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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Liverpool striker Peter Crouch has admitted his side have not been good enough to mount a serious Premier League title challenge this season.
  2. Song writing aside, I applaud Ringo for sticking up for his artistic merit. Way to go buddy.
  3. I just read something interesting. The Sens started the season 15-2 (who could forget with AD providing constant reminders back in the day) but since then they are 17-18. And NO ONE is going to trade for either goalie or Wade 'Brian McCabe' Redden. Actually, I would rather have McCabe.
  4. Fuck plus/minus Andrew. Seriously. That is the biggest bullshit stat in sport. Dont make me get angry. I beg of you.
  5. Actually it was eight, but who is Christ Almighty going to bring back in a trade your way? Daniel Sedin?
  6. In writing said bit above I missed the 8th goal of the game.
  7. MTL is totally dominating this game. Andrew, you should have seen this one bit of Les Habs owning the puck. I was on the phone with Badams during it and he must have asked 3 times "Is MTL on the power-play?" Inside of that Kovalev pulled off the fucking coolest move of the season. He lost his mitt behind the Boston net and in doing so, lost control of the puck. He kept going forward to regain control of said puck and then cut his skates back to go find his glove, pick it up and put it on without losing the puck. He then turned back from whence he came and tried to find something that didnt turn out. It was total football with hands, a stick and a puck.
  8. I got in the car and the boys in Ottawa were talking about his press conference, in particular a portion when JFJ said he wanted to blow it up and rebuild but the board told him "No. Your goal is to make the playoffs." Idiots.
  9. Not very, based on the last couple of games.
  10. I honestly thought JFJ's moves were going to be worse than that but I am probably somewhat biased since I feel for the poor lug.
  11. Sources tell me that Larry Tanenbaum just fired Cliff Fletcher (B2)
  12. Wrong Jaimoe. I knew what Hal was getting at. He's not as thick as you are. Want proof?
  13. I cancelled it ten years ago. It's junk. My jaw was on the floor. Those 2 kids were giving it to each other like it was a playoff game. And the best part is that (from what I saw) they totally respected one another and fed off what each player was bringing. It was like reliving Magic against Bird.
  14. The shit they try and sell is total garbage. I mean, how can anyone seriously be a fan of this team and not feel like they are consistently being treated with disrespect? That single comment from Peddie really illuminates the last editorial cartoon I posted. Once again I am blown away.
  15. How would you know Dima? Arent you like, 17?
  16. Its been that way since 2003. I blame Phish and their post-hiatus.
  17. Didnt the name of that sucky place stupidly and needlessly change for some unknown reason?
  18. I am glad to see them get back together because a fire needs to be started and this is as good a place to start. I get the feeling Carbo is pulling a Komi-Kaze.
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