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Everything posted by paisley

  1. yup, English Beat had border problems: Festival of Friends - free in Hamilton this weekend running out the door for Carole Pope right now
  2. A Clockwork Orange - "I was cured all right..."
  3. the laws of physics went right out the window for a minute or two there
  4. Videodrome - "Long live the new flesh." (Bang!)
  5. lookin like I'm locked into the hammer this weekend but Ricky is like 10 of me
  6. free falling onto bouncy tents from helicopters
  7. that was actually the whole room moving around over a plain grey floor... does look very similar though
  8. Mike (and Jeff) were on fire last weekend up at the fest my morning brandy bender left me drooling on myself last night instead of roll'n into oronta
  9. English Beat cancelled (border issues) but Carole Pope, The Spoons, Don McLean, Eric Burton and The Animals and lots of others performing this weekend... can't beat free stop by the Hamilton Harlots roller derby team's booth if you make it down Festival of Friends 2007
  10. calling all Pagans! Saffron Sect find pre-Renaissance inspiration
  11. have found the proper elixir to write my manifesto
  12. congrats brah! thats gonna be some dance par-tay!
  13. a friend's birthday weds night, then round 3 am found the french brandy and wondered if it'd mix with coca-cola... next I knew things'd gotten fairly slurry... sometimes I'm my own excuse to party
  14. edited: apperently the incoherent part of the morning woo
  15. nothin like a kick in the nuts to get yer day started right! jimmy page! muddafuckers!
  16. no motivation to stab it less I'm paid well or right fuckin pissed people go wrong all over... nowhere much is pure from humans
  17. most panhandlers don't stab people without cause or fear... known lots for years, not far off from being one really (sadly yes, more devil music please) sounds like a grudge (fake panhandler)... or self defense... or mental illness all I know is panhandlers ain't the problem... those're just sadder and less pissed off than most of us... bad capitalists (almost bad as me) crazy can scare me, Booche can scare me, desperate can scare me but down on one's luck isn't scary, just sad, empty, and confusing.. kind that stab themselves before some random (usually, Saddam made it off the streets just fine... but then he read books)
  18. in lieu of finding a job yet I cast you all back from whence you came, at work likely afraid of admitting you know the babbler... FOCUS people!! Shreddy Vibes!!
  19. Naughty Boy! "Hux Vest" Google Image Search gave me on second thought its like a mirror image
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