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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche

    nero NYE

    Thanks for the warning Pablo. ::puts on underwear::
  2. Come on Fluff. EW in the city that never sleeps? I expect he will get a full-appendage ass assault at some point.
  3. Holy shit. The Sens are terrible. How about that Craig Anderson?
  4. Thanks Keri! We have this blasting over here on a frigid morning. I want to get married a second time to my wife just so you can be the dj.
  5. Why inthefuck are youcocksuckers calling our Service Desk? "Hi. I’m a recovering crackhead. This is my retarded sister that I take care of. I’d like some welfare, please."
  6. That was fuckingugly last night, believe you me.
  7. I recall the last time a group planned a 'major' demonstration at the Bell Center:
  8. I miss the days when I missed Gomez.
  9. The waterpark will be awesome this time of year.
  10. According to Dennis Kane, RC only needs to do one thing for all this bullshit to go away:
  11. I didnt notice Molson say that the next coach would be french. He said language will be a factor when hiring but a coach who can win will be the main priority. But consider this: Would the Toronto Maple Leafs hire a French-only coach?
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! I havent laughed this hard in a while. Fuckme. That's ridiculously possible too in my world.
  13. Bob, how's that worked out for Anaheim and Washington so far?
  14. The NHL announced that it will not have a hearing for Montreal's Erik Cole, who delivered a check to New Jersey's Adam Larsson Saturday night in which Larsson was struck in the head. While announcing that Cole would not receive supplemental discipline Sunday, Shanahan said, "We reviewed this play extensively. The overriding factor in this two-minute minor penalty not receiving further supplemental discipline is the significant change of position to Larsson's head as he bends over and lunges for the puck just prior or simultaneous to the check by Erik Cole."
  15. He didnt throw him under the bus at all. I am sure the bench was alot more alive. Their coach just got fucking canned!
  16. Anyone else see Hal Gill pinch during that penalty kill in the third? Anyone else think that would have happened under Jacques watch? Anyways.........I dont want to get over-reactionary (like Gauthier) right now. My combination of booze and surliness wouldnt do me any favours but fuck me. What was that shit Pierre G said about a lack of consistency under Jacque's guidance? I hope he fucking watched that game.
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