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Everything posted by SaggyBalls

  1. " they're further hampered by an overly narrow ideological base that makes it difficult to attract a broad array of new Canadians, green Tories and progressives." Andrew Steele obviously never read 'Vision Green' How frustrating to see this: If voters primarily concerned about the environment want to effect real change, here are five things they need to do: 1. Think pragmatically, not idealistically. If the climate crisis is to be addressed, there isn't time for the Greens to grow into a national force. And there certainly isn't time to hold out for perfection. Ideals need to be established. In times like these, many people may not have a firm grasp on their ideals. 2. Think in terms of ridings. Seats, not votes, are the critical measure of success in Canadian politics. Rather than blaming the rules of the electoral system, consider how to get more pro-environment MPs elected. Votes breed votes which eventually breed seats. The rules of the Electoral system are outdated and as a National Party, Green must be across the country. It's a slow process. Green Voters have long term goals in mind...and will vote time and time again. 3. Demand environmental leaders stop working at cross-purposes. You will find prominent environmentalists in the Greens, NDP, Liberals, Bloc, even a few in the Conservative Party. Stop letting them split the vote. How do we do this? Demand the disolution of Partisan Politics? 4. Consolidate behind a major political party that can form government. By becoming a significant portion of the governing party's coalition, your issues will take added precedence in decision making. You won't win every debate, but your ideas will often find their way into action. Consolidate? that's ultimately undemocratic. Green Voters vote green because THAT'S what they want. They want their Green Vision to become a more integral part of this country's system. 5. Stop talking down to people. Prominent environmental politicians from Stephane Dion to Jim Harris have an unfortunate habit of adopting a morally superior tone when preaching to the unconverted. Attitudes, values and salesmanship matter, and no one likes to be blamed. Accentuating the positive as "bright greens" call for - and Elizabeth May typically does - is the ticket in a democratic society. Talking down to people? They happen to be correct about the issues and they've only gained these votes by not letting go of their ideals and their correctness. The Green Party is essentially a Grass Roots party and would most likely do most good on a smaller scale, but the Green Party of Canada is a National Party and as their current 'fringe' element only serve to be a sounding point for the ideas the party supports. I would much rather be involved with a greener municipal government and political party, as Urban Planning and Community support is where the Green Party truly excels. I'd vote for you, Brad. You seem like the kind of genius that the Green Party would try to attract to be a leader. Probably the ideal kind of guy to be an independent too. Ever think about getting into local politics?
  2. Yet about 10% of all Canadians voted Green. If we had Proportionate representation we would see a much fairer Government.
  3. Scientific Name: Amphilophus citrinellus Family: Cichlidae Origin: Central America, southern Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras Adult Size: 12 inches (30 cm) Social: Aggressive Lifespan: 15+ years Tank Level: Bottom, Mid dweller Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallon Diet: Omnivore, prefers live foods Breeding: Egglayer - open spawner Care: Intermediate pH: 7.0 Hardness: soft to hard Temperature: 72-77 F (22-25 C)
  4. Would it be fair to presume that Bokonon would appreciate a living wage?
  5. In fact, this is precisely the mentality and reasoning (or lack thereof) that keeps unskilled workers on the lower rungs of society. If people don't want to try, don't care, then they should be handed a living wage. It's not an excessive amount. It's more than the <$550 a month that the system allots now, but even then that's a maximum of $350 for lodging leaving less than $200 to eat, clothe one's self, use public transit, and do little else with. With the hurdles and other conditions lacking access to people living less than cramped lives, the socioeconomically challenged are doomed to social disease. If you want to work then you'll make more money. If you want to volunteer then you'll do some good. If you are working towards a non-lucrative aim in your career path then you shouldn't be forced to change your career. That is unfair and has held people back for as long as the economic power struggle is old. With the problem of poverty eliminated, we can move on to more important, difficult decisions. Eliminating extreme poverty is a very easy problem to fix. It just takes investment and ironing out the kinks. Personally, I believe that one should be contributing to society or striving to - sick people, the mentally challenged, the underqualified, and the unskilled all have hindrances that keep them from working or volunteering, let alone ever making enough money to live sustainably from. More pressing is the living wage to support the UNDEREMPLOYED. So say you have a crappy mcjob and don't have the skills or experience to get something more. And have to pay rent. And eat. And your job is causing you stress and distress, as it's a mcjob. and you only get enough hours to scrape by. Try quitting your job to find work or finding suitable work in such a state. So, Bokonon, you focus at the drain of 'welfare bums' doing nothing to pull themselves up, but fail to recognize some of the key issues that lead people to not have access to support or understanding of how the system works, and also fail to recognize that a cycle of despair and malaise about being in poverty does nothing to elevate a person towards achieving for his/herself, let alone right beside the gold ring. You're a great presence Bokonon, but that's one of the points that the Green Party had bang on and it takes the correct understanding and practice of compassion to even just understand that. While 'leaching' off society may seem horrible, that's the only position most people stuck with assistance as a means of survival have, as it is an affliction rather than a transitory tool. Best of luck understanding that point. I feel that when we finally get past this rut of poverty we will finally work on developing a supportive, peaceful, healthy nation. If nobody has to fight then more people will work together.
  6. I guess some Lefties sob openly. Personally, I prefer to wet myself in other ways.
  7. I think it's laughable that a separatist party are officially part of a federal election. It doesn't make sense to me and I resent our laws that allow it. On the other hand, the Bloc have done wonders for Quebec and should pave the way for more geocentric parties. It's not really all that hard to sway the rural/bedroom community, and blue collar vote. It just takes persistance and hitting those fear button issues. The Conservatives have failed in every MAJOR urban centre...places where cultures and social classes overlap and people more freely communicate with people that are different than they are. A lot can be said for the media socialization of urban/rural voters and also the advantages and luxuries that modern voters have that they don't want to think about giving up (big car, kooshy job, freedom to not address a need for a change of lifestyle and ideals) While this isn't the end of the world it's also not entirely positive. It could be worse, but that's what most of the country voted for because it *could* be worse. Too bad most of Canada isn't willing to take a chance on being much better. A few years of hardship isn't really the worst thing for us. I don't even want to imagine how luke warm the next term and few subsequent terms will be because of the lack of progress an Economist as PM is bound to bring. I think we need someone that snowboards to run for PM. Somebody that can get people to take chances. It's about time for everyone to send out some good vibes to get what we want. New Seats for the House of Commons?
  8. Lovely! Best of luck getting to play it!
  9. I'd totally piss everyone off by eating all the Stuffing and talking about how awesome it is. How come you folks just don't know enough to make more stuffing. Bread is cheap. So is celery, raisins, poultry seasonings and onions. If there were more stuffing then people wouldn't be eating so much turkey (i guarantee you folks would need more wine to deal with it)
  10. Just remember: It's UP to you!
  11. Best of luck, Bro. From South of the Queensway... .r.
  12. people that don't care to pull themselves up shouldn't be left down on the ground. If they're able to have less stresses about their position and have some more advantages to pull themselves up then, in theory, they will be more successful. Keep in mind these people often have children...by accident or not. A Guaranteed Livable Income would be a huge plus for the starving artists in the country. Poets, painters, Sculptors could then focus on their work and focus on achieving their dreams. As people succeed, they would no longer require government assistance. Sure people would abuse the system. Things would not change...but the money would still be spread around the economy. It wouldn't be a huge jump in spending across the board. I hope you have another pair of shoes. this could be implemented in the next decade as politicians begin to realize supporting citizens in every way is a huge plus to any thriving society. Again, people that don't care won't ever care and it's not healthy for us to impose ourselves upon them. These people shouldn't be left to rot and decay and get sick because we're gonna have to ride on the bus with these people or walk past them on the sidewalk. I don't need to get a cold cause some welfare bum can't afford to eat properly or pay for heat, buy socks, or mittens for wintertime. Ultimately, it's generous and warmly fair. It is less miserly to be fair. The funding for social programs can be found and made if situations demand them. Not what taxpayers want to think about, but taxpayers could really be thinking about how they can make more money and how the government can attract higher salaried positions to their lives instead of worrying about spending...aim high, not low. A Guaranteed Livable Income would combat underemployment, which is a really serious social issue in many parts of the country. I was just thinking how much Bokonon reminds me of Birdy. Good Call, Trogdor. I believe that this country should do much more to eliminate poverty. With poverty being gone, we could only focus on securing prosperity for posterity. (not with the SPP...but under our own means)
  13. It's not really obvious Hux. She's merely acknowledging the split of the left/centre and doesn't want to alienate strategic voters. In acknowledging the problem with our voting system it will give more reason to look into changing it.
  14. It depends on whether or not someone votes for who s/he thinks has the best chance of winning, or preventing someone to win or voting for what they really want. Voting out of fear or displeasure rather than hope, optimism, and opportunity doesn't leave a good taste in anyone's mouth. Don't forget to brush, folks.
  15. And Hux...it hasn't continued to keep him out of office. It may have worked once but I was speaking in present tense. Strategic voting isn't really succeeding. Too bad it's really the last tool the Liberals have to win this one. I really like Dion and think that there won't really be a 'good' time to implement the necessary changes the Liberal Party (and to a greater extent the Green Party) intend to bring to Canada. Too bad Canada is so scared of things that won't really hurt us that bad. The needle just looks big - It's always how steady the nurse is anyway. There's a big juicy vein popping out of the right arm of this nation and when the juice'd start flowin' we'd all know it's not so bad. Out hearts would stop fluttering and when it's all over we'd get a sweet treat. It'd be a different thing if we weren't as prepared as we are...like the States...Can't squeeze blood from a stone, eh?
  16. If you want to vote one way but vote another way just to block a conservative from winning is diluting your own deep seeded preferences. I'm not trying to get people to not strategically vote, not am I trying to guilt trip anyone into not strategically voting. But as long as people continue to cheat themselves out of their own personal confidences this country will continue failing to truly empower itself and those around them. What do you want from your representative in Ottawa? Merely to beat the other guy? That's not aiming high, let alone for anything in particular. Rationalizing a choice and trying to support a maligned effort isn't the healthiest thing that we can do - en masse - to the spirit and nature of Canadian Democracy. This next Harper Government will wake this country up to the need of truly aligning ourselves to our goals, needs, and intentions and making the best choices for the long term while keeping our recent indiscretions firmly in mind.
  17. Horrific? christ, look at her feet...the poor circulation.
  18. Now Jaimoe...voteforenvironment is about voting (g)reen [color:purple]I'd hate for any strategic voters to think they're being told how to vote.
  19. I agree entirely. So I won't tell you how you can and cannot decide to cast your vote, but I am free to comment on strategic voting, just as you're free to presume I was actually trying to direct people to not strategically vote, which I now gather you are. Really, it's okay for people to be suckers. People get suckered into things every day. Although understandable it's entirely unfortunate. All these years of strategic voting hasn't kept Harper out of office and it's cost thousands of votes for other parties that voters would have voted for anyway. that's why the PC party, Libertarian Party, and other 'fringe' parties don't get the funding they could otherwise have, so strategic voting essentially cheats parties out of support they'd otherwise have if fear weren't running through the veins of Canadians every few years. It would be great if the right wing vote were as split as the left Just think! 'Election playoff' style debates! A series of debates between politicans...playoffs and finals. It'd be great for voters and great for the politicians to talk about how they'd fix things. Maybe we could vote for the theme song! Every election, thousands of voters are 'suckered' into voting for a party they wouldn't have voted for anyway... so really...Strategic Voting IS for Suckers. Not voting - is not for suckers. It's for quitters. Quitters suck at times but leave the race for the rest of us to run. To merely suck and to be a sucker is entirely different which is also entirely different than being a douchebag.
  20. They're definitely moderate. Anything else... ...Wouldn't be prudent.
  21. Hey Everybody. thanks for comin' out to see us. We're the Secret Robot War and we hope your shoes look cool. *drone*
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