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Everything posted by paisley

  1. really not any of my business as I don't know the guy personally... out of respect for his music I wish him the best good to hear you've stopped getting high
  2. seemed like Trey was hinting "I think I MIGHT HAVE A LITTLE PROBLEM HERE!" for years lots of heroin talk in interviews
  3. Pandora is shut down to Canadians now (boo)
  4. Trey's partying kept up as did his touring... but shutting down a Trey summer tour sounds a lot easier (and less emotional) than shutting down a full Phish summer run... a positive thing when having to deal with a difficult situation agree its a great thing not to hear anything for the time being
  5. Jerry always cleaned up when tour was over and he got home... everyone misses seeing him play, but they don't picture him still living by having shut down tour in 1990 in the Johnny Cash Biography, Merle Haggard defended Johnny's abuses saying people don't realize what its like playing 6 shows a week with an eight hour drive between shows, week after week, year after year... and that when you get to each show there's a lot of people who've paid good money to see you perform your "A" game... you see people leave a few shows unfulfilled, feeling let down when you were feeling tired and run down and suddenly it gets really easy to turn to chemical assistance... can be a tough thing to have millions of people totally in love with your live performance as Hartamophone mentioned above, is likely the best thing Trey could've done for his health to get out of Phish
  6. The Four Suns of HD 98800 (from Astronomy Pic of the Day) Explanation: How would it look to have four suns in the sky? Planets of the HD 98800 system, if they exist, would experience such a view. HD 98800 is a multiple star system about 150 light years from Earth -- right in our section of the Milky Way Galaxy. For years it has been known that HD 98800 consists of two pairs of double stars, with one pair surrounded by a disk of dust. The star pairs are located about 50 AU from each other -- in comparison just outside the orbit of Pluto. Recent data from the Earth-trailing Spitzer Space Telescope in infrared light, however, indicate that the dust disk has gaps that appear consistent with being cleared by planets orbiting in the disk. If so, one planet appears to be orbiting at a distance similar to Mars of our own Solar System. Pictured above is an artist's drawing of how the HD 98800 system might appear to a nearby observer.
  7. r.i.p. Ingmar... one of the greats (few months back Ingmar sent me a message on a russian graphics board I pop by, regarding a favorite book of his called 'Grid Systems in Graphic Design' written in 1961 I was discussing... pretty freaked out to say the least)
  8. right on Sara, nice call on a Quebec honeymoon, that area is beautiful, especially this time of year... congrats again!
  9. changin of the guard, are all dead now R.I.P. Tom... good work
  10. when I first lived in Toronto 20 years back I came away calling it the loneliest city in the world... towards the end of that year made some friends in a few different areas which changed everything, suddenly found it fairly easy to meet people, and felt somewhat like I had places I was welcomed... artist communities are very friendly once you get to know them... but when you're new in town and don't have any friends its really hard to just meet half-way sane people at first... easy to meet creepy people trying to mack you or putting a lot of effort into ripping you off though found it totally night and day between whether you have a social circle (even a small one) or not find it a lot friendlier nowadays, Queen St. used to be a lot more exclusive a scene back in the "don't smile, don't dance, drink nothing but Black Label in your black turtleneck" days
  11. just bumped into this "other" David Gans radio show last week called "dead to the world", some fine listens in the show archives section Higher Ground - best old school funk/groove (click the RadioShow link for show archives)... probably my favorite radio show The Public Radio Exchange - what the name says GDRadio
  12. heady vibes to Willie P. a priceless Canadian talent
  13. better looking than ever before!
  14. one fest I wouldn't miss for the world personally sincerely pumped to catch this line-up at ghost town is good to see the wall between "jam" and "indie" getting blurred, loosened up anyways... either label (terms penned by radio stations and record labels to categorize product) is often constricting and misleading am into good solid music regardless what section HMV puts it in
  15. ridiculous... particularly at a time when unarmed average Canadians trying to cross into the states are meeting unprecedented obstacles... though am sure Harper is all for it if a criminal is loose in Canada let the Canadian authorities catch him... if special American agents are needed to assist they can get a permit to carry a gun in Canada, just like the rest of Canada has to... just like the Conservatives to give American law enforcement priority above the average Canadian not to mention the fact that sometimes cops are criminals too
  16. would like to catch it but is the broke... will see if I can work something out (maybe'll kick on the lounge side, and you can pop over periodically and give me the play by play!)
  17. ya don't have to be in the union to write a post on a message board should be a great sale though, two of the best record stores in the region combined "Crazy Eddie" rippped off wall street and all his shareholders for millions then ran away overseas... eventually got caught in Tel Aviv by a female international agent who waited on his street in a short skirt with no underwear bending over her car
  18. we have a new leader :thumbup: keep up the weird work, Ari
  19. (from Stillepost) Hey Gang, This Saturday, July 28, from 9am to 5pm and Sunday, July 29, from noon to 5pm HUGE OUTDOOR TENT SALE: n the parking lot BEHIND Dr Disc and Sonic Unyon (respectively located at 20 and 22 Wilson) CDs and DVDs - priced from $1!!! DJ and PA gear BLOWOUT! Refreshments! Giveaways! and LIVE music! Bands confirmed for Saturday: Kilhuminzu www.myspace.com/kilhuminzu fire:end:water www.myspace.com/fireendwater Vatican Chainsaw Massacre www.myspace.com/vaticanchainsawmassacre Sunday acts TBA . . . . . Hey, are you in a band that doesn't suck and has a somewhat decent local following? if so, maybe you could perform at the sale! but only if you e-mail tim at sonicunyon dot com in the e-mail, please provide links to your hot sounds, myspace pages, websites, sonicbids....you know the drill If you're a music lover, you DO NOT want to miss this chance to grab up some stupid cheap bargains.
  20. Happy Birthday! have a wicked day!
  21. "You found what in the pocket!? Dammit, this must be Neil Armstrong's suit."
  22. chick rock (not that there's anything wrong with that) sprawled across his bed vocals through every song... his music makes me go on a Black Sabbath/Sex Pistols/random German industrial band binge directly afterwards in a positive light, have heard he's a very nice guy
  23. Ultra Magnus = wicked one of my favorite bands... be nice to see them with a few other people there too for a change!
  24. great photo spread you'd figure all the hapless floozies are lining up to get some jail time chasing paris' "super re-publicized" heels... par to the course mom didn't mention the pants were hers
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