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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. The bill cleared the House of Commons with unanimous support in June but the Senate voted on December 15th to accept amendments to the Bill. The latest amendments would allow companies to have a stronger defense in fighting penalties for violating the rules and make it more difficult to get a warrant to search offices outside manufacturing facilities. The bill will now return to the House of Commons early next year (February likely) where MPs could vote to reject the amendments. more news
  2. Prorogue: bill to be reintroduced
  3. I'll be the backseat driver, Myles.
  4. Brad: We should be in touch later this week as I would really like to get to Montreal to see this show and ridesharing/car rental/hitchhiking/might be in order. My monthly budget should fall into place (or not) this week.
  5. really? If you're right then I'm so very very glad to look like a huge tool. If you're not then it doesn't really matter in the long run.
  6. i think that if there were ever a reason to revolt against a broken system failing us it's over this.
  7. http://www2.parl.gc.ca/Sites/LOP/LEGISINFO/index.asp?Language=E&query=5655&Session=22&List=stat In Force: 72. The provisions of this Act come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council. Looks like we got fucked again, nibbler.
  8. I'm glad that I'm not the only one who's experienced that feeling with his gear. Jesse got a vintage Bass awhile back that always reminds me of being home. Whether it was playing music with him in Peterborough or playing an identical (but well-worn) bass at a family-friends' farmhouse rehearsal space in Kemptville, I always had a reason to smile and let loose. I remember playing a beautiful hollowbody guitar when I lived in London and as it goes I couldn't afford to buy it for myself I thought that Jesse deserved to at least try the thing out. Well, he did and it made its way into his collection. Turns out that instrument was very rare. I remember him talking to me about it and how amazed he was that it wanted to be played. My friend Dave Klinger had recently found his way back to London from Sweden where he'd studied music and toured as a guitarist and after going through a rough patch and given up guitar. Jesse asked him to try out his guitar and something clicked for Dave. Now he's touring the country with country singer Jaydee Bixby (hey it's a gig) and if Jesse had never bought that guitar it could be argued that things would be very different for him and for myself. I know I've been going through a really rough couple of years and Jesse snapped me out of a couple of ruts just talking about how far he'd come in the past while with his songs and playing his instruments.
  9. Holy Crap somebody buy this.
  10. Ottawa residents deserve a great local Government ...way too much sprawl and mindless expansion, and from what I hear/read, too many idiots making awful decisions.
  11. Oh just go to Peterborough, StoneMtn. It's not that far.
  12. Jesse was one of the most important people that have come into my life.
  13. Though this doesn't count, I got hooked on black nylon tapewound bass strings. Rotosound TruBass 88 A lot of people that play tapes play LaBellas but I'm all for the Rotos. They tame that nasty zing and the overplaying that comes along with it, and the deep lush bass these strings deliver makes me so glad that I didn't get the flatwound strings I was about to get cause I couldn't find the 88's A drink to holding out! Also, Today was the first day I ever used a foam mute...so close it burns...doesn't count for 2009. Holy funk machine. (I know there are bass nerd forums but I thought I'd share...The G string broke off the last set of these sluts I had on my bass. so smooth and enticing to play. Snap!)
  14. I used to really like playmobil toys. What a fucking shame.
  15. You see me as an activist? Should I have read that in implied purple?
  16. Fantastic Year so far. As it continues, I trust it will extend to you and yours.
  17. So what you're saying is that it's still just a movie but the production values are unlike anything to date and that it's a frickin' amazing movie experience?
  18. The BJ auctions always look like an enormous advertisement. I hope that Speed gets paid huge for their advertising of every company that has a giant billboard in the background. Crazy.
  19. I contend that while He'd have thought it to be a nifty idea, it is a far more left-wing concept than he'd appreciate. However - great Nazi reference, nibbler. I contend that this is the real center of the direction that our wold is heading (both politically and ethically, through our mind-numbing media and subversively brainwashing educational models and targets on our children): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democratic_centralism And while a potentially useful tool, it only works when the system in which it is upheld is true and just... ...which is certainly not the case in this age of ours.
  20. So how long is it gonna be before people start banding together and revolting? Anybody wanna start a pool? I'd put five bucks on 3 years.
  21. I appreciate this list. Thanks, Dr. Mouse
  22. All of this added security and ever-worsening fines and consequences for carelessness and missteps in the way of safety legislation is ridiculous. It's very unsettling that enough people feel there is a need for more statutes and stiffer punishments in our modern world. Awful.
  23. It's amazing to cross the border, look up, and see a haze of thin clouds over upper new york state. Every time I go on a sunny day there are more of those very fake looking 'clouds' that have ribbed or ribbon outlines/accents.
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