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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    per product you buy it's not a lot of money, but add up the market and it's a lot of money.
  2. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    That's millions of dollars just in Canada.
  3. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Kosher food: Non jewish people have no idea what these symbols are, and don't know that corporations pay jewish groups to have the right to put these symbols on their labels just to keep kosher keeping jews buying their products. If you buy mass produced goods then you probably pay about $10 a year to these groups. What would happen if most people knew about this? Would they buy local? Would they be angered? Would they not care? What do these groups do exactly?
  4. SaggyBalls

    Food Policy

    I wonder how many people would opt to buy local goods if they knew that part of the money they spent on their food might fund Zionism.
  5. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    what an awesome cartoon!!!
  6. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    the term is 'Islamophobia'
  7. SaggyBalls

    Food Policy

    it is a huge part of the Green Party's platform.
  8. they're really not very loud, and are not generally erected where people work and play, so a malfunction isn't going to be of huge concern. It's good to have this not be a one sided discussion, but the arguments against don't have as much clout as the arguments for.
  9. Well that's looking at it from an energy consumption point of view, Larry Llama. Perhaps there are energy issues to solve yet...getting us to the point where we don't have to worry about consuming electricity. Looking forward, we will get to a point where renewable energy will be a reality and people won't have to think about cooking their food as potentialy putting a dent in their bills.
  10. More commuter cars? How could we get this to be a bigger push for public and mass transit, and cycling? Think it's a possibility? Bike factories? Encosed Trikes? Segways?
  11. So what kinds of cars do you folks want to see developed?? Personally, I'd love to see some all wheel drive electric wagons or camper vans. If there's going to be a push for eco tourism I want to be able to get out to nature cleanly. Or see more 'concept' cars become a reality.
  12. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

  13. but the maple lodge ultimate chicken dogs were on sale and they're frickin huge!
  14. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    I have always thought the same, but have been entirely confused by it, as merely putting in the minimum accepted effort, it isn't really doing one's fellow man any genuine service - it merely fulfils a task - an obligation - while the true essence of Christianity is to put in a genuine effort and 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you'... If 'I am the way' meant that Jesus was merely courteous and civil, then that water he turned into wine would've tasted more like piss...and the story probably wouldn't have been told quite the same. When countries and lives are led behind rules and guidelines rather than an ethos from the heart for everyones' benefit the tales of saintly people get overshadowed by misunderstanding and disappointment. Is this sort of the gist of what you were getting at? Something I must have drank left a bitter/sour taste in my mouth too.
  15. Only use microwave safe dishes?? Don't use a microwave!! (it does make hotdogs a fast convenient treat though...)
  16. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Dude i wasn't bashing you. I was making one of my entirely tedious generalized observations to sum up a few tones and directions of the thread. Just cause I make a joke at the joke (i thought) you made. Get all fired up if you really have to but I'm not trying to make it happen. While I agree that there are some unfortunate grabs for power and affluence and that it's at the neglect of those who can't really help themselves... ...but moreso I think that much of it isn't entirely sinister. I'm glad that you're bringing up some different perspectives on 'religion' and trying to tie them into the 'right wing agenda' but maybe you can explain them further, or post some links because in heated discussion, quick jabs have little lasting value. Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe i'm not, so instead of just brushing this all aside, I'm really curious how you piece it all together. I want to believe it's all a big plot tied together with a series of little plots...because i want to have faith in humanity as being clever. Part of me things it's just laziness and fear coming together that's holding us back. We stand at a great time for Humanity where religion and secularity can learn a lot from oneanother and prosper. Sure there was some islamophobia in the thread earlier, but it felt to me like more poking fun than really bashing muslims. I felt that we bash everyone fairly equally...well except for the jews, which is kind of unfortuante since i think there's always room for more creative use of marx brothers photos.
  17. really? cause that would really curb any new spending and would almost preclude a conservative government staying in power. i think you're just being stubborn.
  18. I don't - and It sure would. That being understood, as well as support for small and medium sized business, letting the auto industry fall on its face in Canada would be really damaging to our overall Economy. You gonna be able to handle a 15 year depression without bitching about it if they let it go?
  19. That's really not a lot of money.
  20. The album I have/had (where the hell is it?) was a tight record. It's about 5 years old and I wonder if they've cut a lot of new songs for this show/these shows...
  21. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    This really does seem to mirror religion and politics... Talks about sides working against oneanother, the realization that there are great opportunities for the sides to come together and learn something and help one another, bickering, bringing up points that have little direct value, making up but still failing to compromise or concede when some perspectives on wisdom are more appropriate... ..."My "knowledge" will get you nowhere, YT." As long as I know you're a Sage of Sages, TB.
  22. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    I think the 'right wing agenda' surpasses religious ideology, and utilizes religious ideology. Where are you going with this? It doesn't really seem to have a place or direction in the whole thread. You've definitely pieced a lot of things together, but what are you trying to discuss? It doesn't have to be an 'us versus them' thing. We're not members of parliament after all. I think you probably have a lot of really useful things to say but when the discussion goes from same old same old to positive to not realizing that photo was a mule (i thought it was a horse) to fire and brimstone, I don't really understand what those things are, cause to me most of what you spouted at Birdy was pretty useless. Now Dude, what can you do with your knowledge to move us past all this silly bickering?
  23. It's gonna be a challenge either way. I hope the problem is solved intelligently without spite and malice.
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