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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. SaggyBalls

    Clotted Cream

    Dilute it with water for an alternative to our dead, pasteurized milk.
  2. I'm really surprised that AMC doesn't air it more often. I stopped watching season 2 regularly in April but hope to catch more reruns.
  3. Good luck on finding an awesome avatar, bouche.
  4. Probably not drugs. Perhaps...but probably not.
  5. "nano-thermite'? "elevator modernization"? This guy must be some sort of quack.
  6. Oh Thorgnor you're not a bad person - but 'they're just doing their job' while kind is a huge waste of your kindness. Forgive them - they know not what they do? They know perfectly well what they're doing and why they're doing it - be it for money or control they don't deserve forgiveness for that without appropriate action. "every relationship is both political and an act of collusion in the way that it manufactures common language and culture" Collusion is working in secret, breaking laws and rules, for profit/benefit. Collusion is not something to be put on every political relationship that doesn't have a tape recorder or camera present. It's not about the apparatus of oppression ir's the nature of the oppression that the apparatus is acting upon. If it's your aunt's fault that something messed up tell her - since you would have anyway. And phishtaper - it's not about automatically assuming devious 'questionable aims', but the truth has been bent in a devious way time and time again on this issue. "the process" deals with data as it is on paper - not how it's been twisted and its findings creatively worded. Much of the issue with the study is certain ommissions about test subjects, the bias of researchers and industry peers. "i do not just assume some sort of devious "questionable aims" in the literature. to do so would undermine the validity of the entire world of science itself. " What about when the 'questionable aims' are shown the light of day? When biases and discrepencies are exposed does that make the entire world of science invalid? Does it not only invalidates the study in question. Again, not that some mystic 'plot' is important but why are many of these important issues being entirely ignored by the public and the media?
  7. No, M.O.B.E. - that's just figurative. More children and rotting food touch a shopping cart in a day than your money. Who washes their hands at the grocery store? I know when I see the hand sanitizer I use it there.
  8. Romantic/Classical? Getz/Gilberto?
  9. Not so much a media blackout... Cause they've been popping up in grocery stores all over the place for years. Often around the shopping carts. Keep an eye out. Shopping carts are the dirtiest things around.
  10. "maybe it's not such a bad thing that the police and army aren't the only people who can carry guns." thanks, Deranger "I would challenge any American to show me where, in their Constitution, there is any mention of the right to own a handgun." awesome, Basher. Doesn't mean that handguns should be banned. Storage and transportation issues. "The real issue here is parenting. I guess it's fair to say that this house was not exactly "baby-proofed" for safety." I love your threads, Caveman Lawyer.
  11. Phishtaper - it's still an enormous conflict of interest. A paycheck's still a paycheck no matter how the details are laid out. "the studies to which I refer are peer-reviewed, scientific, randomized control trials, and systematic reviews." Systematic and peer-review doesn't mean proven to be without bias, and though the process is the gold standard, it doesn't necessarily mean that there are not questionable aims to said research. http://groups.google.com.eg/group/sci.med.nutrition/browse_thread/thread/35d7d4f611b530c3 http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2008/03/two-detailed-critiques-of-industry.html To create absolute proof that there is something absolutely horrible is going on requires memos, secret tapes, banking records, and detailed analysis of correspondance. It's much easier to require the accuser prove claims and believe process. "Oh - there's a big study that says this is safe that the news is picking up on. No need to worry anymore." Try drinking 1 oz of pure aspartame (formaldehyde) upon rising once a day for 2 years? You'll want to keep it in the fridge to stay sweet. How about only consuming 'diet' versions of all available foods that you eat? Try it. Why not? Thorgnor - yes we do need advances. Absolutely. Desperately. "The fact that experts get together is actually responsible for some of the most important theoretical advances in the contemporary world... we need sh!t like that." World political and economic leaders meeting in secret to plan together are not coming up with the advances we need. It is collusion and the fact that information regarding some of these issues have to be 'leaked' and are only covered by independent media speaks volumes about their importance. "The fact that they call themselves the "Bilderburg group" doesn't mean Jews are out to get you.", " The fact that some converts to religions do things you think are opportunistic is political, and linking that to things like food regulations, when regulation can only ever oppress anyways, is silly. " There are 2 sides to that coin. One is that nobody's talked about 'Jews' in this thread (nor is that relevant) and the other, which is 'wtf are you talking about'? "But linking them into one big conspiracy detracts from the reality that individual actors with individual intersts really create these problems." Linking issues together that are suitably linked does not create the problems if they were there in the first place. If you mean create them in a sense of philosophy/perception then...sure. I'll go with that. Doesn't mean that anyone's creating suffering by pointing this out, as we all have an element of control over our reactions and attitudes. Individuals talking to other individuals that are working with many individuals to come together for benefit of their individual aims, yes - those individuals are individual actors. That's not the same as what you are implying, nor is what you're implying correct. Lobbyists push regulation. Lobbyists are working for special interests - not special needs. These powers are doing nothing to create abundance in the name of our collective aims, if only to ensure that their progeny don't have to experience struggle (outside of immense wealth). Contrary to much opinion, regulation has the potential to empower people. The notion of oppression doesn't really apply to big business. The nature of the regulation and the way it works and is allowed to behave in a system is an essence of regulation that can be shaped to oppress. hamilton - It's not completely illogical and it doesn't take long to find examples of Chomsky's selective criticism. here's a great one. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/morrisseychomskyonjfkandvietnam1993.shtml If we're working with your analogy, then it would be much more like said advocate denying that they have ever listened to Phish after going on tour, photographing the band backstage, then saying that 'a band like that would be amazing - I can only imagine what that's like to hear'. I think that Chomsky has a lot of fantastic insight and articulates so much so very well that I don't mean to detract from the content of much of his work. It's led many people to feel empowered and has propped up a lot of individuals' self-worth in times of great confusion. I also don't necessarily care about the supposed plot and the loose ends that seemingly tie up nicely with government conspiracy discussion. To say that big business and greed are the cause of the majority of the world's strife and then conveniently omit tangible reasons for 'intellectual defense'... Seems strange to me and is worth sharing.
  12. cooler table and chairs can be found for free in craigslist and on the street around the beginning of every month. Good luck.
  13. That's no fun, Bouche. I bet you could come up with a better conspiracy theory than that.
  14. The content of the film had quite a bit to do with Obama going with the underlying presidential theme of using the rights and liberties from the American people to pay back the power brokers. Sure I've put a lot of cards on the table. If i were to have to explain how they work together I'd be playing into a big 'theory' but by expressing that there are roles to put into perspective, am I implying there is a plot? As far as the reasons I posted - a few of those were pure curiosity (the chomsky stuff) and I put them there to post some sonspiracy theory stuff. That first long post was mostly about that 'why I don't buy into your conspiracy theories' "here's why conspiracy theories are bullshit" piece which - although filled with purely logical generalizations - incite people to glaze over important issues by playing on their existing logic, easily misleading otherwise highly intelligent people. Now, the reason that the case against Chomsky should stand is that - though he's a linguist and not a scientist as we typically see it, he is a public critic of government and corporate interests yet ignores some of the most glaring examples of inequity and marginalization that affect the most people in the Western World. On the flip side, that article accuses Chomsky (in typical 'Conspiracy Theory' fashion) of being an NWO puppet. I might prefer making that argument to myself instead of having it made for me... The Aspartame post was to refute the claim that aspartame is harmless, while it's neither harmless nor crucial to support through arguing against aspartame opponency. "Many legitimate controlled trials" is entirely subjective & generally misleading. I commented on the fact that collusion is not only awful, but illegal, and the crux of the argument against the Bilderbergs et al, and suggest reasons that it's particularly bad for us in this case. I clarified the issue of media blackout/secrecy instead of 'not just hearing about' these meetings. So in getting a bit off topic in explaining that 'our' failure is 'their' success and showing example of one way that their rules will leave us out in the cold, I brought up the assault on organic and small scale farming and seed production. While off topic in one regard, it's particularly on topic, as the film talks about Obama going behind the backs of the American Public when they're distracted. I realize that I stated many times that I'm more interested in the issues and the 'plot' is a distraction, yet I've used 'their' and 'our' during and since and undoubtedly will continue to do so. I'm talking about the intertwining details when I say I'm not interested in plot - and how all of these details their interplay particularly oppress the world. Why invest energy in something new to us when we have stock in this existing system? I care to suppose that would require a shift in personal values. Seems to be the underlying theme in the utterly failing, utterly thriving masses of the world.
  15. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Fuck, Sarah Palin sure packed on the pounds.
  16. Glad to know I get people from time to time.
  17. Yes, Booche - when those people get together to build relationships and to advance their pursuit of excellence... ...but in this case, 'Excellence' is marked with the proceeds of greed. It's not a case of us just not happening to hear about it - IT IS A MEDIA BLACKOUT. Every world summit is a big deal. There's media coverage, public interest, discussion, minutes, disclosure... But in the case of the Bilderbergs, there is full media blackout and invasive security measures aimed at those that try to unearth details about these people. There has been no creation of abundance and wellness across the globe as one should expect from the most powerful people on the planet meeting behind closed doors for any GOOD reason. You're such a nice guy, Andre. You too ollie. though I think Schwa's up to something... Most people are 'nice' when it comes down to it and talk of 'plots' against the public and secret evil conspiracies is really only of interest for short bursts...say, 90 minutes in a dark room with explosions and popcorn - so i can understand a disdain for conspiracy theorism and seemingly 'far-fetched' plots. I prefer to know about the individual issues. The plots that connect the dots would come so naturally that they're of little interest. They really serve to distract people from the actual issues. Keeping people unwell, worried, oppressed, and in need of a hand up from Government - to fix what should never have been allowed to break in the first place - This is the social control that is heavy enough for so many people to not want to have gnaw at their minds. We put so much into our perception of government and out 'democracy' - hold it high, think it's really helping us...we don't want to think it's a waste of time. Also, Government needs us to need them AND want them. When an 'evil plot' is added to the mix it just gets to be to much. That doesn't mean the system/infrastructure in place doesn't accomplish those ends. How Convenient for these changes to 'need' to occur? Salmonella/E.Coli/Melamine? Food Safety? Bullshit.
  18. From your perspective it's for the worse. From their perspective it's for their benefit. Mass control? That can only be usheded to welcome arms through terrible circumstances - of which they will be immune. Of course, that's only if 'terrible things' happen Huge profit, huge control - at our expense. That's why it should be of interest to the general public. Knowing about corporate ownership and rights, the world bank, WTO, UN, and issue of the corporatocracy/oligarchy structure that supercedes our democratic rights. Truthfully, there will not likely be a specific event where you or I will personally be affected by a random corporation taking our personal property - but media, consumer, infrastructure, and economic control are all so vague and far-reaching that one could 'adapt' to most of the tweaks that will be put into the system. For Example - The US is set to move HR 875 (SHORT TITLE.-This Act may be cited as the "Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009") through to law - and have we heard much about this on MSM(Mainstream Media)? Nope. Big Food business is set to profit from GMO and non-organic food. If you care to read this article then great. Maybe you all are thinking 'they're not against us' - but whether or not they ARE, the rules will be stacked against the individual who will be at the absolute mercy of the law. Whether it's a NWO/Bilderberg plot, these groups aren't getting together to find out how to make the world a better place, to benefit humanity, eradicate disease, get people clean drinking water, and build infrastructure to properly house the world's poor (which is entirely within the grasp of the world with the help of the mega rich). Why have we not eradicated illiteracy? So stuff like this can happen - Seeds - How To Criminalize Them By Linn Cohen-Cole 3-20-9 HR 875: SHORT TITLE.-This Act may be cited as the "Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009" Full text version pdf of HR 875: http:// frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi? dbname=111_cong_bills&docid=f:h875ih.txt.pdf ] -Wisdom says stop a bill that is broad as everything yet more vague even than it is broad. -Wisdom says stop a bill that comes with massive penalties but allows no judicial review. -Wisdom says stop a bill with everything unspecified and actually waits til next year for an unspecified "Administrator" to decide what's what. -Where we come from, that's called a blank check. Who writes laws like that? "Here, do what you want about whatever you want and here's some deadly punishments to make it stick." -Wisdom says know who wrote that bill and be forewarned. -Wisdom says wake up. Here's the bill. Let's use our imaginations and extrapolate from the little bit it reveals and from the reality we know. SEC. 206. FOOD PRODUCTION FACILITIES. (a) Authorities- In carrying out the duties of the Administrator and the purposes of this Act, the Administrator shall have the authority, with respectto food production facilities, to-- (1) visit and inspect food production facilities in the United Statesand in foreign countries to determine if they are operating in compliance with the requirements of the food safety law; (2) review food safety records as required to be kept by the Administrator under section 210 and for other food safety purposes; (3) set good practice standards to protect the public and animal health and promote food safety; (4) conduct monitoring and surveillance of animals, plants, products, or the environment, as appropriate; (5) collect and maintain information relevant to public health andfarm practices. ( Inspection of Records- A food production facility shall permit the Administrator upon presentation of appropriate credentials and at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, to have access to and abilityto copy all records maintained by or on behalf of such food production establishment in any format (including paper or electronic) and at any location, that are necessary to assist the Administrator-- (1) to determine whether the food is contaminated, adulterated, or otherwise not in compliance with the food safety law; or (2) to track the food in commerce. © Regulations- Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture andrepresentatives of State departments of agriculture, shall promulgate regulations to establish science- based minimum standards for the safe production of food by food production facilities. Such regulations shall-- (1) consider all relevant hazards, including those occurring naturally,and those that may be unintentionally or intentionally introduced; (2) require each food production facility to have a written food safety plan that describes the likely hazards and preventive controls implemented to address those hazards; (3) include with respect to growing, harvesting, sorting,and storage operations, minimum standards related to fertizer use, nutrients, hygiene, packaging, temperature controls, animal encroachment... and water; Ah, such a little paragraph, and so much evil packed in it. Notice they mention harvesting, sorting and storage operations? Notice they never mention seeds but they are precisely what those words cover. Now, watch how they will be able to easily criminalize seed banking and all holding of seeds. First, to follow how this will be done, you must understand that: 1. there is a small list inside the FDA called "sources of seed contamination" and 2. the FDA has now defined "seed" as food, 3. so seeds can now be controlled through "food safety." Those seeds (so far) include: *seeds eaten raw such as flax, poppy sesame, etc.; *sprouting seeds such as wheat, beans, alfalfa, most greens, etc.; * seeds pressed into oils such as corn, sunflower, canola, etc.; *seeds used as animal feed such as soy .... That includes most seeds. It may even be all seed, given how they are skilled at 'new' definitions. And what are the "sources of seed contamination" inside the FDA? They include only six little items: -agricultural water -manure (but not chemical pesticides or fertilizers) -harvesting, - transporting equipment - seed cleaning (sorting) equipment -seed storage (storing) facilities Did you know that seed cleaning equipment is THE single most critical piece of equipment for sustainable agriculture? It is how we collect organic seed. It is the machinery used after the season, when plants "go to seed," to separate out (sort) the seeds from the plant material so the farmer can collect (harvest) and then save (put in storage) seed for the next year at little cost. With his own seed, the farmer also stays free of patented, genetically engineered, corporately privatized seeds. This year, 2009, one item on the "sources of seed contamination" list is suddenly illegal in some parts of this country - seed cleaning equipment. To get the drift, perhaps you need to know that the people who clean seed are being wiped out, as well. How can they make such vital equipment illegal? Quietly, first of all, so as not to alert organic farmers who have a lot of political ties. And by saying it contaminates food. And by applying their innocent and reasonable sounding "minimum standards." "Contaminate" is their favorite word since the public fears the deadly contamination that industry itself - not farmers - has caused. That fear is valuable. Scare the public and it is easy to get "food safety standards" set without anyone reading them. 39 progressive co-sponsors leap on, thinking this is about "food safety." But it is only about the use of "food safety," not the reality of it For to eliminate seed cleaning equipment, the FDA simple set minimum "food safety" standards for seed cleaning (the simple separation of seed from plant) such that a farmer would need a million toa million and a half dollar building and/or equipment to meet the new requirements ... per line of seed. On the ground, where reality lives, a farmer in the midwest who has been seed cleaning flax for 40 years with his hand made seed cleaner now can't sell his flax on the market anymore. Never mind there are NO instances of anyone ever having gotten sick from seed cleaning equipment. And a farmer in another part of the midwest who has been cleaning wheat, corn and soy for years with one single perfectly fine piece of equipment would now need three to four and half million dollars for three separate pieces of equipment, in order to satisfy the "food safety" standards. The FDA isn't so high-bar setting when it comes to other things like melamine in baby formula. Though it has proven to sicken and kill infants, initially the FDA just denied the melamine was in all the corporate baby formula but when people found evidence that it was, the FDA then quickly supplied a "food safety" standard that defined whatever level of melamine that was in the formula as fine. This game playing about "food safety" standards - one to eliminate farmers by setting the bar so high no one can climb, and one to protect industry by setting the bar so low nothing need be done - is nothing new but now it is being suddenly extended to seeds. And it comes with penalties that make bankrupting farmers in an instant, very easy. The effort to eliminate both seed cleaners and seed cleaning equipment tips us off to who is behind this (shhh) and to this new means of controlling seeds andmakes it possible to see just a few suspect words in this bill, and sense where things are heading. Organic farmers are not aware of any of this happening. It appears the organic community is being treated with kid gloves until HR 875 and related bills should be passed, coddled so they don't get wise to what's afoot. And they are too disconnected from traditional farmers to be aware of how the USDA has been tromping on them for years. So organic farmers have missed the handwriting on the wall for themselves. Plus, plain ole farmers have a history of no one listening to them, which is too bad in general but now it's blatantly dangerous because it is they who are the ones bringing the warning that these bills are not just bad but deadly. The organic community, lulled by its own seeming safety, hasn't heard or understood. But given what just happened with seed cleaning equipment (sorting), the method and the intent are exposed. "Food safety" is the weapon, with public fear, kept at a high pitch, as the driver. After which, those running this game only need to set the bar at a "food safety" level impossible to meet and apply horrendous punishments for not complying. Farmer is either crushed by that pincer move, or quits. Either way, his land is up for grabs. And those severe punishments are essential to control groups which will see the whole thing for what it is - insane in terms of farming and anything to do with health, a threat to survival, and driven solely by profit and power. So, one crucial piece of equipment (seed cleaning) is illegal now and without most people realizing. And simply because a single "foods safety" bar has been raised. In time, as more and more farmers are forbidden from using their equipment, significant sources of organic seeds will begin to dry up, at which point the organic community would begin to ask what was going on. By then, it will be too late. Why? Because look at the last item on the list - (seed) storing facilities. Farmers, gardeners, seed saving exchanges, seed companies, scientific seed projects, and seed banks, all require sorting. All are working overtime to protect biodiversity that is rapidly disappearing specifically because of genetic engineering. As Monsanto began reducing access to seeds, people around the world have worked hard to compensate. But now the effort is to take over the whole game, going after even these small sources of biodiversity - by simply defining seeds as food and then all farmers' affordable mechanisms for harvesting (collecting), sorting (seed cleaning) andstoring (seed banking or saving) as too dirty to be safe for food. Set the standard for "food safety" and certification high enough that no one can afford it and punish anyone who tries to save seed in ways that have worked fine for thousands of years, with a million dollar a day fine and/or ten years in prison, and presto, you have just criminalized seed banking. The penalties are tremendous, the better to protect us from nothing dangerous whatsoever, but to make monopoly over seed absolutely absolute. One is left with control over farmers, an end to seed exchanges, an end to organic seed companies, an end to university programs developing nice normal hybrids, and an end to democracy - reducing us to abject dependence on corporations for food and gratitude even for genetically engineered food and at any price. When you know that Monsanto, with the help of the US government, plundered ancient and rare seed banks in Iraq that held seeds with a genetic heritage (a biohistory belonging to all of us) going back 1000s of years and then made it a crime for farmers there to collect or use their own normal andnon-patented seeds off their own land, you see how extreme the intent to control is. Now, perhaps it is possible to see how the identical thing is being done here, only it comes in a heavily, heavily disguised way - through "food safety" that isn't "food safety" at all - and quietly sitting in only one tiny little paragraph within a very large bill (and with no reference to seeds at all). The Iraqis are now utterly at the mercy of Monsanto and the US for survival itself and will have to pay whatever prices are set for food. They can no longer just grow their own and be free people. So, no matter what form of government they may ever have, as long as this is true, they are now enslaved because the control over them is that extreme. Kissinger was right - control food and you control people. We are inches from this ourselves. The Left needs to wake up. In Afghanistan, people are buying and planting beans from America which at the end of the season have nothing whatever inside, the pods are empty. In Equador, the potatoes there do not develop eyes so can't be planted next season to grow potatoes. Biotech's claim to care about feeding starving multitudes is belied by its blocking human access to normal seeds and its terminator technology (empty beans). Monopoly is monopoly is monopoly. And at this level, and when it comes to seeds which are life itself, monopoly terminates democracy as well as beans. This trick of setting bars above any ability to be in the game was done to blacks and in realizing this, we must hold Obama accountable for pushing these bills which are profound civil and human rights abuses. There are three other items of the list which surely will be controlled as well. In toto,that little list of six items (agricultural water, manure, harvesting, transporting and seed cleaning equipment, and seed storage facilities) contains the pieces to deconstruct farming itself, Take action -- click here to contact your local newspaper or congress people: http://www.usalone.net/cgi-bin/oen.cgi?qnum=7467 Immediately withdraw HR 875, SR 425, HR 814, HR 759, and all related bills. They are intended to destroy small farmers and will trap us into GMOs Click here to see the most recent messages sent to congressional reps and local newspapers http://www.usalone.net/cgi-bin/transparency.cgi?qnum=oen7467 Linn Cohen-Cole Related Is Organic Farming Killer Rep. Rosa DeLauro Becoming the Most Hated Woman in America? (I Hope So) Mar. 20, 2009 http://educate-yourself.org/cn/ rosadelaurooppositiongrowing20mar09.shtml Goodbye Farmers Markets, CSAs, and Roadside Stands by Linn Cohen-Cole (Mar. 19, 2009) http://educate-yourself.org/cn/cohen- colegoodbyefarmersmarkets03mar09.shtml Banning Organic Farming & Regulating Home Gardening, HR 875 & S 425 (Mar. 13, 2009) http://educate-yourself.org/cn/ HR875andS425organicfarmingban13mar09.shtml
  19. If you're looking to get into small town Eastern Ontario to see some great Live Music, local art and cuisine, rent a canoe, or take a Dandelion Wine workshop then maybe you'll see me this weekend! Both Vegstock and The Dandelion Festival take place in Kemptville the weekend of May 30-31 2009. Now I know most of Ottawa doesn't know more than one or two names of towns south of the big city but I'm thinking that Kemptville is one of those that may be known and a few may even have passed through on their way to Merrickville and maybe someone even stopped in town, probably at the liquor store. All joshing aside, here's some news that may get a foodie or two to visit Kemptville (come before the WalMart gets built!). Pay special attention to the Beau's reference, the Texas-style BBQ and the last sentence re the cost of all the fun. From the branch restaurant May newsletter: "See that green stuff everywhere? That’s Spring, baby! That means VegStock! VegStock! VegStock! VegStock ’09 is on the way! Spring! The farmers are ready (mostly, anyway...) and you should be too! It’s that time again...time to dance away yer winter blues at the world’s greatest (Kemptville Kinsman’s Farmers’ Market season opening...) street party! the branch restaurant and Ken Johns productions are proud to once again be hosting not just one but two(!) fun-filled, musically exciting, days (May 30 and 31st) full of tunes that will take you on a musical journey as diverse as the soon to be bountiful fields we will be here to celebrate--everything from country, folk & rock to bluegrass, indie rock and the blues, a musical soup made from the finest of stocks...your VegStock will feature Kemptville and the Ottawa Valley’s finest songwriting, its fastest picking—all the way from it’s classic country heart to its loudest, proudest rock & roll soul! This year’s lineup marks the return of some of last years highlights, along with a mix of new faces and some other old friends...Also new this year, Saturday will be a long party with outdoor lights and dancing until 11:00 pm! Confirmed so far are: Day 1 12-12:45 Kansas City Shuffle 1-1:45 George Buys 2-2:45 Andy McGaw 3-3:45 Meredith Luce and the Mandates 4-4:45 The OhYeahs! 5-5:45 Loon Choir 6-6:45 Nukariik 7-7:45 Barn 8-8:45 Al Wood and the Woodsman 9-9:45 Roxzilla Day 2: 11-11:45 Chef Bruce and the Loose and Juicy Acoustic Army 12-12:45 Grenville Grass 1-1:45 Shady Blue 2-2:45 Pat Moore 3-3:45 John Carroll 4-4:45 The Standby Brothers Chef Bruce from the branch will also be your emcee, and plans to bring a little flavour of his own to the proceedings with a few words about local foods and farmers... Beau’s Lug Tread beer will be flowing in a beer tent out in front of the restaurant (new this year,) with a full view of the stage—The Dandelion Festival—Kemptville’s premiere local art, craft and business showcase, will be centered around the downtown core with a slew of activities designed to include the whole family--participation has been confirmed for the following: belly dancing, a boot sale, a children’s village, clowns, a crafters’ market, a cricket match, hat making, Dandelion wine workshop, decorating contest, drumming, the farmers’ market (of course!), gardening, heritage walking tours, high tea, a karate demonstration, live music, an obstacle course, a petting zoo, a photo contest, a quilt show, recycled arts & crafts exhibition, rug hooking, a sidewalk sale, square dancing, storytelling, street performers, tai chi, yoga, train rides, and youth activities! Also returning this year, the branch restaurant will be hosting the concession by the stage and featuring the best Texas style BBQ north of the I-35 corridor alongside a fine selection of slightly less Texas style veggie options for any and all, and, as always, in the finest branch tradition, all prepared with a selection of local, fresh, organic and handmade ingredients! VegStock and the Dandelion Festival are green events—Your Mother (Earth, that is...) will thank you for your support and remembering not to bring in any disposable stuff unless it’s recyclable or compostable... Carpooling is encouraged, and some parking will be available downtown, and park and ride options from the Municipal Center parking lot just North of the main intersection (at highways 43 & 44) will be available as well... The cost for all this fun in the sun? A can of food that can be dropped of at Salvation Army truck that will be parked right beside the main stage." Here's a link to a bit of info re The Dandelion Festival: www.northgrenville.ca
  20. I don't think that anybody's suggesting that life stops because of the Bilderbergers. However, nobody stops to look at the issue of COLLUSION in the grandest scale - not just going against law (which they do for meeting in secret), but for changing the rules before we even knew they were relevant and important to have upheld. It's not so much that 'they' might be plotting against us, but the extreme apathy towards and acceptance of this in the face of evidence to support these meetings taking place is less than fortunate but not at all suprising. It's also not so much that 'life goes on' but HOW life will go on if any undue influence and control is just allowed to be - keep us pacified and do what you will? I don't think that people should necessarily stop, do a 180 and focus all of their attention on this, but understanding the choices we make and decisions we leave up to others can be very empowering. It only happens because we are careless enough to allow it to and ignorant enough to keep it from being an issue worthy of discussion.
  21. Awesome. You're gonna have a whole lot of fun.
  22. 40 views and not even Bouche to make a comment about the funky vinyl he found.
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