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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. imagine being the guy that just let it all fall flat on its face. Imagine the threat to your security. Imagine trying to get a job after that. Imagine your conscience.
  2. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Isn't this thread supposed to be about Religion and Politics? Church and State? Forward Moving Discussion? Why do you keep bringing up the Right Wing Agenda, TB? I know that I've written some ridiculous, bloated, meandering posts in my time but it's discussion like yours that keeps a Politics Forum entirely irrelevant to most people on this site. You seem to be lashing out a bit more than the discussion warrants. Puppies and rainbows, buddy.
  3. Sushi. Homemade Guacamole and Fresh Salsa nachos Cheese/Salami/Hearty bread. Bean, rice, and Potato Burritos.
  4. Consumers didn't DEMAND SUV's and big cars. They were SOLD them...not a difficult sell. Who doesn't like driving big overpowered cars? Get used to a Yukon and then try having to have sex in the front seat of a Honda Civic. You can't blame the consumers on this one.
  5. That's right. Currently the field is fairly even, but years and years of BETTER product, and BETTER branding have finally worked their way into our driveways...cause when the Japanese cars stand up better as USED cars we understand that there's a reason that people bought that corolla for $5000 more than the Chevy cavalier. It's the wavering stance of the automakers and their inability to look 15 years in the future. It's the lack of financial padding and adjusting to world markets. It's not just the unions. I just heard about a program that ensured autoworkers a wage for 48 weeks with an option to renew for years if s/he were laid off. i don't remember what it's called, but it's significant. At the time it was used as a bargaining chip in a plant strike, but now...just think about what this is gonna cost... On the flip side of the coin, that program would have been the perfect incentive as a part of a checks and balances system...so companies can MAKE SURE to not have to shut down factories. What have the big 3 done to ensure that people would buy their products over everyone else? nothing. The potential for Ford, GM, and Chrysler to make the best products in the world (and really, with the money they had and made it was definitely an option) was pissed away. deny the bailout request with an unwavering tone until they have a plan that will bring strength back to Canada and the US, with strong focus on building affordable commuting vehicles, public transit, mass transit, and a promise and a plan to push for pedestrian and cycle options for urban planning around the continent. They need to ensure they can give a lot more back to the communities they've failed to work for. As such an important pillar in the economies of Canada and the USA, they have a lot to be held accountable for. I would love to see what happens if they just let it fall to shit. It isn't going to happen. Too bad for the powers that be, addicts need to hit rock bottom before they can really pick themselves up. truly a shame.
  6. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    someone more famous and more intelligent than me? Wasn't it God? "have no other gods before me" (quit yer fighting)
  7. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    TB wants to be bigger than Jesus and come on a horse. What's that called...Lennon Complex? I think that equating God with Love is essentially the most important part of the puzzle. Because Jesus was born to Mary out of wedlock (At that time women out of wedlock were still referred to as Virgins) and Joseph fathered a Bastard Son, then Jesus was the true son of Love. God. Sure Jesus was an awesome guy. I can only imagine how cool his old man was. After all, he was the guy that ALWAYS had a virgin. Yay God! I often think it's the most peculiar that the world's 3 monotheist religions are based on the same God, same stories, same place...well, 4 if you count Rastafarianism, which probably deserves more than it's given. And aside from the Rastas, they're the most divisive powers working against one another - especially within themselves. So this upcoming Holiday season, tip a glass to Joseph as much as you will for Jesus. Like Father like Son!
  8. they have the toaster set to 'black ring, slightly warmed bread' I like the butternut squash soup... too bad it's hard to find. Otherwise, it's just another fast food joint.
  9. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    while still having the ability to achieve professionally
  10. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    How can we bring more quiet spaces to every corner of cities and towns? How can we have prayer rooms and meditation rooms integrated into urban planning and professional design? does it have to be a gov't mandate? if not, how can we ensure people have the opportunity to live their lives as they desire?
  11. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Too bad the feeling is 'why should we' instead of 'how do we'.
  12. could be fluffier. wave that flag!
  13. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    Well...governments should probably recognize how special life is and how fortunate they are to have the privelege of working to improve it. To me that's what the essence of 'the will of god' is. Bringing people together with the essence of goodness and support. Who wants a hug?
  14. Beavers eat their own feces.
  15. There's a big Fuzzy Muff... pi. I guess it'd be easier if she were wearing a hat like this
  16. SaggyBalls

    yayyyyyy God

    "No one is saying that you cannot allow your religion to dictate your morality, they are saying that freedom of religion should provide all of us with a certain amount of freedom. If you are free to tell me that me soul is doomed, I should be free to say that your God is dead. But your God should never be permitted to decide if I am a criminal." +1 "But just surfing around on the internet, i've found the following little titles for secularist blogs: God is for Suckers Kill the Afterlife Angels Depart Daily Bible versus 2007 Kingdom of Heathen Religion is Immoral Your Religion Sucks HOW do such titles lead to a more inclusive society? Is secularism one big hypocritical joke? I'm starting to think secularism is a failed ideology/philosophy for what's its trying to accomplish." +1 It seems as though we all want to get past all of the issue at hand and the polarization of the positions. Who's gonna be the better people? Hopefully us.
  17. maybe you get to fuck her hat.
  18. it's not economic analysis, it's business model analysis. This argument has no bearing on the topic at hand. You're just miffed that the tix are expensive.
  19. Quit yer whinin and Rub one out aready. It's a pretty cut and dry answer to make some defined changes and motion to appease the ecnoomy and our environmental woes. Don't be so distractionary you pervert.
  20. Oh and Tooly...get a pinup of a lovely lady with her hands in a big fluffy muff...you know, the tube that ladies used to use to keep their hands warm in the winter? Like that but perhaps less undressed...at least keep a modicum of class. Maybe find a way to put a lamp behind her. How appropriate that this is the fuzz I'll probably wait around for.
  21. Fuzz...it's pretty classic. If you start building gated fuzz pedals with a buffered direct out you'll be making some highly sought after boutique distortion...for bass players at least. I suggest the direct out for any effects with externally controlled envelope following. Put a ring mod and Octave before, an envelope filter after the fuzz, phase and then tremolo and you've got some crunchy synthy bliss.
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