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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. "The problem isn't just pollutants, it's space in our cities as well. Gridlock is going to continue to worsen if we keep supporting the culture of big vehicles like SUVs that mostly sit parked and empty, or taking up huge amounts of road space for individual drivers." Sure LM, but that's really distracting from the immediate problem. Yours is the part of a hollistic approach to society and the problems in ever-growing urban areas. Perhaps the big 3 could build public transit. Perhaps they could be forced to pay back their bailout with funding to public transit. Perhaps they could make bicycles But really, the problem is economics right now, and they can push the green technology forward to make it attainable for the rest of the industry. More tiny cars. www.aptera.com More rideshares, more car co-ops, Green Taxis, Trolley Buses... People need cars because urban planning for the most part is geared to the automobile - not the pedestrian, cyclist, or public transit rider. we need a push on that as well. Infrastructure that allows for less idling, and less time on the road - optimized for flow and efficiency. A 4 day work week would keep commuters off the road a bit more too. But the task at hand is saving a pillar of our economy. We don't yet have an economy that can sustain such a loss. It's up to Gov't, communities, and Industry to make the changes necessary that will ensure we're not ever able to be unprepared for economic disaster. There are enormous energy solutions available to ensure that we can grow all of our own food locally. Hydroponic hothouses could grow fresh food everywhere. Power them with geothermal, wind, hydroelectric, solar, or Tidal energy...so petty much everywhere... Look into Nikola Tesla's work. If you aren't a disbeliever, then you'll see that there's no need for anyone to have to pay anyone for power. Here are 2 more tangible examples of energy potential.
  2. From a bass nerd messageboard: The only effects cliff ever used were wah, fuzz, delay (damage inc intro) leslie (orion intro) and i remember having a live bootleg from 85 which i'm sure he also used some kind of octave splitter on bells. From Wikipedia: Effects Chrome Tel-Ray Morley Power Wah Fuzz. (discontinued since 1983) Electro-Harmonix Big Muff. So do you mean delay or do you mean rotating speaker, nattyMatty?
  3. Maybe they could persuade Jean Charest to come over to the national Liberals.
  4. we all wind up dead in the end. it's the middle up to right before the end that you didn't like Sharon.
  5. do you mean modulate? like with a tremolo or 'rotary speaker' effect? or are you talking about vibrato technique?
  6. Be wary of overdoing it. A half turn at a time.
  7. Because civil unions are a new concept, they do not instruct business, the courts or other agencies how to apply the centuries of kinship-related doctrine, custom and law to these arrangements which is one of the primary differences cited between marriage and civil unions.[8] yay wikipedia This is also helpful: union vs. marriage
  8. come on...they still have civil unions. What's the difference? Spelling?
  9. You may have to intonate your bass. A setup is always good but you could probably do that yourself with the right allen keys and screwdriver. I don't think there are any cons to changing strings. If the gauge is the same there might be very little to setup. I say go for it. Flats are great.
  10. I always thought that was more the mains than the amp setup. When playing with a band like Moe. it would be tricky to push clarity and not compete in the spectrum. Deerhak seemed like a real rock jamband player.
  11. So Rob Deerhak has 2 synths(boss and electro harmonix), a sweet delay, the Pigtronix EP-1 (an envelope following phaser), Moog Low Pass Filter, Moog Phaser, Wooly Mammoth Fuzz, and Fulltone Bass Drive (as well as a tuner, amp footswitch), Maybe he's playing through a new amp, but I always loved the tone he got out of that MesaBoogie. Big huge amps...make me wish I had a need for a roadie.
  12. It's unfortunate that Canada doesn't have the right to bear arms in our society.
  13. 'they are elixers after all'?? dude they're guitar strings I guess if you're buying elixers then guitar strings are a significant expense...cause you only change em twice a year...
  14. Sure. That's always part of the reason. Osiris or not (and how you take that...if it's a fabricated victory or the universe coming together...I am more inspired by the latter), there's always more sides to stories like these than we understand or know about. Like the child that's inspired by his uncle that lived his life to finally shake the hand of a man that would truly inspire peoples' faith in opportunity and their neighbours, or the guy that gets into the accident with another car on the way to an Obama Rally instead of hitting a little girl that jumps into traffic...who would make Free Energy a reality for the world. Think yourself a realist? What is real?
  15. With perspective it all fits into place. Religious or spiritual figurehead, there are reasons we look up to these people. Take the historical or religious texts literally or figuratively, it's your own choice...but it all happens for a reason.
  16. Oh... and to point out for Birdy... "Seconded. Thanks for posting this MOBE... it was an interesting read. People who have the gift to inspire as many people as Obama has are very rare, and probably come to surface once or (if you're lucky) twice in a lifetime. I find it interesting to think (if you let your mind think it) that there might be a reason for these people to come out and say what they have to say... if you think about what's going on in the world when they made their marks... Winston Churchill.... Martin Luther King.... Barack Obama.... there's a trend in good and inspirational people who seem to sprout up and gain support when bad sh!t goes down." There was no praise for the article, but a 'that was an interesting read' Interesting read? you know when you watch a movie with your mom and when you ask her how she liked it she says 'that was different' ...
  17. I say that we should tell all of our friends in Vancouver to go and counter protest on Nov. 28th at 1212 Commercial Drive. Get all the pixies and faeries to get out with big signs, hula hoops, and rollerskates. I bet they could make some hilarious signs.
  18. take them raise them and when someone pisses you off, take them to their house in the night and toss them in their back yard or in their window.
  19. That whammy bar epic wouldn't have worked on anything the same as it did on Fareed's Moog Guitar Moog Guitar
  20. Unfortunately, the personification of what happens in the universe to come is through prophecy, and are easily unbelieved and dismissed by people that think they really understand 'reality' Tin foil Hats?? Whatever, buddy. The beliefs and symbology of history and the past tend to be entirely relevant and more interesting with the perspective of time that we have to shed on them, hold them to be literal or figurative. To say that the times that are just around the corner, the many prophecies that relate to this time and the hotspots of diplomacy/military don't interelate with religious lore and power structure are irrelevant and crazy is selling everything short. While I find that the personification of divinity through religion and folklore and their definitions to be unfortunate, they are necessary for many people to relate to the stories and their themes. As far as the 'true believers of christ' being saved, there's an element of forgiveness in christianity that seems to permeate through more than the many other religions purport themselves to, and I believe that it is really in the way we hold ourselves and experience life that will save us when the 'end times' come...whatever that means. I'm glad that M.O.B.E. posted that, as I'd rather have several perspectives in which to look at the next decade instead of feeling stuck with the tunnel vision that seems so prevalent.
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