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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. too bad you get sued for being a wierdo nowadays. a great reason to keep to myself.
  2. the Pnuma Trio w. Ryan will be a cool show to catch. It was one of the better jammy shows I've caught this year.
  3. Short term memory!!! that's what i forgot. thanks. I never could really put my finger on it at the time.
  4. I think licensing television and radio would be a great way for media to have avoided the capitalization it underwent years ago. If there were an extra stream of revenue then radio and television stations wouldn't have to go to the lengths they have to ensure their advertising was so effective...or at least tries to be. We'd possibly have far more challenging content. Not that british pop is any less tawdry and useless as the rest of the pop world, but it's at least more interesting than much of what we hear. public channels would be free. You'd have to pay for what's popular. I think far more people would be listening to CBC if we'd have adopted that ethos years ago. Same line of thinking as SOCAN fees in bars. The fees would be able to offset artists' poverty. As much as there's a lot of money floating around in film and tv land, there are a lot of productions that have made no money which has driven their creative elements to get regular joe jobs. Sorry, no explicit examples...all officially here say as usual... Too bad it would mean we'd have to pay more money. If this licensing fee would not be end-user based it would work better. If there was a creative/artist tax on every piece of electronic equipment that went to one central fund for independant creative arts in Canada it would likely be able to work. So for a ten thousand dollar television, what's another few hundred bucks? on a $50 radio what's a twoonie? money manufacturers would scrutinize over. Big business would have to answer to the little guy.
  5. it's been funny. the trees bending under the weight. life is pampered here. ugh.
  6. In your years of speaking with the press, I'm sure you've had to endure a wide array of questions from the press. What are your favourite things to have the pleasure of answering? Where do you draw your answers to any petty and trite lines of questions from? and what are the most entertaining questions you've been faced with? or Where are your favourite places to tour for musical and social energies? Are there any places you've played that didn't seem to welcome you as much as you'd appreciate?
  7. Sweet! How does it sound? What kind of guitars are you making? looks can be deceiving.
  8. I think I spoke too soon. I can't really say that jambands don't do it for me, but there are very few amazing Jambands that would wow a huge audience up here. The inspired players just went elsewhere to get their rocks off. to bad about the apparent demise of the album. I like mixes but I still prefer to listen to an entire record beginning to end. Commercial Radio really dropped the ball by not taking a chance on less inoffensive music since the early nineties. Could've still played a huge role in shaping creative music. sad really how easy it is to point a finger.
  9. Happy birthday, big guy. glad to be reminded of that big fat moustache.
  10. The CanJam scene was never embraced by the press and by music scholars. there are some great bands, a bunch of decent bar bands, and a lot of short lived groups that entertained some people several nights. I'm part of the latter. I still play and find that jamming isn't taking me anywhere meaningful. Perhaps I'm shitty and can't write groove based music...naw...Perhaps i don't have the chops...naw...perhaps it's because everybody that'd be into going to see jambands are saving their money and time off for events they know are going to be awesome and not just mediocre, or to hang out with their friends or their newly started family... I still catch some Jambands but fo the most part I'm not wowed anymore. The jam scene was bred from an old meets new esthetic. now it's way harder to bridge the gap with new music being so very different. now the old isn't new enough to catch a young crowd's attention. I sort of hope the jamband scene dies and with it should die the moniker 'jamband' and with that the urge to find another moniker to replace it. I love great music and wish that new bands would adopt the mindset to break barriers and push the envelope - to break out of routine and give each city a different show - an inentive to follow the band around. give a crowd a chance to get down and get into the music not just the song. but jambands?? I think the only jamband I can think stands out is moe.. and they're not canadian. who's left? theMasses? baked potato? BNB? the fatties? if it weren't for the scene of music fans I wouldn't be out nearly as much. Who's a 'jamband' up here anyway? I rarely see that moniker embraced by bands anywhere.
  11. good luck y'all. i hope you're ripping it up as i type this.
  12. SaggyBalls


    that reminds me of new year's eve grade eleven. I don't think mr. bertrand ever forgave me for soiling that sofa. His wife did my laundry that morning and they eventually got a new sofa. i learned one great lesson. I never drank half the bottle before midnight since.
  13. If it wasn't the beginning of the rainy season it would be the perfect time to come to vancouver.
  14. No chase. no fun. i was hoping to cocoon in my apartment until new year's eve. grrrrr.
  15. just when i want to not go to see shows i notice a show i want to see. aargh! i'm torn between old and new. i want to grow but i want to strengthen as well... shit. and it's at the yale hotel. one of the best venues in town. i like the sound there better than the commodore. way punchier and controlled. jesus. screw you, stoney.
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