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Everything posted by paisley

  1. yet another political VICTORY in the Land of the Free!
  2. it was nice knowing you all
  3. Happy Birthday! go buy some freaky good cherries!
  4. some less heard abouts around these parts but not fluff: United Steel Workers of Montreal - lot like The Silver Hearts, awesome in their own right Curry Guns and Maple Syurp - kinda space/prog rock-ish, floyd-ish with some more rock, great stuff from a young band (had my doubts over the confusing name at first but have been nothing but truly impressed live) Electroluminescent - sort of like Dave Lauzon, but not Dave Lauzon... awesome, just back from touring the netherlands and europe in general... have seen him a bunch of times but am freshly blown away ever new time BA Johnson - will make you smile, cry, laugh, shake your fist and dance like a ballerina all at once... epic have only seen Circuit Breaker once so don't have a lot to say but enjoyed the once... loads of energy... live drum n bass basically, nicely done Woodhands is awesome so long as its at ghost town I'll be doing my best to be there
  5. advance copies been circulating the last couple of days... great album
  6. lifehacker had this link to a pretty sound pick of the 45 best freeware graphics programs available up on the weekend 45 Best Freeware Design Programs
  7. could turn the photos into an "animated gif"... basically a changing image built of other images lots of programs out there to do such (and lots of help sites)
  8. there's a forum set aside for this type of genuine emotional expression (and yes)
  9. Canadian scientists crack Checkers code
  10. Nice! congratulations Todd and Sara!! May your shared thoughts and experiences be full of many wonders and much happiness! Cheers!
  11. that e.e. cummings had some slick: probably best to leave any shared trips to the bordello out of the speech
  12. very cool stuff post a few pics if you have the technology (and the time)... love to see it keep on truckin!
  13. thats right... tonight @ the West Town 214 Locke Street South (905) 570-1412 plannin to split my evening between there and God Made Me Funky at Pepperjacks sharing the word, am definitely overdue for taking in some of Brian's guitar virtuosity
  14. yeah, was reading about the asian parasite the other day... sounds like a very likely culprit stupid parasites
  15. if you look really hard you might see Uranus
  16. is a good time for doing a little planet gazing this week... Saturday Mars will pass very close by, not back this close until at least 2018... visible in the later hours, say between 2am and dawn and Venus is visible near the horizon around sunset for a couple more weeks venus near the crescent moon
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