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mark tonin

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Posts posted by mark tonin

  1. What tigger says.

    I'm still in a state of upset/denial/anger that Gratefulfest got moved to the Labour Day weekend, as it's highly unlikely that I'll be able to make it. And if Mike and Sharon go, I'll miss them as well. Fack, I just won't think about it right now!

    Peace, Mark

  2. Happy birthday my friend! I'm as bad with birth dates as I am with names. I know that your birthday is around this time, because it's always been tied into the May long weekend Come Together Fest. I'm going to reach into the memory bank and guess at this one ... May 20th?!? I hope I've got it right.

    Happy birthday as well to Leanne and to your daughter Ada (who is one today). It is very cool that all 3 of you have your birthdays right around this time.

    Looking forward to the next time we connect my friend ... it's been too long!

    Peace, Mark

  3. I like this thread.


    I have trouble remembering names, usernames, passwords, etc. so I wanted to keep it as simple as possible when I first signed up in the phish sanctuary days. Therefore, Mark Tonin became mark tonin on the board.

    It still makes me smile when people come up to me and say "hey there mark tonin." In most situations, it is odd to greet somebody in that way (first and last name). I remember the first few times it happened I didn't really know why and then ding ding ding the light bulb went on and I got it.

    A couple of times over the years I've thought of changing it to something else, but heck, I get confused easily and I'm sure that a name change would add to my confusion! :)

    Peace, Mark

  4. I only made it up to the festival for one day (Sunday), and even with the copious amount of rain and the chilly temperatures I had an inspiring and funtastic time.

    Here are some thoughts from my experience:

    Eric, Les and John of Caution Jam … wow! … these 3 guys hold it down and let it go in a big way! It was very cool hearing the band “stripped down†to a 3 piece to start the night …three stellar musicians making great music. Add extra musicians such as Jay Cleary and Mark Wilson for some icing on the cake!

    Snack! … totally pro! At least 5 times during their set I turned to the people around me and smiled and shook my head in awe. World music jammed out for the audience. Ironically, they would get “stuck in a jam†at times, but that can happen when you try to stretch limits. These guys could play anywhere in the world and people would dig it.

    The Tim Turvey Ensemble impressed the heck out of me. Especially Tim on the drums … he totally “goes for it†and tries to find the edge of the music which is groovy yet transcends what is happening. Loved it!

    Menno Groove started playing just after I arrived … a cool mix of danceable grooves and gritty rock and roll.

    Barefootin’ followed Menno Groove and the contrast was nice … a four-piece acoustic act, playing lots of feel good music in the spirit of the Dead.

    I had a lot of fun playing bass with the Chris Mulligan Band. People seemed to dig it, as we got lots of complimentary feedback after our set. Very inspiring! None of the guys in the band have ever been to a Come Together Fest before, and they loved the audience’s willingness to take in new music. It’s so nice to play a gig where people want to hear what is being played.

    Mark and Rick, thanks again for all that you do to make this festival happen! I ran into a number of festival “newbies†and they were all gushing about the awesome time that they were having.

    questcequecest?’s “fire pit welding project†… very cool … no, it was “very hot†and I loved how warm it made me feel on a cold night.

    Jen Evans … I don’t know if you read this message board, but if you do, thanks for the words that you wrote in chalk on the floor of the saloon just before out set. Talk about making a guy feel good!

    Mousepad, geomouse and Robin … all three of you rock in a big way!

    Gotta cut this off for now, family life calls …

    Peace, Mark

  5. I only made it up to the festival for one day (Sunday), and even with the copious amount of rain and the chilly temperatures I had an inspiring and funtastic time.

    Here are some thoughts from my experience:

    Eric, Les and John of Caution Jam … wow! … these 3 guys hold it down and let it go in a big way! It was very cool hearing the band “stripped down†to a 3 piece to start the night …three stellar musicians making great music. Add extra musicians such as Jay Cleary and Mark Wilson for some icing on the cake!

    Snack! … totally pro! At least 5 times during their set I turned to the people around me and smiled and shook my head in awe. World music jammed out for the audience. Ironically, they would get “stuck in a jam†at times, but that can happen when you try to stretch limits. These guys could play anywhere in the world and people would dig it.

    The Tim Turvey Ensemble impressed the heck out of me. Especially Tim on the drums … he totally “goes for it†and tries to find the edge of the music which is groovy yet transcends what is happening. Loved it!

    Menno Groove started playing just after I arrived … a cool mix of danceable grooves and gritty rock and roll.

    Barefootin’ followed Menno Groove and the contrast put a smile on my face … a four-piece acoustic act, playing lots of feel good music in the spirit of the Dead.

    I had a lot of fun playing bass with the Chris Mulligan Band. People seemed to dig it, as we got lots of complimentary feedback after our set. Very inspiring! None of the guys in the band have ever been to a Come Together Fest before, and they loved the audience’s willingness to take in new music. It’s so nice to play a gig where people want to hear what is being played.

    Mark and Rick, thanks again for all that you do to make this festival happen! I ran into a number of festival “newbies†and they were all gushing about the awesome time that they were having.

    questcequecest?’s “fire pit welding project†… very cool … no, it was “very hot†and I loved how warm it made me feel on a cold night.

    Jen Evans … I don’t know if you read this message board, but if you do, thanks for the words that you wrote in chalk on the floor of the saloon just before out set. Talk about making a guy feel good!

    Mousepad, geomouse and Robin … all three of you rock in a big way!

    Gotta cut this off for now, family life calls …

    Peace, Mark

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