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Everything posted by Booche

  1. So why did the NFL take away a first round pick? That is a huge penalty and one that shouldnt be taken lightly. Huge penalties happen when they are deemed to fit the crime. I wouldnt be surprised if Belicheat has more tricks up his sleeve. I can respect the Pats on both sides of the ball but that doesnt mean I have to like them.
  2. Hahahahaha newbie bandwagon-jumper! You just learned that this season, didnt you?
  3. So do I especially if Brady tosses 3 interceptions like he did yesterday. Then again, NE proved once more that they can play any style of ball game so long as it gets them a win. The betting line is going to be around 14 but lets hope the final score isnt. I dont want to be disinterested come the second half. I cant believe I am about to write this: Go Giants. I feel dirty but my hatred for those cheating Patriot bastards is at an all-time high and they dont deserve no stinking SuperBowl.
  4. Thumper used to have hair???? Is the picture of the last dude the same guy that sings Chocolate Rain? I was dating a chick who became a hard-core feminist when I realized it was time for a change. Jesus. Imagine that. Me dating a hard-core feminist. No wonder I became a drug addict for a number of years.
  5. Thats my shirt you are wearing in your avatar you little fucker. Quite stealing my clothes.
  6. I took an El Piss break at a show and ran into Hux. "WTF are you doing in here?" "Booche, you tell no one about this. You hear me? NO ONE! If you do I will cut you."
  7. I dont even know where to start but the list keeps growing and growing and growing.
  8. What did you expect? Bob's guitar was out of tune! Again. And besides, you were an alien on a foreign planet greeting Garcia as he arrived from his travels to the outer reaches of that galaxy.
  9. I just read that ridiculous article. Company Man Taylor is defending her?? Dude,
  10. Not me. I made fun of their pathetic taste and tried to speak backwards in hopes of freaking them out.
  11. One thing that bugs me about hard-core Rush haters is their militant defense of their hatred.
  12. Andy: Since when does Herb keep a bottle of whiskey in his desk? Bailey? Bailey: Uh, a month or so. Andy: I wonder what else he's got in there. Ollie: Three combs, a brush, breath spray, six or seven bottles of aftershave, and some clean socks. Of course, I'm just guessing.
  13. Do you seriously still eat Beeferoni? Thats incredible. How many cans have you eaten in your life? A thousand?
  14. Officer: This test has been given to hundreds of people! No one's ever got better!! Venus: Let's you and me swap hats. Officer: You have obviously built up a super-human tolerance to alcohol. Johnny: Yes, it's true, it was once sort of a hobby. Johnny: All right fellow babies, that was the Doors, and this is sort of Johnny Fever, kind of Doctor. And after... nine drinks, Venus Flytrap is catatonic, and I myself have personally just seen a giant pig. He is currently painting the walls of our lobby. Officer: He is obviously drunk, ladies and gentlemen. Johnny: Yes, he is, and I'm not feeling badly myself.
  15. Someone DOESNT like Days Between? Wow. Prospero, the Rose, and the Worm: On "Days Between" by Steve Silberman Copyright Steve Silberman. Used by permission. [blair Jackson asked me for a few observations about "Days Between" for his Garcia biography-in-process. There's much more to say about this beautiful song, but I say too much here already. - Steve Silberman] "Days Between" joined the Grateful Dead oeuvre right at the time-- 1993--when old-time Deadheads were asking themselves if Garcia and Hunter were still capable of creating art that had a primordial, frightening intensity: the beauty at the edge of terror that Rilke described. As the other songs written roughly in the same period seemed to mine well-worn images and attitudes--almost reveling in their seasoned facility to create One More Time an archetypal mood, like "Lazy River Road" - "Days Between" slipped between your clothes and your skin like a chill wind out of a grave. It had none of the arrogant retreat to a juvenile mode of pranksterish defiance that "Liberty" had; it turned the Rockwellian nostalgia of "Lazy River Road" inward on itself, almost against itself, in an inquiry into the tenability of idealism and sentimentality in a universe where, as another song has it, "You always hurt the one you love." The most uncompromisingly adult lyric Hunter ever wrote, the verses present a panorama or mandala of existence in which each thing is in its place, but no place is completely safe. Hunter does his all to resist the tidal pull of sentimentality, seeing, as Blake did, that even the rose at the heart of the world has a devouring worm at its heart--the "black infested trees" on which moonlight shimmers exquisitely. The world is presented with unrelenting exactitude, a world where both the sighs of young passion in springtime and the lonely horseman, leaving only his torn song in the world as he vanishes (as the singer himself was about to vanish), co-exist, inform one another, together creating a universe of joy and horror side-by-side. Only children would have it any other way, but in the Deadhead milieu where blithe rip-offs could excuse their own shadows with a funky "It's All Good," it was an important statment, at a time when the groupmind knew something was off-kilter, decaying, galloping away from the original joy-spring, but no one could quite put their finger on it. In their last perfect marriage of form and insight, Garcia gave Hunter's meditation a setting that recollected "Dark Star" in its uncanny, irreducible simplicity. Garcia's little figure opens like a door... and who walks out? Prospero, the aged mage of "The Tempest," who drowned his power-book as Shakespeare himself surrendered the magic-making that had been his art. Even the tormented tone Garcia was playing with at that time--the slurring headless-horseman's cry that sounded so jarringly out of place in a celebration of precision like "China Cat Sunflower"--was at home in "Days Between," as Weir strummed phantasmal chords behind him that flickered into clarity like moon-faces resolving in water. "Days Between" was the final battlefield where the Dead dared to face the elementary questions of existence, and refused to flinch. It has the same fated, tragic majesty that bears witness to the life force in all truly great art.
  16. Most of us werent around when that song was in rotation and since it doesnt appear on a ton of shows I am willing to bet these other *songs* bring out the hate that much more. Wave To The Wind is the easy winner for me. Holy FUCK that is a terrible song and I completely forgot about it.
  17. I didnt know Northern Wish was such a strong company man.
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