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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Well then its all about goaltending as far as I am concerned so I will go with the Rangers in the East and Nashville in the West. We should all bet on this. Dude most right wins a cd and the losers own up, provided there is a rememberance. A tie is awash. Pony-up!
  2. Booche

    Ovechkin signs!

    The return of Shedder! God, I miss you around these parts. Swear.
  3. That kinda make sense. "Lets throw these 20 wasted fugs back here and have them all sing *this* part" But dont get me wrong Swan because the novelty factor alone is fantastic for any fan and it proves once again moe is a cool band.
  4. I had a chance to sing with The Slip 'on the fly' and WISELY left the stage as fast as I could because that version would have been ruined and would have been recorded for all to hear. Had I been think I would have requested my sister-in-law take my place but that would have still been a crapshoot (nothing against no one). I dont know what your voice is like but if harmonies havent been worked out prior to said song it would be a very bad idea on their part. Realistically, their plan must include some sort of faux sound-check but does the contest also include airfare and accomodations? Aside from all that I have a question. What is with David Fricke's recent love of moe? I recall he gave the last album a fairly decent review as well. This makes me want to listen to their latest even though I otherwise would have not cared. I feel like I am missing something that I have tried really hard to get for the past couple of years but lost what I had got a few years ago.
  5. Booche

    Ovechkin signs!

    Seriously guys. I am still in shock. That is unbelievable.
  6. Booche

    Ovechkin signs!

    Ok, I thought Badams was kidding with his post but HOLY FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! I dont even know what to say right now. I am going to have to let this one sink in but I do know one thing. AD is in the running for Player Of The Week in Rich Stadium. That seems like way too much money for too many years based on the way he plays. Think Pavel Bure. I mean, what is he going to be doing when he is 30?
  7. Here's hoping for an August show because a May one outdoors could prove to be facking cold (and not to mention very wet) at Jean Drapeau.
  8. Speaking of getting confused by avatars but Bradley, my avatar is NOT me in case you are wondering. And for the rest who are keeping score it aint my wife either.
  9. Isnt she a recovering vegetarian?
  10. Kev, I think he is wondering if you are mistaking Badams for Low Roller with your "Booche wants to pull his hair out" comment from earlier.
  11. Hahahahahaha. Bukaki! Totally awesome.
  12. You two make a cute couple. Keep up the good work.
  13. So, what about the *apparent* stuff Sean Avery said about Blake? Its all ok with you Kev? No one should go after him? You're a jerk Badams.
  14. I am certainly not defending Downey but I can easily see it from Ctowns and the NHLs point of view.
  15. Some people in here have obviously never played sports C-Towns let alone thrown or taken a punch.
  16. Every person in Ottawa that has mentioned St Louis' wings to me have told me to "stay the fuck away from them" All it took was C-Towns to confirm. Obviously you are a putz. Reason number 1021: I find that impossible to believe. That place caters to blue hairs.
  17. If my boss asks me for a weblog, I am simply going to show him the following picture:
  18. My manager gave me a weird look when I asked him for May 30th off.
  19. So, you are saying Huet is going to sign for less money????? Look at what I have to deal with today.
  20. Where have all the good times gone?
  21. Seems to me his point is that Huet's salary wont increase that much.
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