ottawa Skanks go? I totally would have tried to get a ticket on Friday had I known the wedding I went to tonight was an open bar. Hell, that would have almost been the price of my ticket. (By the way AD. That was a killer bump the other day. I almost had a fit being reminded of this gig.)
  22. This is such a killer stoner album if you have a sub-woofer. Fuck I am losing my shit. The Beta Band - The Three EP's
  23. These posts are all great to my eyes. Jackie Greene, eh? That kid is waaaaaaaay older than he is. Glad you made it happen for yourself Phorbes.
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