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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Which he did to save his own ass and it worked. You cant really blame him for that. Anyways, here is a comment from Sundin that gives a tiny hint that he might be willing to move on. Unless I am completely misreading this. You tell me.
  2. I cant believe I am about to write this but I am starting to feel sorry for JFJ. He came into this position after the lockout and was a laaaaaaate hire that summer. Most teams had much of their rosters set and he was thrust into the belly of the beast, not too mention having a bone-dry cupboard and the fact he was a rookie. He was never given a clean hand to play and now he has to deal with all of this. Its time he takes off the gloves and walks into Peddie's office and demands an immediate answer.
  3. AD, I Dr Booche'd it so she would 'read' better if you want to know the truth.
  4. That should be a good interview tonight. I best watch it. Jim Carr: Denis, I know that some in our audience don't know the finer points of hockey. Could you tell them, for example, what is icing? Denis: Well, hicing appen when de puck come down, bang, you know, before de udder guys, nobody dere, you know. My harm go comes out, den de game stop den start up. Jim Carr: I see. What is high-sticking? Denis: Eye-sticking appen when de guy take de stick, you know, and he go like dat. You don't do dat. Oh, no. Never, never. Jim Carr: Why not? Denis: Hagainst de rules. You stupid when you do dat, some Henglish pig with no brains...
  5. Booche

    ha ha ha

    You just gave Bouche his latest excuse for missing a few days of work.
  6. I may be mistaken but wasnt there talk that without a huge turnaround Toronto was looking to lose the Raptors?
  7. Maybe they should do that AD. I think there is a marked difference in games played this season with McCabe and games played without him. Perhaps he is their mvp!
  8. Great day of football watching and this is the reason I picked the Giants to beat Dallas:
  9. On the plus side for you Sens fans, it's better this happened now than in May.
  10. That was an impressive performance last night from the Pack.
  11. 1. I am more hungover than you. 2. How can anyone not love Favre outside of that division? 3. I hate NE and Kevin Colbourn. There should be an astericks beside their name on the Super-Bowl trophy if they win it all. Beligate. 4. I dont really care in the end. 5. The Habs didnt have legs anytime we flipped over to the game. 6. I love this version of the Leafs! 7. I have already drank a litre of Gatorade. 8. If Rolen can remain healthy and return to form than the Jays are going to love this deal. 9. I would rather watch the WNBA. 10. Bacon-egg-cheese muffin in my other hand.
  12. Is Jimmy Herring still in the band?
  13. ::lights up for b-day celebrations:: Dave, thanks for giving me another reason for cracking a beer and watching more Radiohead. I'll try and get to 30 brews but we both know the truth how this will end. B to the E to the R to the E to the E to the R. You guys are fucking dumb.
  14. Just when you thought we were in agreement lately.......
  15. I should blog for HockeyBuzz over Kevin Lee when it comes to the Sens and I am not kidding. That dude wears a skirt.
  16. That team is bone dry for talent and prospects. I was telling AD tonight that the next GM has a tough road ahead of him, especially if Sundin isnt traded.
  17. Emery is starting against the Wings. Wow. Talk about put up or shut up. I like this move. There is going to be tons of fodder afterwards no matter what happens! See you in here on Sunday.
  18. Hope things work out for you this weekend Shredder. I wouldnt mind seeing the Pack win another one even though it would mean my next door neighbour at work will go on and on and on about it. Brett is just too cool to cheer against. Hey, you know what Taylor told me this week? Favre's jersey is the number one all-time seller in the NFL. I was shocked but not surprised.
  19. Corey Locke would probably be on the top line in Toronto.
  20. On the drive home, The Team was reporting an emergency board meeting has been called (more like they moved the scheduled meeting up a week) and the thinking is that JFJ is about to be let go. Considering they offered Scottie 'Bling Bling' Bowman a job but he wouldnt take it because he wasnt going to be given full control as a GM, one has to wonder if the over-all mentality of the Leafs upper management is about to change.
  21. That's going to be me, Deuce, TissueMan and Compton in March. Titsteak in MTL!
  22. Like the true stoned hippie that you are POG, you forgot to include one of the games.
  23. New England, NYG, Seattle (Kearney is going to be all over Favre the entire game) and Indy are my calls.
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