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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. Woodstock, Monterey Pop and The Kids Are Alright are three of the best music documentaries ever produced, but Gimme Shelter is one of the best documentaries, period. What a horror-show that festival was. We should be all thankful that the Maysles brothers were there to film the whole goddam mess. As great as Gimme Shelter is, SCTV's "Gimme Jackie", is perhaps the funniest music-inspired spoof. Jackie Rogers getting attacked by his hired security, the Shriners, while he's singing "The Love Boat Theme" is pure comedic gold; same with the interrogation by F. Lee Bailey.
  2. Lenny Breau would practice for 8-10 hours a day, sometimes just harmonics. John Coltrane also put in marathon practices on a daily basis.
  3. The Greeks might actually squeak through to the next round; if they do, it'll be a noisy time in my hood.
  4. From yesterday's Jim Rome show regarding Jesper Parnevik's reaction to Woods: Make room at the top, Anthony Kim. I may have just found a new favorite golfer! And his name is Jesper Parnevik. While none of Tiger woods’ peers want to get within 1,000 miles of “Tiger-Gateâ€, Parnevik jumped right in the middle of it! Parnevik, of course, was the one who introduced Woods and his wife Elin Nordegren…something he obviously regrets now: “we probably thought he was a better guy than he is. I would probably need to apologize to her and hope she uses a driver next time instead of a 3 iron.†That’s what I’m saying! And then for good measure: “…it’s a private thing, of course. But when you’re the world’s best athlete, you should think more before you do stuff…and maybe not ‘just do it’ like Nike says.†Hey-o! And while he may be in school working his way back from hip surgery, his stock just went way up in my book. Because trust me, no one else in the game is going to lay that sort of wood to Tiger. They know he’s wounded now, but that he’ll be back, never forgets, nor forgives, and they don’t want to get on the wrong side of the guy. But Parnevik doesn’t care! He knows Woods did someone he cared about horribly wrong, and feels partly responsible for it since he introduced them…so he let it rip! This cat should be fitted for a green jacket for life on the strength of that crack-back. Because there is another guy in that sport who has the guts to do it!
  5. An argument can be made that both Holmes and Tyson were just too good. However, when Tyson fought guys that weren't afraid of him, he usually lost. Not having a great chin didn't help. Holmes had the best jab in the history of the heavyweight division, but he lacked a knockout punch.
  6. Ya Dave, some of the big matchups haven't lived up to the hype for various reasons (Barerra, Roy Jones and Golden Boy being near or at the end); I did love watching the replay of Juan Diaz vs Juan Manuel Marquez (Marquez lost the first 4 rounds)... but Pacquiao-Cotto was pretty exciting - but Manny is something special and I can't see anyone beating him outside of Marquez and maybe Mayweather. But there is good boxing on TV most weeks: Boxing After Dark and Friday Night Fights normally have good bouts per week. Also, the Super Six super middleweight tournament has been generally exciting; a great idea too, having a tournament to see who is the unified champ. However, last night's live light heavyweight bout between Hopkins vs Ornelas was boring simply because Hopkins is a boring (but successful) fighter. I can't believe he's 44. As for the heavyweight division... when has it been good? It wasn't great during the Tyson years - a few legit heavyweights, some blown-up cruiser and light heavyweights (Roy Jones and Holyfield) fighters and a bunch of stiffs. Lennox Lewis was a boring fighter with a lethal right hand. The Larry Holmes era wasn't very good either since he was just far better than everyone. The real good weight classes have always been middle, welter, feather, but even light heavyweight has gotten better in the last decade.
  7. You obviously are a casual boxing fan. I've seen some incredible fights this year... and in the last dozen years. This matchup is entertaining if Mayweather doesn't run/counterpunch, which he will do. Even still, this will be one of the biggest, if not biggest, boxing matches in history - Vegas odds, PPV, Bert Randolph Sugar's prediction (if you don't know him, you don't know boxing) etc... Fuck Mayweather and his blazing speed, power, solid chin and all-round cockiness.
  8. The CBC played Tiger's phone message he left his mistress of three years. Pretty damaging.
  9. I heard the lead single and didn't care for it. I hope the rest of the album is better. I love the Keys.
  10. I wonder if Dickey will be allowed into the museum? I have to visit there soon.
  11. Jim Rome's take: If you’re looking for Tiger Woods to come correct…to just own it and to tell you what really happened when he bounced his car off a fire hydrant and a tree and his wife took a club to his back windshield, you’ll be waiting a helluva long time. Because that is never, going to happen! This guy has never said anything about anything related to golf. You think he’s going to fall on the sword and just start bumping his gums about the biggest controversy of his career?! A guy who named his yacht, “Privacyâ€?! He wouldn’t talk to the Florida Highway Patrol state troopers, so clearly he’s not talking to you or me or anyone else. Sure, after a couple of days of plotting and strategizing with his team, he finally got around to making a statement on his website. A statement where he says it was his fault and that his wife act courageously. Great! Thanks for that. Why even bother?! He should have just said, “the course looks good…my swing feels good…I like my chancesâ€. I would have gotten more out of that than what he actually posted. So he’s obviously not going to talk. Never has. Never will. And especially after something as embarrassing and as controversial as this! And, his strategy is pretty clear. They have their story. Their sticking to it! And as long as no neighbors, or witnesses, or disgruntled former Woods’ team members, or TMZ, or the National Enquirer, or anyone else comes forward with any additional info that discredits Woods or his wife, or their story, they’re just going to ride it out. Look, people are afraid this guy! Those who do know anything about him don’t want to cross him. Because they know what’ll happen if they do! They’ll get fired and cut out of the circle of trust. His neighbor, who made the 911 call, wouldn’t even mention him by name. What, like Tiger could fire you as a neighbor? Like he didn’t know who it was? One of the most famous people in the world lives on your street, but you don’t know who it is. He and his advisors know, he’s going to take some heat in the short term, but if he says nothing and no new info comes to light…the media will soon move on to the next scandal, and the spotlight will be off him. Then, he’ll get back on the course, rack wins (because you know he’ll have an even bigger chip on his shoulder) he’ll be more closed off than ever before! And once he starts winning, that will fix everything and there will be no long-term damage. The guy will do what he’s always done…grind it out and will it his way, with attitude, intimidation, work ethic and talent. Take a little heat…because this too shall pass…or at least, that’s what their strategy will be. And it’s a strategy that should work! As long as no else steps forward with any damming info!
  12. This is an awesome concert film:
  13. Indeed. If Ryerson ever gets a football team, I would cheer against Queen's, but other than that, go Gaels.
  14. How was last night's show? I'd love to see Jeff Beck's and Patti Smith's set. Buddy never disappoints either. I never thought someone could spell "peas" wrong either (See original bouche blurb): Black Eyed Pease.
  15. Myrna is too young looking to be a grandmother. Congratulations to you all. Little Nat will be getting Bruins gear from Uncle Me.
  16. I gotta work tomorrow in the day and I know Jim Rome's radio show will be gold when he has his take.
  17. Should be a good game. They were the two best teams this year. Go Saskatchewan. At least Roger and Pete won't be playing at the Grey Cup half-time show too... or are they?
  18. I don't know why Queen's dropped Golden from their name, but congratulations are in order. My Frontenacs will probaby never win a Memorial Cup and Ryerson doesn't have a football program, but as time passes, I'm happy I went to Queen's (even though I never fit in). Kingston needed a winner. Too bad TSN ruined the first 10 minutes of the first quarter due to technical problems. It was a really good game: Queen's 33 - Calgary 31.
  19. I kinda miss Swirsky, but I don't miss his Fan radio show at all. The Raps are going through an identity crisis (Jack's observation from last night is bang-on). They are a better team than they were last year, but they still live and die by jumpshots.
  20. The game last night was probably compressed to hell or it wasn't even a HD signal at all; anyone ever watched CIS "HD" games on The Score?
  21. The Bruins are having more bad luck: Tim Thomas has a broken hand.
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