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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. The Donefors where pretty cool, very loungy (sp) The female lead has a great voice and the whole band is full of talented musicians. I enjoyed it for a chilled out Wednesday night, but its nothing I would rage to on a weekend. The opening band I saw "the Philistines" weren't very pleasing on the ears, very hard to watch, the only upside is the keys player can whistle like a son of a bitch.
  2. some Zony Mash from the early 00's tripped out jazz.
  3. The conch took a couple of listens to get into for me as well, not wormwood though, that has probably been my most played album I own since it came out, I've had to buy it twice from so much play.
  4. Me too, I'm seeing conflicting info on who's opening, a couple of places state that these guys are http://www.myspace.com/everythingallthetimeband which would be cool, Jer from BNB is the bass player.
  5. I've listened to half of it so far (funny, because it's only 40 minutes long) and I'm not sold yet. I do know that the title track is pretty brutle though.
  6. I still rock the bittornado, my only stink is the BT boxes that sit in my toolbar, how do I put them somewhere else and no, I don't want to switch clients.
  7. Every Tuesday in January 2008 (plus some other scattered dates) at the Dakota Tavern. http://www.myspace.com/wpgperpetrators I went last tuesday night and they sounded great, they pull off a Rock/Blues show with a hint of North Mississippi Allstars or Black Keys-esq sound. The trio switches up instruments throughout the show which adds to the good time. I went close to midnight and caught the second of three sets and the crowd (50-60 people) were really digging it, this is no stand around and watch show, stay home if your gonna do that. I love this venue for some reason it feels like a saloon.
  8. I bet he's got stu's teeth.
  9. He's only half as rich as he was.....
  10. So did someone from out of town have to set up the pre and post parties?
  11. I was just blasting the live in '99 release, damn are they tight and that was almost 10 years ago.
  12. and who's kidding who, you never played football.
  13. thats the exit to get to pineknob (outdoor concert venue)
  14. what ever happened to Mr.Musicface? I swear we were the only "public" rush lovers back in the day.
  15. "Where's the Music?" Good call, thats on my daughter's compilation.
  16. Is anyone doing anything fun they'd like to share with us?
  17. VHS-C adapters are available here; http://www.thesourcecc.com/estore/SearchResults.aspx?language=en-CA&keywords=cassette+adapter+for+VHS-C+tapes&pagenum=0
  18. a quick glance late last night looked like 630 to me on myspace. http://www.myspace.com/clubabsinthe thanks, I think I'll see you there.
  19. hmmm, doors say 630, thats odd.
  20. bump for the rev if he's around.
  21. Every Tuesday in January 2008 (plus some other scattered dates) at the Dakota Tavern. http://www.myspace.com/wpgperpetrators I went last night and they sounded great, they pull off a Rock/Blues show with a hint of North Mississippi Allstars or Black Keys-esq sound. The trio switches up instruments throughout the show which adds to the good time. I went close to midnight and caught the second of three sets and the crowd (50-60 people) were really digging it, this is no stand around and watch show, stay home if your gonna do that. I love this venue for some reason it feels like a saloon.
  22. I even searched the subject line before I posted it, oh well. Cuff the Duke is doing some cool stuff these days.
  23. Haven't seen anyone post much about this... pretty decent lineup.
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