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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. One big difference, Jaimoe, is that Radio has to provide the CanCon hourly while Television (to my knowledge) does not. One thing I'm curious about though, is does that also include PSAs, Promos and Advertising? As far as me 'crying I want something free' - I'm not. When I live somewhere that Cable/Satellite is there then great, but I'm in no rush to subscribe. I won't pay for television but will watch commercials on TV if they're on. I will pay to rent videos, go to concerts, to the movie theatre, or any number of other options that DON'T break up my time to pay for content. However, as far as my original comment goes, broadcasters recoup costs with advertising revenues. When they can't sell advertising then they don't recoup costs. When they provide the same prime-time programming as other stations instead of spending their money on something different/better I have far less sympathy for their failed efforts. On-Air broadcasters (the ones that actually transmit signals and don't just send a feed to the cable/satellite companies to do that for them) have the added cost of running the transmitter and dealing with the licensing that requires. I believe that those broadcasters should be paid for their signal just like any other content provider. As for CHCH going up for sale for $1 - in a time where lowered profits are treated as actual losses, the sale of this station seems rather dubious. From Wiki: So, Until Canadian Broadcasters actually embrace the programming guidelines as an opportunity to make some of the world's best content, it seems that they will continue to merely fulfill the obligations of their license. I have compassion but very little sympathy.
  2. While there is content restriction, it's not 1/3 of programming - hourly. Another way Cable providers have been mandated to adhere to Canadian Content in the past is through hijacking US Stations by beaming the Canadian Feed to those stations and replacing advertising. I haven't noticed it as much lately but I'd much rather be advertised to with items I can't get and have no way to buy than with local advertising. There's still no real push for Canadian Programming on a channel-by-channel basis hour by hour as in Radio by Canadians - we still watch crap television and pay more than ever for the services to do so. IMO, If we're subject to advertising in our feed then TV should be free. Do you watch mostly 'Public Television' or are you watching major networks, Esau? Either way, $27 a month for cable - though low on the scale of pay-television - is too much for advertised programming. zip.ca then. Mail Order DVD rental is what I'm getting at. There's also canflix.com, and rogersvideodirect.ca http://onlinedvdrentalguide.ca/reviews.php?site_id=42 Save a month's worth of cable fees and get a digital antenna? FWIW, when you watch Canadian Television Providers but watch American Programming you ARE passing your money to 'Some American Company' Good point...though I was mostly referring to 'indie cinema' which mostly takes longer to get to video...I think the independent video store that has a range of hard-to-get titles fits the bill nicely.
  3. I'm on the fence but also call bullshit on both sides, On one hand, the Cable Companies should somehow be compelled to have all the Canadian Content that it can while paying for it as they profit from our subscriptions... ...On the other, many of the companies that claim that Cable owes them money purchase (mostly) American programming. In Media, the change of programming seems to me to be a loss in profits, not an ACTUAL loss. When TV is mandated to adhere to Canadian Content like Radio Broadcasting, I'll think about taking it nearly as seriously as I take Radio Broadcasting...which for the most part I find to be a huge joke. The fact is, that few broadcasters/content providers take their viewers/listeners seriously and when they do it's maligned to the point of treating them more as ratings and market share than individuals that deserve respect. Use the internet. Get a Netflix Membership or go to the cool local video store, or spend the money on the cinema (a bytowne membership (Ottawa) is a better deal than cable IMO) Digital antennas make great stocking stuffers.
  4. So... all information proffered by any government agency is automatically false' date=' or at least misleading? [/quote'] If they have to proffer information that would otherwise be truthful then I have to question it. Fantastic use of the word 'Proffer', Hamilton. There is, on the other hand, no question of the superiority of Vitamin D to engage one's own immune defenses in comparison to the flu shot. Real science versus mythology: "Flu vaccines (including swine flu vaccines) are based entirely on a vaccine mythology that assumes all vaccines work and no vaccines can be scientifically questioned. Anyone who dares question the safety or effectiveness of vaccines is immediately branded a danger to public health and marginalized in the scientific community." -Mike Adams, Editor: NaturalNews - NaturalNews.com Since if this were incorrect it would be slanderous and there is no action being taken against independent media for spreading these truths (which have been spread for years) it is more than fair to say that they are on the side of reality. No TinFoil Hats here.
  5. 2 things: 1. If one eats mercury laced food it doesn't travel throughout the body in the same manner - doesn't get the same chance to lodge itself in the endocrine system, lymph system, or in the brain - it's buffered by the digestive tract. If one gets it injected into flesh or the circulatory system there is much less barrier. 2. There's no way to prove how much mercury is in a tuna sandwich as each fish is different. Do you have statistics to prove that there is a minimum level of mercury in the FLESH of tuna that we eat (as compared to the fattier parts of the fish, nerve tissues, and gills? "The study (JAMA 2002;289[2]:179-86), funded by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), used a new statistical model to estimate that 36 000 Americans are dying from influenza-related complications each year. The previous estimate was 20 000 deaths. An additional 11 000 mostly elderly people die annually from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The estimates are "similar in Canada," says Dr. Theresa Tam, chief of respiratory disease with the Centre for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control. Canada's flu toll had been estimated at 500 to 1500 deaths annually, but after using new modelling Health Canada estimated that 700 to 2500 deaths may be attributable to influenza." Not even taking into account the source of those estimates, a fact remains that if we need to lose people to learn that our current wellness model is broken then so be it. It's issues like this that make me sad for the farmers that are stuck growing corn, soybeans, and rapeseed (canola) to make enough money to feed their families and pay off their burden of debt instead of growing food to feed Canadians and keep us well, and in the process polluting what would otherwise be pristine wetlands, water tables, and rivers with fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Farmers feed cities but for the most part in Canada they aren't able to feed them well and we're paying the price with our loved ones and our own likelihood for illness both from the pollution and maligning of our ecosystems and economic models, and from the lack of high yield foods of which we could otherwise have immediate and affordable access. If one were to look into other studies regarding how many people in Canada suffer from autoimmune disorders, chronic endocrine problems, and metabolic deficiencies - which are heavily influenced by the lack of affordable opportunity to better wellness options beginning in the grocery stores, let alone information that neither health Canada nor our family doctors (for those of us that actually have them) - there would most likely be a strong overlap there both now and down the road when they fall into the age and illness categories that the tens of thousands of deaths the JAMA and CDC specifically refer to. This is NOT a flu shot issue this is a societal health and wellness issue of which H1N1 is merely a symptom. Suffer from the symptom fix the affliction?
  6. That would be an amazing painting to have on the wall of a Bouchard or Bouchard/Douglas home. Wish I had that talent and could actually paint that.
  7. That's not the reason it's 'become' important, it's the logic behind it being MADE important. That's not a good enough reason to get a flu shot. That's a good reason for people to take better care of themselves and eat high yield foods, keep clean, and drink adequate amounts of water, replenish their bodies' minerals etc. Do people develop severe neurological disorders or die as a direct result and within mere days of consuming tuna sandwiches? Well they sure do after getting vaccinations- and c-towns' link to the video above is a sad example of these very real dangers. Sad how people brush off the flip side of the argument media gives us as 'conspiracy bullshit' or at least incorrect. Although it has not been 'medically documented' that vaccinations cause autism here's an interesting tidbit...an incredibly low percentage (last I read it was zero but by now maybe it's happened once or twice) of Autistic people have never been vaccinated. Also' date=' the amount of mercury in one sandwich compared to the mercury being injected directly into flesh/vein matters less than the delivery methods involved...and a most likely potential that there is in fact more mercury in a vaccination than in a tuna sandwich. Good Luck with that one, Booche. I hope it doesn't come and bite you when you're aging. I think it's a lot fairer to look at Health Canada's reputation when it comes to ensuring Canadians are prevented from being able to suffer. When you look at specific examples such as Bovine Growth Hormone (which took a lot of fight out of a lot of great people to be adequately regulated), and the unfortunate incidents with Anthrax and Mad Cow Disease (which is entirely avoidable yet Health Canada did nothing to prevent - and easily could have) then it's absolutely safe and fair to say that Health Canada is not ultimately the best example for us to follow. Hell, look at the Canada Food Guide - 8 servings of grains? 3 protein? They suggest lowering fat intake at every turn while overloading us with servings of grains ...that confuses our bodies even more while the soy they suggest only confuses our bodies more than that. When it comes to the general 'take good care of yourself' messages and some initiatives that they take then Health Canada doesn't do an awful job, but there are fundamental issues of severe negligence that has taken Health Canada down notch after notch with me - while most Canadians wouldn't really give 2 shits about while they're worried about getting the flu. It's the flu. No need for a shot. If it were gangrene or some other bacterial infection then sure. get some antibiotics. Till then spend your time wisely on yourself. If that time spent wisely is on a meal as advised by Health Canada, please note that their 'vegetable and beef stir fry with rice a glass of milk and an apple for dessert' will cause your body to overproduce counteracting enzymes to break down dense protein, dense starch, and dairy, that - in effect - cancel one another out not only in action but in ph balance, resulting in undigested food, draining you of energy in digesting it and robbing you of the food value you expected to be there. eat wisely. Spend less on groceries. Have more time energy and money to invest in yourself.
  8. So on one hand there's the flu shot...that gives us a fair chance that we won't get sick from a certain strain of flu, miss work, and feel like shit. On the other hand there's the flu shot...full of mercury (among other heavy metals) and Squalene. I'd take the flu over poisoning my body with anything but booze, drugs, or food additives. At least those toxins in the amounts I'd expect flush from the body without much long lasting damage.
  9. It's probably safe to say that the twit this thread is about is not a stalking psycho torturer. If it were there would be no issue of triviality of a Facebook Poke. Of course the lawyer finds an example to prove that point in one scenario, but with a potential for years to be served in prison, an argument demands a degree of congruity that the terrified tortured mother example sorely lacks. Good show!
  10. Springsteen did a Seeger album. His lyrics are pretty folksy. Storyteller. A stretch, but with today's splintered interest in music and media identity, making Folk 'Business Savvy' has to water it down a bunch. That's like calling the Sadies or Mr. Something Something folk - doesn't mean that they can't put on great sets at FolkFest - but 'Folk Music' is certainly not 'about' business savvy. Folk Music deserves intelligent and prudent management to help give back to its community and keep it afloat amidst the constant distractions modern living throws us.
  11. are those pushed up or just really fake now? When a Senator needs a distraction from being 'pro-rape'...
  12. That's the kind of necessary compromise that makes the grade.
  13. Have water delivered and send the landlord the bill. Still bottled water, but you shouldn't have to leave home to get water.
  14. Way to make another amazing person! Have fun...She is, after all, your daughter.
  15. Aah the soft touch of the Fed. It drives men wild.
  16. Over 100M dead in the revolution/imposing rule? fack.
  17. A poke is not a contact, a poke is an invitation for THEM to contact. the poke is one step in between actual contact, as there is no communication (as that takes 2 and a poke is just a notice that the person just clicked a mouse button) Looking at the potential imprisonment, I'm more on the side of the accused on this one, even if that lady was a twit/twat. Since I don't know the story and don't care to it's more of the issue of questionable criminality and the potential desctruction of a life because of said questionable criminality. 'cut and dry' is a way of pushing compassion away in one's busy day. Poor twit/twat.
  18. And then you stick it in a big jar of alcohol to preserve it.
  19. $100 in fuel, OUR costs. If the value of money was actually based on something I could take that argument seriously. Good luck, nibbler.
  20. Thanks for Posting that, Esau!
  21. (don't worry...there will be a break to let you know where the 'bloat' starts) "While I may not agree with the laws, I think Emery had it coming to him. " - Hartamophone Hear Hear. Arguments on both sides (use of the postal system, the charges' relative near-legality, taxed income, our lax regulations, and the culpability of the American Buyers over Emery among others) do nothing to move us forward on this issue. Of the $million$ Emery made from his sales of seeds (among other things) I would seriously doubt that the vast majority of it went to advocacy groups and helping out the little guy. These networks were little more than PR/Advertising for his business and the business that drives his business. Though it's laughable to suggest that Emery's rise was clean and spotless, this story - just as the Roman Polanski deportation which broke on the news today - have a lot in common. Both are a huge waste of time and money for zero impact on public safety and decency. (stop reading here if you're not into reading 'bloated' posts) Since it's really not coming from guys like Emery, Where is the change going to come from? How can we make a positive impact on our communities with Marijuana? Until there's a significant benefit then the naysayers/drug-control arguers won't have any reason to budge. Is it going to come through agribusiness? With the relative non-existance of hemp processing facilities in Canada, it (at this point) would be a significant stimulus to a surrounding community in the creation and staffing of said facilities, but even then there are so few farmers that it's sort of a catch 22 ...and forget about useful things like food seeds, fuels, plastics, and textiles - that's not even the huge cash crop of Marijuana which, if taxed properly, would create giant budgetary surpluses that would support us in everything we could ever need from a socialist utopia (or start paying down our ridulous debt (or move toward both)). Is it going to come through Hospice and medical initiatives? Medical Marijuana clubs could really change the way this 'drug' is seen (no I'm not talking about smoke-easys, but if set up properly, why not? The Amsterdam Cafe in Vancouver's really nice) by the rest of the community, but this seems like a bit of a stretch. Is it going to require pot heads getting outside and being both active and visible puffing tuff? If we're in a hurry about it...too bad the weather's getting cold, cause potheads dig comfort. But what am I talking about...they still have to be outside as much as the rest of us. Look at how many people smoke tobacco outside. Maybe more people will need to sell weed (and keep tax records) to show how they turned their lives around with the help of a thriving weed economy? At the very least, a food service that sells 'happy treats' (infused oils and fats for baking and condiments, wellness tinctures, chocolates and confectionaries, etc) should come out of this, and could easily be started & kept going on this alone (without the need to sell it as a 'drug' but as a foodstuff). The trick would be to keep it going for a long period without legal 'intervention'...online sales with credit card and paypal ordering? I'm curious if this would even work like squatters' rights. Maybe it would have to be run in conjunction with a Medical Marijuana Club, to keep the proprietors away from any sort of culpability. Maybe it's going to get citizens to stop taking lawmakers' bullying when it comes to their personal liberties and freedom. Do potheads vote and call their MPs and write letters? What about Business taxes? If one were to set him/herself up as a limited liability corporation, work at their jobs/get hired as 'the corporation' and bank all of his/her assets in 'the corporation' (grossly underpay themselves while living off 'petty cash'? Company credit?), would there be a way to avoid paying personal business taxes? I'm definitely not knowledgeable about stuff like this but am I at least close to being onto something? Could it take potheads being super smart with their personal business to get around paying taxes to get politicians to change their ways? Starting our own companies to provide tasty munchies and clothing/lifestyle companies for us to support to keep profits from lobbying against our ideals? It sort of feels like some kind of 'Hippy Mafia' sort of deal with the way I put it across, but there must be some way to fully legitimize it in time.
  22. 'did you try jiggling the lock?'
  23. If one side has nukes, the other side should have nukes. Rag on Iran for developing them, but it's alright that ISRAEL have them? That's ridiculous.
  24. I would think that if he returned to music he'd eventually need a shitload of heroin to keep going. Keep painting, Ryan.
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