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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. It's a good thing Buck will be doing play-by-play instead of colour.
  2. Buck's improved a lot as an announcer over the years; Jaime gave Fergie a run for his money in the award for Worst Baseball Announcer of All Time.
  3. Congress runs the US. We'll see how this plays out.
  4. It's a good idea Brad. I've heard it before and it could work. The CIS playoffs were killer BTW.
  5. I think they could work something out with a playoff with the Top 20-25 teams, including conference winners. I don't think the minor bowl games would go away either. I couldn't live without the International Bowl.
  6. There's been a groundswell for years reagarding the notion of installing a playoff system. The BCS was "supposed" to fix some of the problems associated with the non-playoff format. However, BCS is flawed. A major issue is money, of course. Bowls are huge revenue makers for schools and broadcasters. However, imagine how great the ratings and potential TV revenue would be if there was a big March Madness type of football playoff?
  7. Vesa didn't have much to do last night. I know he faced nearly 30 shots, but he made few tough saves. Roloson was peppered all game and kept them in it. Go Bruins!
  8. Forget Creed playing with the Grass Roots. Jimmy fuÇking Durante introduced their performance.
  9. Pretty good game last night. I got a free ticket and headed down after work. Tavares was the worst player on the ice for the first half of the game; then he woke up - he is an ugly skater though.
  10. Tireless Sedan in 2011! The Danks are a good band. They have some vintage CBGBs vibes going on with a fair bit of old school power-pop.
  11. I guess you love the new Phish downloads?
  12. "That was before my time". I hate it when a kid refers to their father as "my old man".
  13. Two of my co-workers. Vicki's friend also never turns off the baby talk. Fucking annoying as hell, although it's funny when Andy does it on The Office.
  14. Adults that speak in baby-talk.
  15. HBO renewed it so there'll a season II next fall.
  16. The series also resembles a film noir, but with comedy. Schwartzman's character is the show's writer/director, Jonathan Ames.
  17. The Brits can shove "BRILLIANT" up their asses.
  18. Any fans of this series? It's hilarious. It's about a writer (Jason Schwartzman) who moonlights as a private detective. The cast is excellent and includes Ted Danson (Schwartzman's lunatic boss) and Zach Galifianakis (Jason's tortured friend). The series is on TMN on Demand. Basically, if you like vintage Wes Anderson, you'll love this.
  19. People who say: "Expresso" when it should be "Espresso".
  20. I've seen Beck this decade and he was on fire.
  21. This phrase is used far too often too: "I was blown away" or "They blew me away". I dislike these phrases too: "To tell you the truth" (as opposed to lying?) "To be totally honest with you" (see above) "That's the way I roll" "Know what I mean" (some people seemingly use this phrase after every few sentences). The over-use of the word "random".
  22. The best part of this concert should be the two legends jamming. If you've watched the recent DVD, Jeff Beck: Live at Ronnie Scott's, then you've seen a good primer. Clapton is indeed a confident man to go toe-to-toe with Beck. Expect some Yardbirds tunes from the two, even though they weren't in the band at the same time.
  23. Bradley isn't known for his prowess with the fists, so he shouldn't have taken his eye off of that loose wire of a player.
  24. Just this year? It's been this way since for a very long time.
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