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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. So I've been having some fun with gear myself, but no recordings to show for it. I'll have to take a better set of photos, but all things considered, I have a pretty juicy synth funk tripper. My 'pedalboard' is a set of Ikea Gorm corner shelves and in time I'll either replace them or fix them up to be a bit more permanent feeling (respace the boards, paint, and velcro with rubber feet, and find a decent piece of luggage to fit) When this happens, it'll be so much easier to hide this monster in the closet. Sometimes it's a little much...makes me excited. Those big unsightly boxes are essentially just being used as expression pedals, but they have momentary latches that I was thinking of having modified into bypass loops with momentary sends. I might sell them on eBay too. They're great units but big and heavy compared to having JUST an expression pedal. I use them for my phaser's rate and sweep (my phaser is also an envelope follower, so I use this unit to give me a phase-wah) I had some grandiose plans to use my amp's FX loop for the delay and phaser but it seems to have some noise. Until I can get it fixed it's really the only shortcoming of my 'compact' (read: fits in the trunk of a car not the bed of a pickup truck) setup besides not having more speakers to push those 250 Watts through. Now I've just got to get a kickass 4 string and another cabinet to have a fully giggable rig (a 5 string isn't always appropriate and my amp can pump out twice the power with another cabinet). That being said...I've been looking at a lot of 'Gear Porn' for the past year. Good thing I have a real outlet for release now...well...without a drummer in my living room.
  2. There are a bunch of korg nano controllers. They were designed to tuck up to laptops. Very clever.
  3. What else can we do? Every time I start to figure that up something new pops up that seems more important. Maybe it's something as simple as looking ourselves in the eye when we're in front of a mirror. It's a good start.
  4. Birdy - they DON'T need justification. These events occur either way. I don't agree with them happening and I can only presume most reasonable people are the same. The fact that you're getting political spam says a lot about what's being fed to us. One thing this all solidifies to me is your positive intentions about your interest in the world. Mostly, the world has been made to either be content to sit back and watch or ineffective enough to do nothing about anything they feel is wrong. What kind of junk mail do you want to get?
  5. No, AD I thought the foodeeze forum had enough spice. I remember being told one time that coffee is a 'traditional' flavour in chili. As far as describing the meal, it was a very focused band of flavour. Good call on the seaweed, thomson.
  6. So what are we going to do with this great information now that we have it? So what? Why is this so important? What can we do with this? Next step?
  7. I get what you're saying T and I get what you're saying, brad... T: Where you're saying the Architect could shine if they made their projects fill a hole in development (the role of project and community coordinator?), Brad's inference that people can make things happen rather than just comment about what isn't being done on the internet. Brad: work on your punchlines and someday you'll have an HBO special.
  8. It's funny how a tolerant society is bullied into being intolerant of intolerance, making it an intolerant society all along without it really knowing... ...which opens the door for all sorts of nasty shit.
  9. "No, I say that like he's the person that has the power to stop human rights violations, and doesn't. Please tell me your second sentence isn't a justification." Birdy, World leaders don't need justification. They have the bankers on their sides. As much as Ahmadinejad talks about Zionism, I don't really see him doing much about it besides creating a horrible backlash that supports any side he's not on. It's all falling into place. Let's sit back and watch...the stuff we're fed and the stuff we find.
  10. You say that like he's the person that commits every Iranian human rights violation. Many world leaders do nothing to truly help the oppressed in their nations. I meant his conversational tone and demeanor. We'll see if he rights some wrongs in time.
  11. Probably lard for old school authenticity. Most refined vegetable fats, though useful for frying, aren't really good to eat. Lard is probably a better oil than almost any of them in that regard. If you can find/make it, Ghee would be another amazing pick (less authentic but probably a lot better since lard has a lower smokepoint).
  12. Peanuts are highly goitrogenic and one of the reasons people are very unwell. The same can be said for soy but far louder. Coconut oil is one of the few oils that have a positive effect on the endocrine system. here's a short list of some of the most popular goitrogenic foods.
  13. Yup. I came back to check this to make sure I wasn't taken as a holocaust denier or called out as a nasty jerk. My issue with Hezbollah is that they fight for struggle, while that is precisely the problem I hate the most about the way the world has been run across the map. "He needs to stop committing human rights violations and he needs to stop flexing his nuclear muscles. Frankly, it fuÇking scares people. It makes people question his motives and it decreases his legitimacy." so does everyone else. Iran isn't alone in this. Every nuclear power is guilty of this in many ways. Not that I'm trying to argue or suggest that Iran/Ahmadinejad is spotless, but there's certainly been a spin on the portrayal of this guy that supports taking sides for a very long time which seems very counterproductive in the grand scheme of things. Is there a real need to pick sides? In awhile this will all simmer down and we'll see how it actually starts to play out. Accountability? Recount? I hope so. I kinda like this guy - he's an interesting character and if he's given the opportunity to be a part of the world political scene then we'll probably see a stronger Middle Eastern Alliance in coming years. He's a lot more intelligent than often portrayed. Most interviewers are so damn condescending to the guy.
  14. for those that can't afford a bidet? I wish I had an ass-fountain. That would be exhilirating. Unlike this strange looking thing that might get lost in heavy scrubbing.
  15. I wonder how much butter I'd need to buy to fill the fryer with ghee...
  16. What's the statistic? Israel is the 4th largest miliary superpower in the world? A specifically RACIST state with Nukes that isn't recognized as a valid state by its neighbours and near-neighbours? Israel's 'Aggressive ambitions' are to a large extent within its own borders against the brethren of these neighbours. A strong Iran is central to quelling the fears of its neighbours about a misaligned Zionist republic. I think it's funny that people confuse 'wiped of the map' with 'obliterated', as it seems to me to be a simple translation miscommunication. In every account I've read of Ahmadinejad talking about the Holocaust and either denying it, calling it a myth he always says 'let's assume it happened' and then he either: a) brings up the fact that in many countries, questioning the state-sponsored line is punishable under law (as truths typically don't need to be backed up like that), mentions that those atrocities didn't happen in Palestine, so why was Israel created? Why does the Holocaust bear down on Palestine?, or c) both of those. I wonder how many people tune him out and how many people tie together questioning the holocaust and why it is affecting a place that wasn't Jewish to begin with...after all, it can be argued that Iran is more historically Hebrew than Israel, as the Parsim have been in Iran for over 2700 years. I'm not 'weary' of his anti-zionist alignment one bit. I've never heard or read him openly denounce or criticize people for being of a different culture. "I think they key to it all is globalization, developing an international code of conduct and respect, and practicing what we preach. fuÇking good luck with that one. In the meantime, close your eyes and hope for the best." The key to it all is NOT globalization. We've developed international codes of conduct and respect and they're not followed. Globalization is just stretching out evil politics in the world. It seems to me, Birdy, that you're speaking of compassion and fairness. If that's your ground then fantastic. I think I'm standing on a piece of it right now too. Realistically, Globalism and Globalization are not the same as the understanding, respect, and merging of human rights and sensitivity. It's really easy to presume that civil unrest is centered in the youth of Iran, so of course that's where there would be more guard - especially with a 'strike', being 'self-orgainzed' and 'self-generated'. Is anyone really suprised one bit that people were hurt/killed during protests like these? I'm not. Will we threaten this once great country or will we foster positive relations and work to actually make the world a better place without conflict? Though it's easy to resent Iran politcally, it's also easy to pay little attention to the content and context of its words and do little to understand from where they originate. http://www.iranchamber.com/history/coup53/coup53p1.php http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d'état Mix that with America's Zionist interests in Israel, and Israel's aggressive anti-Islamic approach to governance, and it gets tricky. When a country like Iran stands up for itself, it's just a matter of time before acts of aggression demand acts of retaliation. I really hope we don't aggress. With 2 American wars in Asia and hints at cold war aggression (South Ossetia last year), it's about time for another world war to spring up. Africa (china,sudan), Iran/Iraq/Israel, AfPakia/India, North Korea/south Korea, Japan So what a perfect time for all this to happen and potentially erupt in a whirlwind of militaristic economic boosting! the 'economic system' is such that we need to both depopulate and make more money. the 'Media' wants us to have a reason to back up a war on Iran.
  17. Since It has a high smoke point and is made of medium chain saturates, I was hoping to find a line on larger volumes of coconut oil than one would typically find in a supermarket/health store ...without having to spend $100 for fryer fat. As long as it's from the Phillipines, I don't care about grade...just price. Their Coconut oil laws (yes, laws) demand that all coconut oil be processed chemical free, so grading is merely about taste - not quality (like Olive Oil). Also, if anyone has a line on Grapeseed oil for the same purpose, it might help me out. I'm sick of all this canola/vegetable crap.
  18. And 24 hours later I have a really focused black been beef chili. Nothing fancy...just meat, beans, a can of diced tomatoes, 2 cooking onions and a bunch of spices. When I was cooking the beans on the stove I used coffee to replenish the reduced liquid. It was a great idea. What a strange tasting yet kickass meal. I ate it most of the day. So glad that I don't have to be around a lot of people in an office tomorrow. very beany.
  19. How long did it take Ahmadinejad to declare victory - er, be declared victorious? 90 minutes? 80% of Iran's polpulation voted...and their ballots were counted in 90 minutes? riiight. Though I really appreciate his open questioning of Political Zionism and its impact on the middle east, both this and the 'there are no gays in Iran' (though he could have meant openly flamboyant facade fags) comments (I laughed) I didn't post the article to state my support of this guy. To be realistic, Ahmadinejad is just another in the long list of Iranian leaders villified by the Corporacratic Babylon Controllers and their media after Iran stood up for themselves and demanded to profit from their oil...something few other countries have done. So I'm sort of on their side, for fighting the fight for their own true and just cause... ...but it's shit like this (presuming at least some of what out Western Media says is true...to some extent) that reminds me that political tyrants are still political tyrants... To be fair, the same thing happened with GWB several years ago...though the riots didn't happen quite like that. "Human Rights Watch Said: May 14, 2009 Iran should immediately free seven detained Baha'i community leaders, or bring them promptly to trial so they can defend themselves in fair and open proceedings against the serious charges against them. May 1, 2009 Iran secretly hanged a juvenile offender early today despite a flawed trial, a stay of execution and an unequivocal international ban on such executions. April 20, 2009 The conviction in an Iranian court of journalist Roxana Saberi on charges of espionage followed a fast-track, closed-door proceeding that gave her lawyer no opportunity to prepare a defense or adequately represent her. March 13, 2009 Iranian officials are unlawfully detaining the Iranian-American journalist Roxana Saberi by holding her without charge. February 27, 2009 Iranian authorities should promptly free 10 students arrested in February 2009 in connection with peaceful campus demonstrations and detained without charge in Tehran's Evin prison. February 10, 2009 The sentencing of four Tehran bloggers by Iran's Judiciary Court on February 3, 2009, to prison terms, fines and flogging, despite the head of the judiciary's admission that they had been coerced into confessing, violates their right to a fair trial. December 30, 2008 The Iranian government should end immediately its escalating persecution of Dr. Shirin Ebadi, the 2003 Nobel peace laureate and a leading human rights defender. November 4, 2008 Iran hanged a juvenile offender on October 30, 2008, the seventh this year, only two days after Iranian authorities "categorically denied" that it still executes juveniles. October 29, 2008 The Iranian government is escalating its attacks against women activists, subjecting them to arbitrary detention, travel bans, and harassment." Iran is far from being innocent, but is the West much better? I say no. Aside from hanging juveniles, that list reads a lot like the fallout from the Patriot Act. Guantanemo Bay? 'Terrorists'?? If you look into the details, the definition of 'terrorist' in the USA is vague enough to encompass almost any civil disobedience. The difference is that Iran is a few years ahead of the USA in its following their vague guidelines to a 'T'. Peace through acts of aggression, T.? Which acts of aggression are those?
  20. What about someone not living in the urban area but working there? Would they be exampt or would it apply to everyone? Though ultimately 'fair' to be universal, Rural sommunities have a huge potential to be redesigned to be as-or-more 'urban' than most cities in Canada (minus the public transit) due to geographic size. If Smaller communities were able to impose a limitation on development, this potential could be so easily realized. How would we then overcome the almost inevitable rural building that would then surround these dense little settlements? Could we ensure that single family dwellings be planed to benefit the environment (Drainage, consumption of materials, etc., incentives to green techniques and supplies?) and the local economy/community (tax credits/incentives to buy/build local)? How important are park lands, walking trails, nature conservatories, and heritage land in this topic? Though it's Architecture & Society, it almost feels like it's getting to being 'Architecture OF Society' when getting into the constructs and reworkings of our inefficient systems and aspirations.
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