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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. I thought it was more 'everyone panic we're gonna blow ourselves up' but any excuse to panic...
  2. in this instance the trigger was the shot. Maybe later on it would get triggered by something else, but if that's the case they'd probably have had a rather normal holiday season. It's not like saying 'no cigarettes no lung cancer'.
  3. I figured that the content would be more of a turn off than the format.
  4. So' date=' who's right? [/quote'] Do you really care who's right? Would it really change or firm up your position on the matter?
  5. Vaccinations are not the cause of the syndrome' date=' just a possible trigger. Having surgery or getting sick (flu, cold etc) have also been linked as possible triggers. GBS can affect anybody. Saying "no shot no GBS" is nothing more then ignorance.[/quote'] So...if you don't trigger the syndrome from starting then can you suffer from it? Nope. I don't see that as ignorance. I wasn't talking about the CAUSE but the ONSET. How easy it is to point the finger of ignorance at someone whose stance on an issue is questionable in the eyes of established opinion and practice.
  6. Are you suggesting that anorexia is NOT a disease? I think it's safe to say that Eating Disorders, addictions, and other compulsive behavioural disorders are generally classed as 'diseases' (though that word is less and less PC as the hours roll by) by the establishment. I suppose it depends on one's understanding of the word 'disease' dis·ease (d-zz) n. 1. A pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. 2. A condition or tendency, as of society, regarded as abnormal and harmful. 3. Obsolete Lack of ease; trouble For Example: I personally feel that addiction does not entirely suit the term/distinction of the disease model, but how else can rehabilitation and other forms of help be extended to those that can't afford private rehab? If it's a health concern then help can be administered through the medical system but if it's not then there are fewer resources available to those in need and the only other options may lie in the penal system. I can only presume that there are many similarities between addiction and eating disorders as far as dependance, social, and psychological factors are concerned - so in many ways labeling it a disease is very useful and helpful, at least to the majority of those in need. There are a lot of people in the world that need all the help and compassion they can get. I hope her family and friends are holding up well.
  7. And all this time I thought part of the wall of sound's charm was that Phil WAS doing that. REAL swirling melodic lines.
  8. ...especially fun while naked.
  9. Cool bass, Jonyak. Great to be able to have that J-bass tone, OR an MM tone. There's an amazing DJ5 at Lauzon's right now. I suggest never playing it if you're deluded enough to think you've got the last bass you'll ever own. Lakland isn't making those basses anymore, same with the Jerry Scheff basses...2 of the coolest Fender-inspired basses ever made...and of course their 'Decade' model - the light blue one at Lauzon's (unless it's sold) is certainly a test drive moment I'll remember forever. As far as there being people that want options...these cravings eventually subside. I'm one of those people that wants options and control...but that being said, I'm waiting for a new set of nylon tapewound strings to arrive in the mail I think that when I can afford another bass and an electric guitar I'll have an even better idea of what's going to work for me. A few simple controls are what I crave and have now.
  10. ...and I didn't mean to downplay the reality of the situation by making reference to the smurfs. No shot no GBS.
  11. I was hoping to get together next time I'm in Toronto anyway. Hell, pick my brain online too. There are only so many things you can put in a guitar before it gets outta hand. I recommend reading up about Zappa's guitars and figuring out how you want to use your guitar/how you want it to perform... Again, anybody know what the controls on Phil's old 'Irwin/alembic-modded' Guild Starfire were? I know he had a set of Hagstrom BiSonics (low impedence single coil pickups) put in and a preamp/buffer to help feed his signal path more juice, but there must be a lot of bells and whistles in there. I always get the 'there's a schematic somewhere on the alembic site' answer and I never find it. Sure options are cool, and of course, once one gets their tone they can set it and forget it... ...but unless a player knows those controls, it can really be a liability. So many players DON'T learn the ins and outs of their gear, and understandably too - because there are so many instruments, effects, amps, and accessories that do so many many many things. No wonder the market is ripe for simple intuitively designed gear. For example: This is a $5000 guitar from the Fender Custom Shop. a volume and a tone on 's-1' switches (could be pushpots, FWIW) that punch the guitar into a couple of different modes. One pickup, simple relic'd finish...no fuss, no muss, intended to be a workhorse or a recording guitar. I've read a lot of hype and great response to this guitar, and the only negatives were pretty much that it's a $5K guitar that's made to look worn out. Nothing about there not being enough tone control, pickup switching, or synth access.
  12. Even the smurfs were pleasant to Gargamel, localcrew. My heart goes out.
  13. Alphanerd: Coil taps on each pickup series/parallel on pickups summed or individually... ...will probably give you too many options to play with. Save that, putting 2 different caps on your tone controls will get you significantly different responses out of your tone controls...this would require push/pull pots to accomplish. You have 4 pots and 1 3 way toggle. You could add more controls if you really want, but less is generally more. There's also the 'varitone' - which is a bunch of different caps with an inductor to act kind of like a mid notch. And of course there's the Stellartone Tonestyler...a more precise set of caps (each at 1/3 octave) that can be wired with a tone control for more use of tone controls... ...the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on... which is why less is more. Have you tried different strings lately? Wound G? Chromes? Good luck with that.
  14. Fail that, you can always go for a pair of overalls, GM.
  15. Well it sorta did...if one takes the vaccine after reading an 'info sheet' it would stand to reason that the culpability would be on the vaccine recipient.
  16. Of course you could, Brad... ...but Wireless invites complications into your life. Cables, though imperfect as they are, work 99.99999% of the time. Good luck with that though.
  17. saw these guys open up for Joshua Redman in Vancouver. Definitely impressed.
  18. if you're all about fine craftsmanship in 'hi-fi' instruments then this kind of thing will impress you...I'm not really into instruments that follow down the 'Alembic' path, but that doesn't mean I DON'T want a post-lawsuit Ibanez or a Lado...more that I don't WANT. Don't worry about reading schematics too much, Dr. Mouse - your guitar is probably happy the way it is for now...but if you're thinking about it, practice your soldering technique The effects loop in the guitar trick is a great idea - considering Garcia's 'signature' use of envelope filter, as that bubble always pops in a similar way and his tone was always perfect. I always thought Jerry's guitars were heavy. not for me without a huge strap. Heck, I don't think I'd even want Phil's old Guild bass. What the heck were all those knobs?? ...then again - maybe I would.
  19. I hope he recovers localcrew. [color:purple]I wonder who's to be held liable if he doesn't.
  20. OTTAWA - Four people have been taken to hospital this morning after more than 70 vehicles were involved in chain reaction crashes on fog-shrouded Hwy. 416. Crash Good vibes to all those involved, worried if their loved ones were involved, and those inconvenienced. What a way to start a work week.
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