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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Happy bday. I had no idea you lived that lifestyle. Good for you.
  2. WHAAAAAAAAAT? Someone delete this thread. Its already stupid. I think I am with Tricky on this one. That song convulses me.
  3. It is in contention for the Habs goal of the season. Which Tits scored the one from a couple of weeks ago? That is also a favorite of mine from this year.
  4. There's a deadbase.com? Cooooooool..........in all honesty, I havent been right since either Hamilton runs.
  5. Booche


    At no point did I give any indication that I was talking about anything other than Season 1. And if you and every one you know has a problem with my opinion you can all shove it up your asses because I dont give a fuck you big babies. The acting is atrocious from a couple of characters and that begins with Dexters poorly cast sister. And the winner for Worst Actress In A TV Series goes to:
  6. Booche


    Not once do I knock his casting or his acting and I can "stretch' with the best of them but I found little believability in that character when it came to him struggling with his emotions. Look at him as a teenager with raging hormones. They do that to paint the picture on who Dexter becomes but they do it poorly because as a kid he is completely unemotional. All of a sudden he starts caring? Come on. He's supposed to be a serial killer with no emotions or at least that is what they are trying to make us believe.
  7. What about the nurse that treated him and said she didnt smell any booze on him? She also said that when she drew blood from him for the booze test, she inadvertently swapped the cotton ball in alcohol which she wasnt supposed to do. When they did a second test after she realized her mistake, it came up negative. I may have forgotten the exact details but those were two storylines I figured would play a prominent role but obviously not. I thought they had witnesses testify that Ramage did not appear drunk at the scene. At 4 times the legal limit would he not be completely annihilated? I missed something.
  8. Booche


    Kev, I was entertained enough to watch the entire first season but it wasnt the goldmine I had been made to believe.
  9. Booche


    It was a forced struggle during season one Jaimoe and not believable to these eyes. Maybe to yours.
  10. Booche


    We just finished Season One. Solid storyline idea but this is a poorly executed show. Combine the atrocious acting with the thoughtless casting and you have a recipe for a disaster. Sprinkle a dash of episodes attempting to be campy and light inside of very dark themes and we are now talking about the most over-rated series since Lost but at least it was entertaining enough for me to watch the entire first season. The premise is a great one but the promise is never delivered and I wish that the main storyline for this season had of carried for a few seasons and really built to a worthy climax, but I understand somewhat how tv shows work. Money is money. I also have a problem with the consistency, mainly Dexter's character. We are supposed to believe that he is devoid of emotion and was taught by his father how to 'fake' it yet there are far too many times his character reacts to situations as someone who actually has emotion and this is obviously not from what he learned. The director should have got more out of him so that he actually appears to have to think somewhat before he reacts. It happens but not often enough. I think it is a major issue within the show and one that drives me insane. There are times he is that character and then there are times he isnt at all. Its poorly executed and Dexter isnt the kind of character that he could be. I usually take things with a grain of salt when it comes to character development but I found very little believability in Dexter himself, including the fact that he is supposed to be a killer. I dont buy it. Not too mention his facking lips. What is with that pinkish-blue color? Does he have poor blood flow or something? Yuck. That being said, I will give Season 2 a go but the time I am spending on this show is hanging by a thin line. I dont agree. The flaws in season one are far too great.
  11. Booche


    The IMAX in Hull sucks donkey balls compared to the Silver City one. There is no denying. And I will be all over this if it comes here.
  12. Booche

    Ottawa Bound

    We'll bring our dog but I cant promise you wont be seeing nothing from him. He likes RubberDinghy. Alot.
  13. Hahahaha, look at what Giants fans brought with them to their game with the cowboys. A 'fake' Jessica Simpson. Awesome. Tell me Romo did a double-take at one point. And these idiots probably thought it was the real Jessica!
  14. Ever see Cheech and Chongs Things Are Tough All Over? You know that scene when Chong is blasted on peyote and goes around the corner for a piss? Well, I was seeing what he was seeing or so it seemed. I still dont really know wtf was going on.
  15. Thats because everyone knows you cant teach defence.
  16. "Can we, umm, buy umm, tickets to this psychedelic umm, thing? Umm?" "Coooooooooome iiiiiiiiiiiin. Iiiiiiiiits waaaaaaaaaaaaarm.........."
  17. Schwa has me as lost in this thread as I was at the first show of this doubler.
  18. Dont kid yourself. I have never loved the Leafs more than I do this year. Which sums up my point. His hand was played for him. He's never been in control and did what he had to do to keep his job. "Yes sir"
  19. By my count there are more Sens fans "sqwuaking" off. At least between them and the Habs contingent they have figured out the issues and would be able to fix the problem. Simply firing JFJ will solve nothing.
  20. Booche

    Ottawa Bound

    Move near me so our dogs can become friends. He's a fat little fucker that needs the kind of exercise he seems to only get when other dogs are around.
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