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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. You think the Jays are a bad organization? They won two World Series and compete in the toughest division in all of sports. I'm no fan of their post Gord Ash eras, but with Beeston back in charge, things are looking up. And realistically, they aren't too far away from being very competetive.
  2. Great news. I would love to have lots of Tankhouse listening to some blues in Ottawa this summer.
  3. Anthopolous is considered to be one of the young brightest young minds in baseball. If they Jays didn't offer him the GM job, some other team would have nabbed him. Obviously he's unproven as a GM, but even his recent clubhouse wheelings and dealings leaves room for optimism. You don't rise up through an organization to be GM at 33 if you are an idiot.
  4. The Hammer isn't all bad. At least you don't live in Oshawa.
  5. Roller, you should get RDS. It's available in the GTA and in HD too.
  6. With Beeston overseeing things and now with a new intellegent GM in place, the future looks a lot brighter than it did under JP's watch.
  7. Wynton Marsalis, Miles Davis, Arturo Sandoval, Clifford Brown, Louis Armstrong, Nicholas Payton, Lee Morgan.
  8. Awful awful news. This is so very sad.
  9. I don't watch the show, but I read that Stan becomes a MMJ groupie and follows the band around on the road. Several songs are featured too. It repeats on the west feed, so if you missed it and want to check it out...
  10. Henry wants to replay the game. I find that pretty uncunt-like.
  11. Until his injury, he was actually starting to play better. He'll be the captain by default since the team is full of followers.
  12. Carkner, and it was toe-to-toe until Orr landed a big shot.
  13. The Raps play Denver at 9pm. When the Leafs-Sens game becomes unbearable, you can always change channels.
  14. The fairly good undercard starts at 9pm.
  15. This is a huge fight. Pacquiao is rightly ranked by Ring Magazine as the #1 pound-for-pound in the world: anyone see him destroy the Golden Boy and Rickey Hatton? Cotto has only lost once, to Antonio Margarito, he of the loaded gloves. Cotto beat Sugar Shane Moseley and is the WBO welterweight champ. The different belts in this division mean nothing since it is the toughest in all of boxing: Shane Mosley, Hatton, Pac-Man Pacquiao (he's really a junior welterweight), Cotto, Clottey, Margarito, Berto, Zab Judah ... and a humble fellow by the name of Floyd Mayweather. If anyone is in T.O. on Saturday, I'm going out to a pub to watch the fight. I have two places in mind and both don't have a cover charge.
  16. Jaimoe


    I just voted... for Todd. Good luck!
  17. I might actually tune in right after I skip The Cleveland Show and Family Guy.
  18. Too bad Supergrass wasn't on the tribute bill. Their version of The Loner rocks.
  19. Jaimoe


    I'll do some voting from work tomorrow. Good luck and if either of you are chosen, well, I'll see you there.
  20. Paul's autobiography was just released too. It's gettting good reviews.
  21. Good comparison, although I know Pete's off-stage life never became daily tabloid fodder.
  22. He's an enigma that's for sure. I like his trio with Palladino ("The Who") and Steve Jordan (Keith Richards; original Letterman drummer). Mayer's love of Hendrix is obvious to everyone except his teenage audience.
  23. It was played and played and played on college radio back in the day - and still is - but the song was still a cross-over hit; not Top 40, but a cross-over - or breakout - single nonetheless. The Pixies abolutely weren't a mainstream band, but their sound certainly flirted with straight-up pop from time-to-time, even with Black Francis' oft-disturbing lyrics.
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