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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. "2. What about the by-products? Nuclear energy is clean all they until you get to the left-overs which isn't clean at all. What about this process? Plastic isn't just gas, it has other things in it..." Well the leftovers are the tailings. from mining. the 'waste' that people think of can be put into the reactor with thorium to turn back into uranium, and then expended again before more thorium is needed to recycle it. No need to mine for more uranium!!! so no more tailings... ...so you're very incorrect MattM. I hope you're very happy about this. Cause I am and the nuclear plants should be. No more bad PR...it's just more costly than mining new uranium.
  2. black friday sales at musicians friend...call for details. PM me and I'll look in my email inbox for the number for you.
  3. "Is[not] the answer to this question economically proven as 'No'" Hasn't been proven - only illustrated. I can illustrate myself having a giant erection with a bright pink bow on it and then re create it live, but that doesn't prove I'm sustaining it right now.
  4. "Canada can't socially or economically afford to have another election. " How can you prove that? Perhaps we can. You're just presuming that we're almost out of money - there's always a lot of money SOMEWHERE and Canada's always been good at finding it. "54% didn't vote for a coalition, they voted for three entirely different, individual parties." But they voted for 3 entirely different parties to get something accomplished. I think you're just being stubborn.
  5. i wonder if that guy has a whole line of funny picket retorts
  6. http://sciencestage.com/v/200/-science-technology-tesla-wireless-power-energy-physics.html
  7. People aren't not buying camaros because the fuel consumption...if they're going to buy a performance vehicle they'd wind up buying something cooler but that is a bitchin' camaro. I think the high end landscapers have company trucks or work vehicles, as it's easy to set one's self up with a small business license. To not blame wasteful hiring practices and to be a tradesman is a bit of a conflict of interest, no? we should be making vehicles that can at lest double the claims made there but it's not the case of camaro versus civic, it's releasing available technology and the big 3 admitting there's a coup against the consumer just won't happen. 1931 electric car, 90MPH, POWERED BY RADIO! Every inch of this current mess is a waste - even our time talking about it cause it shouldn't have come down to it being a topic of discussion like this. But hey - i guess somebody's gotta fuck it up big for them to smarten up. Maybe it's great that we get to see this and have the example to work with.
  8. Ushering in funding for another election?
  9. That's the only bad review i've seen of it. I think Matt Shockley has problems bigger than his apogee. Rode makes some good mics. Def. check out the links.
  10. Isn't the success of THIS minority government dependant on the Bloc? So what?
  11. +1 for Signal path. Here's a nice set of Nadys (small diaphragm and ribbon) Versatile and cheap Who wouldn't want one of these? This is my favourite microphone ever. I think that I'd have a really cool and useful mic library when it'd come down to it. Someday...Nothing right now. Here's the interface that's on my Wish List. But it's FireWire only...so I'm looking at getting a Mac when it's all said and done. Simple, easy, versatile, and streamlined. I guess if there's any advice I could give is to Keep it Simple. take as much as you can away and then smooth out what's too rough and scratchy before adding anything new. Plugins and processing can work as a bandaid solution when you need it, but if yu can get around it with smart editing and little fixes then you'll save your computer a lot of grief, and you'll save yourself from hiding the mistakes you'd otherwise be able to fix...and never get it quite right while your tracks could be entirely usable. Why rerecord when you don't really need to, eh?
  12. We'd also be paying the salaries of the people that make the case for the janitors and landscapers. Lawyers are very intelligent people.
  13. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    d_jango - I'm not frustrated and really, I haven't been by anyone here. I pretty much expected all of this...BUT the fact that you were frustrated, with my apologies, was - if anything - part of my 'social experiment' All these conspiracies and history lessons and the incessant debate has all shown (to me at least) to be a giant distraction...but 'culpability'? Main Entry: cul·pa·ble Pronunciation: \ˈkəl-pə-bəl\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English coupable, from Anglo-French cupable, culpable, from Latin culpabilis, from culpare to blame, from culpa guilt Date: 14th century 1archaic : guilty , criminal 2: meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful Wrong? Harmful?? This term doesn't really have genuine merit in context. You didn't seem snippy to me, d. In fact, your 'snippiness' must have only served to upset you and cause you distress...so if there's any guilt to be had in that case it is entirely unfortunate (but pretty appropriate in a thread about religion) "And your colourful imagery can be distracting, rather than illuminating, to what you are attempting to communicate to anyone who doesn't live entirely inside of your head." It's stuff like this that entertains me the most, as my life inside my head (some people call it imagination, some people call it feeling, and to others it's an aspect of G-d) is entirely my own and is difficult at best to share in a concise manner. I guess that's one of the reasons I wind up making off colour remarks about Eugenics and Nazi atrocities. Involving you in the 'inside' jokes or little remarks that make me smirk just boil down to a lot of 'you've gotta be there' so why not get people talking instead of debating. Cause it's really not about proving I'm not funny, making me feel guilty about my joke, or finding a way for me to accept culpability when the only harmful part of the whole situation is how we've been socialized and taught to feel offended and threatened by vivid and disturbing thoughts and ideas. If some colourful imagery derails you then you weren't on the tracks to firmly to go around the corner. So why not talk about it? At least one person publically stated a feeling of uneasiness about saying anything. Why even say anything then? Just because there's carnage doesn't mean there aren't other aspects of the trainwreck that can be looked into. So to many people, just being involved in a discussion and subsequent confusion and challenge would be frustrating, but I find it quite liberating at times, because - at the very least, it's good to know if it was human or mechanical error. This fire of religion, politics, social distress, and aspiration is what drives us to not give up and to feel whole. It's what we long for. It's what fuels crying fits, make up sex, and maybe even the fire in some young girls' eyes. It's our complacency that puts that fire out. Just because we don't have the answers and don't want to find them for ourselves it doesn't mean that we can't and shouldn't ask. Sometimes it leads uf to better questions and helps us feel more comfortable and stronger in talking about a lot of otherwise difficult issues. I hope that your giant liver and I can tip a glass of something with at least as much bite as Triumph the Wonder Dog.
  14. what kind of advice are you looking for? Pretty vague request, Jay. What kind of things are you getting hung up on? What are you looking to improve upon? What do you want to be able to do that you're not. I bet there are a bunch of people here with some great advice but they probably need a little direction for their direction.
  15. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    My Grand Social Experiment! I wonder how big your skulls are. Maybe there's a connection between the size of your livers and how you react to the work 'knew' as opposed to the phrase 'might think that' and maybe there's a way to gauge the parts of your brains that react to the thought of being 'tricked' Glad my name's not Eugene when all of this come around. YT Said: I wonder how many people would opt to buy local goods if they knew that part of the money they spent on their food might fund Zionism.
  16. "read this and you will understand the metaphor behind the second coming of Osiris" I wonder how many of the people that yammered on debating the osiris article took literature classes in University/College.
  17. But the beef Shwarmas get to eat the infidels.
  18. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    WitchDoctor/Shaman...what's the difference? Without reproducing hatred? that's not up to me. I'm not hating anybody and i didn't affirm that I did. Political correctness has its place but not in a frank discussion, which is obviously my aim. I know IBM and Ford are corporations. Where's the accountability? We're gonna have to make some to take care of all this crap. Unfortunately some people are too preoccupied with maintaining a status quo.
  19. Kazakhstan passes restrictive religion measure AP foreign, Wednesday November 26 2008 By PETER LEONARD Associated Press Writer= ALMATY, Kazakhstan (AP) - Kazakhstan's lower house of Parliament approved controversial legislation Wednesday to increase government control over religious groups, drawing criticism from a major international group Kazakhstan is to lead in 2010. Rights groups say the amendments to the country's law on religion will hinder religious minorities in the sprawling Central Asian country and could force some of them out of existence. Kazakhstan, where Muslims and Christians each make up about 45 percent of the population, has sought in recent years to cast itself as an active promoter of religious tolerance. But some Christian communities — including Baptists and Lutherans, largely from the ethnic German population — have come under government scrutiny. Foreign Christian missionary activity, which flourished after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, is also viewed with suspicion by Kazakh authorities. All deputies in the lower house are members of President Nursultan Nazarbayev's party. But the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe urged Nazarbayev not to adopt the legislation. Under the amendments, which must be passed by the upper house and signed into law by the president, missionary activities would be curtailed and fines for unregistered religious organizations sharply increased. The amendments also would restrict the right to publish religious literature to approved organizations. "It is disappointing that the law was adopted in such a hasty way without making full use of broad consultations with civil society and expertise from the international community," said Janez Lenarcic, director of the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. Other measures include requiring children to provide written authorization from their parents to attend religious events. Failing to adhere to the law will be punishable by a fine equivalent to 50 times the minimum monthly salary. Parliament's approval of the legislation comes just one day after an OSCE expert team agreed with the Kazakh Justice Ministry to draw up recommendations on the law. Kazakhstan last year secured the right to chair the OSCE in 2010 by promising to improve democratic standards in the country, but critics say the government has adopted few concrete measures in meeting its obligations. "The law completely contradicts OSCE commitments in the area of human rights," said Felix Corley of the Norway-based Forum 18 religious rights organization. Changes to the law on religion follow a broader pattern of weak democratic freedoms in former Soviet Kazakhstan, Corley said. "The government in Kazakhstan wants to control everything that moves in society, whether in the area of religion, politics or economics. It does not like organizations it cannot control," he said. Kazakhstan hosted an international forum on religious rights in 2006, swiftly building a 250-foot (77-meter) glass pyramid-shaped venue costing more $65 million in the capital, Astana, in time for the meeting. But religious freedom advocates maintain the government is behind this year's campaign of negative media coverage of Hare Krishnas, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Scientologists — all of which have a minor presence in the country. "The government seems to regard religion as potentially a source of opposition to its rule, something that undermines the homogeneity of society and could cause instability," Corley said.
  20. I think if it were in the politics forum people would've read it differently. from 'this can't be true and i have to tell everyone' to 'here's another example of similarities between folklore and reality'
  21. no they were chicken dogs. not maple leaf, maple lodge farms. all chicken. my new favourite wiener
  22. Give Darren a wedgie. His yelp'll probably make you smirk a little.
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